2010 Sulfur Challenge

woot woot! :woot: thank you ladies!!! please add me to the challenge. i started applying my mix since my previous post. i will include my recipe along with my current length pic

i used an 8oz applicator bottle and filled almost up to the 1oz mark w/my sublimed sulfur. then i added:
  • splash of shikakai oil
  • splash of vatika olive oil
  • splash of pumpkin oil
  • 1oz dabur jasmine oil
  • splash of profectiv growth oil
  • 1oz dabur amla oil
  • splash of almond oil
  • splash of peppermint oil
  • 3oz african royale hot six oil
  • 1oz hairveda cocasta shikakai oil
  • 1oz aloe vera oil
yeah i used alot of stuff but i'm a pj and this is a great way to use up all my stash :look: i've been oiling my scalp at night only but i don't co-wash the next morning...i 'poo the following night, co-wash, and then restart the process


@beauti, What the wocka flocka??!! (heard someone else say that and I've been wearing it out ever since. :lachen:)

Are you having any reactions to that formula? And how long have you been using it? Sounds like a lot of sulfur for an 8 oz mix. Assuming sulfur powder, 1 dry ounce is 6 tsp. That's roughly 12.5% of that 8 oz. There's a warning with sublimed sulfur that anything 10% or more is likely to cause a reaction in most. I'm sure it's been said that mtg uses 5% so, a safe number would be 5-8%. Makes me a little nervous and I think you should err on the side of caution. Your hair is gorgeous. Please be careful.
How many tablespoons of sulfur do you recommend for an 8oz bottle from your experience?

@beauti, What the wocka flocka??!! (heard someone else say that and I've been wearing it out ever since. :lachen:)

Are you having any reactions to that formula? And how long have you been using it? Sounds like a lot of sulfur for an 8 oz mix. Assuming sulfur powder, 1 dry ounce is 6 tsp. That's roughly 12.5% of that 8 oz. There's a warning with sublimed sulfur that anything 10% or more is likely to cause a reaction in most. I'm sure it's been said that mtg uses 5% so, a safe number would be 5-8%. Makes me a little nervous and I think you should err on the side of caution. Your hair is gorgeous. Please be careful.
How many tablespoons of sulfur do you recommend for an 8oz bottle from your experience?

I know you weren't asking me, but I just wanted to chime in since I use pure sulfur powder mixed with oils for my own "MTG" mix. For a 4oz bottle I use a half tsp of sulfur. For an 8 oz bottle, I think 1 teaspoon would be ok, since a lil does go a long way. Depending on the consistency of the oils you're using, anywhere from 1 tsp to 1 tbsp would be sufficient. Too much can dry out your scalp and hair, doing more damage or causing more hassle than good.
woot woot! :woot: thank you ladies!!! please add me to the challenge. i started applying my mix since my previous post. i will include my recipe along with my current length pic

i used an 8oz applicator bottle and filled almost up to the 1oz mark w/my sublimed sulfur. then i added:
  • splash of shikakai oil
  • splash of vatika olive oil
  • splash of pumpkin oil
  • 1oz dabur jasmine oil
  • splash of profectiv growth oil
  • 1oz dabur amla oil
  • splash of almond oil
  • splash of peppermint oil
  • 3oz african royale hot six oil
  • 1oz hairveda cocasta shikakai oil
  • 1oz aloe vera oil

yeah i used alot of stuff but i'm a pj and this is a great way to use up all my stash :look: i've been oiling my scalp at night only but i don't co-wash the next morning...i 'poo the following night, co-wash, and then restart the process


LOL, I was impressed by your list! Dont feel bad, I mix a bunch of oils into my "MTG" as well. For a 4 oz bottle, I use the following:

-2 tbsp Dabur Amla oil
-1/2 tsp peppermint EO
-2-3 tbsp Mahabringaraj oil
-African Royale Hot 6 oil
-Sulfur 8 Loc, Twist, Braid oil
-Africa's Best Herbal oil
-1 tsp sublimed sulfur powder

*I use the last 3 oils to fill up the bulk of the bottle, and dilute the powder some. I would add more oils, but I don't have any others! In the process of building my oil stash...I'm a recovering PJ as well. :lol: I have vatika oil but it solidifies below room temp so I don't bother adding it...too much hassle to get it out of one bottle and into the next. I've used this mix for over a year now, and I must say I'm very pleased I created my own "MTG..." it doesn't have the burnt bacon smell!

I plan to get:

-JBCO, jojoba oil, almond oil, emu oil, lavender, rose, argan, macadamia nut, and rosemary oils just to start. :look:
I use a heaping tsp, (which could actually be close to 2 level tsp, realistically). I don't use a measuring spoon. I uses a disposable plastic tsp that I keep with my hair stuff. lol.
I've been stalking this thread, but I didn't realize I could still join. PLEASE add me to the list :-) I ordered the sublime sulfur last week, and plan to mix with oils.

Guess who got her sublimed sulfur in the mail today? Well, guess. That's right, ME!

I am going to add it to my oils after I investigate further.

I hope I can join this forum or I can join another one for 2011.
@ NJoy...lol@wacka flocka! thats cute....and right after i read your message along with Jewell's i went straight to my bathroom and transfered the oil in my concoction to another bottle with a little bit of the sulfur. :drunk: i honestly thought all the oils i mixed would overshadow any possible bad reaction. thanks ladies for helping a sista out!
@ Jewell girrrl...i had tons of ayurvedic oils from back when i used to be on that bandwagon and never used them up and now i'm always trying to find good use for them ie, pre-pooing, oil rinsing, this challenge :look: :lol: but also like you, i wanna replace them with other oils too! do you purchase yours online?
I'm just checking in. I'm trying to keep optimistic today about growth, however I will be mixing a new batch of sulfur tonight. I hope that I'm not using too much. I find that after about a week or two I have to take a few days off.
Can anyone one on the challenge here chime in on their measurements on the sulfur/oil.
Thank you.

@njoy, Great progress! You must be really proud.
okay ladies someone please help me out!! i have been on a quest to find the perfect moisturizer and yesterday i figured i'd mix up a lil somethin somethin. after i 'pooed my hair and conditioned, i spritzed this concoction to my damp hair, baggy bunned, scarfed it up and went to bed! well less than an hour ago i took my scarf off and....my hair is not soft like i thought it would be!! its actually pretty...hard? like not rock hard but...it feels as though i used a protein leave in or something?? :huh:

fenu thyme (Nature's Way mixture of fenugreek & thyme)

After spritzing I sealed with castor oil. What's the protein in this, ladies?? My ends felt great btw....just the length of my hair is feeling protein-y....
I also want to join ths challenge or is there one for 2011? I mixed my sublimed sulfur with a mixture oil and EVOO. And I ordered some BT. I hope to use this stuff everyday or 4 days a week at least. I am grazing SL and I want to be APL or a little past it by July 2011. Hey a girl can dream :look:.
Still using the BeeMine and Qhemet products. I'm hoping I can get to BSL by the end of the year. I will be relaxing sometime in December. This challenge has been a big help.
I've been stalking this thread, but I didn't realize I could still join. PLEASE add me to the list :-) I ordered the sublime sulfur last week, and plan to mix with oils.


Guess who got her sublimed sulfur in the mail today? Well, guess. That's right, ME!

I am going to add it to my oils after I investigate further.

I hope I can join this forum or I can join another one for 2011.

i want to join this for 2011 i ordered the sublime sulfur last night and some mtg also

Can I be added please :)

okay ladies someone please help me out!! i have been on a quest to find the perfect moisturizer and yesterday i figured i'd mix up a lil somethin somethin. after i 'pooed my hair and conditioned, i spritzed this concoction to my damp hair, baggy bunned, scarfed it up and went to bed! well less than an hour ago i took my scarf off and....my hair is not soft like i thought it would be!! its actually pretty...hard? like not rock hard but...it feels as though i used a protein leave in or something?? :huh:

fenu thyme (Nature's Way mixture of fenugreek & thyme)

After spritzing I sealed with castor oil. What's the protein in this, ladies?? My ends felt great btw....just the length of my hair is feeling protein-y....

I also want to join ths challenge or is there one for 2011? I mixed my sublimed sulfur with a mixture oil and EVOO. And I ordered some BT. I hope to use this stuff everyday or 4 days a week at least. I am grazing SL and I want to be APL or a little past it by July 2011. Hey a girl can dream :look:.

Welcome ladies!!!! I will add all of you to the list: : ) I know we only have a little over a month but still try and post your starting pics. and reggies. Due to other obligations I will not be starting a challenge for 2011. So whomever wants to get it started I say go for it!! :grin:

As as far as the measurements for the sulfur/vs oil. I usually mix about 1 tablespoon to an 8oz. bottle of oil. Anymore will tear your scalp over time. And make it very tender to the touch. Even with this mix I still had to be careful as I used down. I was to the point where I couldn't even shake it anymore because it was just too strong. In this case more oil needs to be added.

@beauti I primarily use Long Term Relationship for my moisture source, along with cowashing. And I seal it all with Castor oil. Be sure to try and keep your mix on your scalp and off your hair as much as possible.
Thanks for letting me join last minute :-)

For the winter months, I'm PS'ing using Lady P's DMM in cornrows under wigs. I co-wash 1-2x per week, & DC 1x/week. I also M & S daily. I keep my conrows in for 4 weeks, then I poo, henna & do a protein treatment before I go back into cornrows using the DMM.

I've included ceramide oils into all aspects of my reggie and have seen alot of retention from them- either my products already contain them, or I mx WGO or hot 6 oil into my M&S, CWs or DCs.

I just got my bottle of sulfer a couple of days ago :grin: and yesterday I oiled my scalp with the following sulfur mix for the first time:

-1/2 tablespoon of sulfur
-2 oz of softee growth oil
-1/2 oz of WGO
-1 oz Africa's Best Herbal Oil
-1/2 oz hot 6 oil

I BC'd in May, and am currently at around 6". Ok, here are all of my recent pics, all taken in the last 2 weeks. I have ALOT of shrinkage (like 80%), so my hair lengths can look vastly different depending on the style lol. Thanks for letting me in!!



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I think I need to do what Njoy is doing and apply it at night and cowash in the mornings! I added essential oils but the sulfur still makes me scent paranoid!
I have been applying ever since two weeks ago and the arrival of my new bald patch....:( But I am hopeful for good growth . it is the first setback i have had in 3 years .Usually I get one once a year!
Still using my MTG mix...gonna pick up some other EOs to make a secondary mix to alternate. My hair is def. growing, and the 'rows beneath my wigs really allows my hair to "rest" and thicken up, which is what I want. I got 3 new wigs within the last month, so I'm set until at least next summer! (I wear each style for a couple weeks-month then alternate). HHG yall
Ladies, Will someone give an opinion on the smell of Claudie's Elixir. I'm thinking of trying this for next year but my nose is pretty sensitive. Two people stated that they couldn't smell the sulfur. Several other ladies have used the product, but I didn't see any comments on the scent.
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Still using my MTG mix...gonna pick up some other EOs to make a secondary mix to alternate. My hair is def. growing, and the 'rows beneath my wigs really allows my hair to "rest" and thicken up, which is what I want. I got 3 new wigs within the last month, so I'm set until at least next summer! (I wear each style for a couple weeks-month then alternate). HHG yall

I just got me a new girlfriend today! :grin: I will be wigging it all winter.:yep:

HOw many times per week should I apply it? Every night?

If you mean MTG, I use it everyday unless my scalp gets tender, then I back off.

I have been applying ever since two weeks ago and the arrival of my new bald patch....:( But I am hopeful for good growth . it is the first setback i have had in 3 years .Usually I get one once a year!

So sorry to hear about your setback. I really hope the sulfur works for you.
hi ladies!happy holidays! i haven't applied my mix in like 3 days...:nono: but i did dc today using a mixture of:
skala ceramides g3 conditioner
skala fruit cocktail :lick:
proclaim cholesterol
EVCO, EVOO, sesame oil
results were amazing slip and my hair was very soft and moisturized. i will be applying my sulfur mix tonight
I turned a boring weekend into a learning experience. I read the ENTIRE 99 pages of this thread..Geez o' Peetes!

I learned alot from this thread...so much so that I'm considering buying some sublimed sulfur in the new year. HHG ladies
updating! that dc mixture i did the other day kept my hair sooo moisturized i didnt moisturize the next day! my new growth is sprouting out nicely, too and i haven't even been applying the mix faithfully! this is awesome!