Some (not all) of my favorite long hair Divas are masters of low (almost no) manipulation. I love the concept but I've never been able to pull it off for more than 5-6 days. I want to be in the 2 week club!
So I'm starting a personal challenge with the goal of
seriously LOW manipulation. It goes something like this...
- You CANNOT comb, detangle, rollerset or blow dry (less it's with a diffuser) more than once every 14 days.
- No protective styles... unless you really really want to.
- Work up to 2 weeks gradually (start with a few days, then 1 week, 1.5 weeks and finally 2 weeks.)
The goal is to only detangle, comb/brush, rollerset, or blowdry 8-12 times for the rest of this year (August - December 2007).
With that said, once your reach your goal you get three passes when you're allowed to detangle before the 2 weeks is up.
The goal is to be at 2 weeks (or 1 week) without detangling by December 2007.
If you get there early that's awesome, but take it slow and listen to your hair.
This is not about protective styles or hiding my hair. I'm only wearing hairstyles that look good on me, are my real hair, and that I can repeat everyday with almost no manipulation. For inspiration visit sylver2, lonei, lala, pokahontas ... <I'm blanking, but I'll think of the others in a minute> :blush3:
As my lo-mani style I've chosen the WnG. It's my favorite anyway, but it allows me to restyle my hair with a spray bottle and wash it once/week without breaking any rules.