2010-11-19 - Usernames

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Crazy Greek
Staff member

In the past we have urged our users not to use their email as their user name for privacy reasons. Additionally, the username cannot be a website name for obvious reasons.

Although this has been in the rules for ages, some users did slip through the cracks and were in one of the two categories that I have described above.

For that I have removed the email addresses that were used as usernames from everyone in this forum. The same thing applies to website addresses as usernames.

Several users had their name changed to "ChangedByAdminXX" where XX is a number. I will email those users individually to let them know of the change.

To help a bit more with this change, I have reinstalled one of your favorite modifications - Username Change Request. You can now find it at the bottom of the choice menu in your profile. All Username Change requests take approximately 48 hours.

Thanks, Nikos! Just wanted to let you know, that the "About Me" area on certain profile pages are not available, as well!
It does work - kinda. It shouldn't be a line which initiates a dropdown. As far as I know it should have been something like a tabbed area.

One more thing to check :p
Yeah, I know, cause it has worked in one that I was in, but since then I've tried and when I click on the 2 little double arrows, nothing happens, a bubble opens up stating what should be there, but its inoperable!
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