Well-Known Member
Today is day 3 and I decided to cowash. Well I jumped in there expecting what I normally get... hair that detangles itself under running water. It's usually laying flat and smooth after just a few seconds under the water. Well, not today. Today it was rough and catching on itself and being a big ol' pain...until I added the oil. My cowash routine is to rinse, apply oil (usually red palm or EFA), rinse with hot water, apply conditioner, rinse, apply leave-in and seal. Today the oil was on the sink and I was too lazy to get out of the shower and get it--until I realized it is absolutely essential for my hair to behave. I applied the oil left it a minutes and rinsed with hot water... it all good.
BTW, last time I was stressin' by day 3. This time, I feel like a pro. I'm not even a little concerned. I'm gonna henna my hair tonight (w/ no detangling/combing)
BTW, last time I was stressin' by day 3. This time, I feel like a pro. I'm not even a little concerned. I'm gonna henna my hair tonight (w/ no detangling/combing)

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