*****2010 Spring/Summer Vitamins/Supplements Challenge*****

I want to join, no i need to join. Maybe if i took vitamins i wouldn't be tired so much and my nails wouldn't break all the time. I just bought vitamins by Nature's Plus: multi-vitamin, iron w/ vit C and cal/mag/vit D3/vit K2. Also, i will continue to take 2 tbsp of Barlean's cold pressed flaxseed oil daily.
The pills that I have are DISGUSTING:sad: but I am still taking them. It seems like my nails are harder. Just waiting to see the results of hair and skin 2 seep through now.
Count me in.

I haven't been checking in lately since I haven't been in this section much, but I'm still taking the same supplements.


Here's what I'm taking:
  • Cellfood mixed in my water bottle
  • Chlorella - at least 3 grams
  • Fish oil - 1 teaspoon
  • EPO - 2600 mg
  • Primal Defense - 1 or 2 caplets
  • My Egg shake
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vitamins downed. for the first time last night, i saw a difference in my skin. also yesterday i felt a little sick, but i think thats because i had to start taking fenugreek again yesterday too.
Ok, please sign me up! I'm taking my vitamins religiously. Here goes:
biotin 1@5k mcg
MSM 3@1k mg
Chlorella 6@1kmg

eyeing Maca powder to mix in my green drink ( I need more hair and a booty ya'll :( )
Checking in for tuesday...

took my green superfoods and my GNC Womens Ultra mega multi vit, also on the ACV bandwagon!
The pills that I have are DISGUSTING:sad: but I am still taking them. It seems like my nails are harder. Just waiting to see the results of hair and skin 2 seep through now.

Are you taking them with 100& juice or some other strongly flavored liquid? Water is the worst when the pills are nasty. It has no taste of its own so it amplifies the taste of the pills. Ick!
Took my flaxseed oil and multi-vitamin today...still waiting for my iron/C and cal/mag/D3/K2 to come in the mail. If i could stay off this refined sugar, it would help my health so much and stop sucking vital nutrients out of my body...and i would probably lose some weight :grin:
I would like to join this challenge and I have been taking my vitamins every day for the last 3 months. I am taking MSM, Kelp, Chlorophyll, Biotin, Muti-Vitamin, and Spirulina. I have a hard time narrowing down what I should be taking, but hopefully once I get to my hair goal I can just take a Multi Vitamin and Biotin or MSM. Long way to Waist Length though.
Okay I have some good news. I have to say a little bit about what this challenge is doing for me. My skin is looking soooooo fabulous right now. It is even clearer and smoother because of my consistency with this vitamin regimen. Thanks again ladies for posting and keeping this thread moving.