Here I grow again!
woot woot!thank you ladies!!! please add me to the challenge. i started applying my mix since my previous post. i will include my recipe along with my current length pic
i used an 8oz applicator bottle and filled almost up to the 1oz mark w/my sublimed sulfur. then i added:
yeah i used alot of stuff but i'm a pj and this is a great way to use up all my stash
- splash of shikakai oil
- splash of vatika olive oil
- splash of pumpkin oil
- 1oz dabur jasmine oil
- splash of profectiv growth oil
- 1oz dabur amla oil
- splash of almond oil
- splash of peppermint oil
- 3oz african royale hot six oil
- 1oz hairveda cocasta shikakai oil
- 1oz aloe vera oil
i've been oiling my scalp at night only but i don't co-wash the next morning...i 'poo the following night, co-wash, and then restart the process
@beauti, What the wocka flocka??!! (heard someone else say that and I've been wearing it out ever since.

Are you having any reactions to that formula? And how long have you been using it? Sounds like a lot of sulfur for an 8 oz mix. Assuming sulfur powder, 1 dry ounce is 6 tsp. That's roughly 12.5% of that 8 oz. There's a warning with sublimed sulfur that anything 10% or more is likely to cause a reaction in most. I'm sure it's been said that mtg uses 5% so, a safe number would be 5-8%. Makes me a little nervous and I think you should err on the side of caution. Your hair is gorgeous. Please be careful.