2 weeks no buy challenge


Active Member
Since I have joined LHCF, my spending has become uncontrolable!! and it is not only hair products...I have been buying supplements, make up, gazillions conditionners. It has to STOP. Hubby says the cc are getting difficult to pay. I used to not really pay attention and buy whatever I feel like. but it has never been much since 2 months ago.
Soo I have decided to not buy anything but groceries and medication for the next 2 weeks. If the kids NEED something I will look at goodwill first before going to the department store. I will do this 2 weeks at a time.

Here are the rules:

-Allowed to buy groceries, medications and supplements that you are already taking (no new ones)
- $5 per day allowed for spending money (coffee, sandwich, etc)
-Allowed to buy gaz (of course lol)
-NOT allowed to buy any clothes, underwear, shoes,etc for yourself
-If you have kids and they need clothes, shoes, etc...check for used stuff first. Buy new if you can't find any used
-NOT allowed to buy any makeup, lotion, hairproducts, accessories, etc
-Allowed some extras if there is a special occasion...like birthday, etc

Who wants to join me? We will report here every day.

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Good Challenge Poster!:grin: And You only Limited it for 2 Weeks!

That's Great!:yep:

I wish you and your Challengers Much Success! Go For It!:poke:

*make mental note to monitor your success*
Thank you!
I have never done it before, so I will go paycheck to paycheck, LOL

Good Challenge Poster!:grin: And You only Limited it for 2 Weeks!

That's Great!:yep:

I wish you and your Challengers Much Success! Go For It!:poke:

*make mental note to monitor your success*
Since I have joined LHCF, my spending has become uncontrolable!! and it is not only hair products...I have been buying supplements, make up, gazillions conditionners.

Giiiirrrl, you and me both!! :lachen:

I don't know what it is, but it's like, since joining, I've been wanting to reinvent myself! Not only do I want to take care of my hair, but I wanna look good overall! I'm not going to participate in the challenge, but just wanted to let you know I'm in the same boat as you from what you've stated above!
ok today is day 2 of the challenge. I haven't bought anything at all yesterday. So far nothing for today either, but it is only 12pm here. So we'll see.