2 Week Club: The low manipulation challenge... anybody?

I have a question ladies. I know u are supposed to shed everyday and its natural, but I am definitely seeing a lot of shed hairs on D-day. I tried the no comb, no brush thing for a week and on d-day, I counted (yes, I actually sat down and counted :ohwell:) all the shed hair after detangling and it was 365 strands. I know all of u ladies are not counting, but about how many hairs are u getting after detangling? I know this is still ok, seeing that we lose 50-100 strands per day, but thas an awful lot to see all in one time.

When I first tried it (one week w/o detangling), I shed a lot of hair too on d-day. Today I got a bit more than usual after two weeks but not enough to freak me out. I was expecting more to tell the truth. I wouldn't worry about it too much if I were you. You should see fewer strands the more you do it. Your hair will adjust to the new routine (and thank you for it:yep:).
Sareca I just wanted to say I love your hair and as I was browsing and found the MN thread (all 10 000 pages) I only chose to consider it because you said you used it with results :grin:. I was trying to be a part of this challenge but because I got so excited over this MN thing, and to use MN I must manipulate somewhat lol. I went one week without combing...oil rinses really are the truth. I know I'm a little late but I would like to maybe go 2 more weeks with MN and then I'll be back on this challenge until the end of the year or so
Sareca I just wanted to say I love your hair and as I was browsing and found the MN thread (all 10 000 pages) I only chose to consider it because you said you used it with results :grin:. I was trying to be a part of this challenge but because I got so excited over this MN thing, and to use MN I must manipulate somewhat lol. I went one week without combing...oil rinses really are the truth. I know I'm a little late but I would like to maybe go 2 more weeks with MN and then I'll be back on this challenge until the end of the year or so

We'll be waiting for you, when you're ready. :yep: Ya know, you could still join this challenge while using MN. I manipulation my hair to apply conditioner and oil. As long as there's no raking with a comb or fingers through the length you should be good.
Tis true..I guess I could do the MN right after a conditioner wash when I dont really have any defined curls because I hate when you finger part a WnG and you unintentionally seperate the curls and it turns into a frizzy mess:ohwell:. Okay, last night I did a rollerset so that will be the last time I bring a comb near my head. You know whats kinda funny lol, when I was down with this low mani challenge, the longer I would go without combing, the harder it would be for me to not comb and style my hair...it felt sooooo healthy I just wanted to be up in it:drunk:..especially after an oil rinse
Tis true..I guess I could do the MN right after a conditioner wash when I dont really have any defined curls because I hate when you finger part a WnG and you unintentionally seperate the curls and it turns into a frizzy mess:ohwell:. Okay, last night I did a rollerset so that will be the last time I bring a comb near my head. You know whats kinda funny lol, when I was down with this low mani challenge, the longer I would go without combing, the harder it would be for me to not comb and style my hair...it felt sooooo healthy I just wanted to be up in it:drunk:..especially after an oil rinse

Oooo, I KNOW how that feels!
How's it going? I feel like it's habit now. It takes absolutely no extra thought or energy anymore. I'm co-washing once every 2-3 days. On those days I dc dry hair w/ heat then oil rinse and call it a day. My hair is growing well, rarely breaking, minimally shedding and hair life is good. :)

How's everybody else doing?
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14 days feels second nature so I'm going for more. Today is day 14 and I'm going for 21! :eek:

UPDATE: I caved! I don't know what got into me, but I detangled, blow dried, and maxiglided my hair this morning and I can't keep my hands out of it.:eek: I made it 18 days. I wasn't dying to detangle it (which was very easy... actually easier than usual) I just wanted to wear it down. I'm not planning to comb it at all for the next 3 days (I want to get back to Sat as my d-day). I'm gonna try sylver's scarf method each night until Sat.
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No more braiding at night for me. I had been braiding my hair each night then tying my scarf (mainly on the hairline), but no more. I found an awesome scarf. It's great because it's very thin, stretchy, and grips to itself. I'm going back today to buy the last 2 on the shelf. I love it that much. :yay: N-E-way, I'm now just removing my hair accessories at night, and putting the scarf on, no french braiding. I tried it last night and it worked much better than I expected. This morning it took, very little manipulation and very little liquid to get it back into shape. It literally took me less than 45 seconds to restyle my puff. Anyway, just thought I'd share. :)

We must be on the same wave length. I started doing this same thing three nights ago. I just moisturise and oil, leave my hair loose, tie on my satin scarf, I put my satin cap on the rest of my hair. My ng is flat by morning, I moisturise and french roll or braid it and I'm ready to roll. Tomorrow will make another 14 days without manipulation but I think I'll go for 21. So next Sunday will be my d-day.
We must be on the same wave length. I started doing this same thing three nights ago. I just moisturise and oil, leave my hair loose, tie on my satin scarf, I put my satin cap on the rest of my hair. My ng is flat by morning, I moisturise and french roll or braid it and I'm ready to roll. Tomorrow will make another 14 days without manipulation but I think I'll go for 21. So next Sunday will be my d-day.

Yay! Glad I'm not alone. I haven't combed since Wednesday (when I straightened it). I'm going for 21. I think I got bored last time. This lo-mani stuff is tough on the psyche.
I would like to be in...but I'm having a problem. I have neck-length, super wavy/curly hair that I'm not using heat on. I'm also a part of the Valentine's day challenge, is there any way I can work this out? I'm really trying to do something to baby my ends at this point, they seem really fragile.:blush:
Yay! Glad I'm not alone. I haven't combed since Wednesday (when I straightened it). I'm going for 21. I think I got bored last time. This lo-mani stuff is tough on the psyche.

You can say that again. Especially when it's just about 14 days, it's feeling extra thick, you know something's going on and it'll probably look thicker and longer on d-day and you just want to see the results. I figure the more we do it the easier it'll get...it has got easier though:yep:.
You can say that again. Especially when it's just about 14 days, it's feeling extra thick, you know something's going on and it'll probably look thicker and longer on d-day and you just want to see the results. I figure the more we do it the easier it'll get...it has got easier though:yep:.

That's my favorite part and it was completely unexpected! Everytime I detangle and look in the mirror I'm surprised. It aways looks different either longer or thicker or both. :yay:
I just found another way to minimize manipulation. I had been cowashing in part because my hair starts to lose it's super shine after about 2 days. It's still moist, it's still soft, it's just as happy as can be just not super shiny. It has a nice sheen, but I want high shine. Anyway, applying more product works, but it's not the same kind of shine. I just reacquainted myself with oil sheen. I know it has a bad rep, but basically this means I'll be able to keep the shine w/o applying more product (manipulation) or cowashing (manipulation). I'm going for 4 days with absolutely no manipulation (except, putting the scarf on, taking it off, spraying with eqyss, and spraying with oil sheen).

Wish me luck!
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I detangled today after 21 days:creatures. I did a light protein treatment today too. I've got 4 more weeks until my retouch so I might go another 21 days or go for broke at 30...haven't made up my mind yet. I am really glad I decided to do this challenge, my hair is looking a lot fuller and longer. Even when it's over, I will have learnt that I don't need to manipulate my hair so much and that leaving my hair alone is the best thing I could do for it. Great challenge Sareca:clap:!
I detangled today after 21 days:creatures. I did a light protein treatment today too. I've got 4 more weeks until my retouch so I might go another 21 days or go for broke at 30...haven't made up my mind yet. I am really glad I decided to do this challenge, my hair is looking a lot fuller and longer. Even when it's over, I will have learnt that I don't need to manipulate my hair so much and that leaving my hair alone is the best thing I could do for it. Great challenge Sareca:clap:!

:wow: Congrats! :flowers: I'm working on 21 too. If you'd told me I
could go 21 days without combing or detangling my hair, I wouldn't have believed it. :nono:

Good luck with 30! I can see myself trying that one too. :yep:
I am in LoOve with this challenge. I've never seen my hair in this condition at this length! I can't stop loking at it. It's longer, it's thicker, and all the while I've been able to narrow down my products and I can tell what my hair likes and doesn't like.
In the end my hair like simple! :grin: So low mani. Is now a major part of my reggie.

I loOve LHCF!
I am in LoOve with this challenge. I've never seen my hair in this condition at this length! I can't stop loking at it. It's longer, it's thicker, and all the while I've been able to narrow down my products and I can tell what my hair likes and doesn't like.
In the end my hair like simple! :grin: So low mani. Is now a major part of my reggie.

I loOve LHCF!

YOUR HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! :woohoo2::trophy::worship2:
I am in LoOve with this challenge. I've never seen my hair in this condition at this length! I can't stop loking at it. It's longer, it's thicker, and all the while I've been able to narrow down my products and I can tell what my hair likes and doesn't like.
In the end my hair like simple! :grin: So low mani. Is now a major part of my reggie.

I loOve LHCF!

I'm with SP your hair is rockin' in that avatar! I'm so glad you enjoyed the challenge.

Ya'll we're gonna have post of before and after pics on Dec 1 (next friday).

ETA: Here's my prelim picture.


That's not bad considering I have about 3 months of NG hiding under there.
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I'm not sure what I think about this ultra lo-mani thing I've been trying out. For the last 2 weeks I've been taking my hair accessories out, spraying my hair with eqyss, putting my scarf on, then going to bed. In the morning, I take the scarf off, I spray it again, and put my accessories back in. I'm also trying to cowash less often. This method helps my curls stay better than braiding it at night, but I oil rinsed yesterday and found TWO big old dread locks. :eek: I've only oil rinsed once or twice in the last 7 days and I think that has something to do with it, but I'm just not sure.

I'm on day 13 and pushing head to 21, but I think I need to oil rinse more often so the oil can help detangle my hair. I'm gonna try that.
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I'm not sure what I think about this ultra lo-mani thing I've been trying out. For the last 2 weeks I've been taking my hair accessories out, spraying my hair with eqyss, putting my scarf on, then going to bed. In the morning, I take the scarf off, I spray it again, and put my accessories back in. I'm also trying to cowash less often. This method helps my curls stay better than braiding it at night, but I co-washed yesterday and found TWO big old dread locks. :eek: I've only cowashed once or twice in the last 7 days.

I'm on day 13 and pushing head to 21, but I think I need to cowash more often so the oil rinsing can help detangle my hair.

Oh no! What do you think happened? How often do you usually co-wash? You see that's why, I check my hair everyday. I'd have a cow and two calves if I found dreads in my head.
Oh no! What do you think happened? How often do you usually co-wash? You see that's why, I check my hair everyday. I'd have a cow and two calves if I found dreads in my head.

:lachen:I must admit I was a little freaked out. :freakout:I typically oil rinse/cowash every 2 days. I was using the scarf thing to try and make it to 4 or 5 days with pretty much no manipulation at all. It's not working out like I'd hoped. :nervous2: The oil rinses really do keep the tangles away. I should have guessed this would happen... *why am I so hard headed*
This is basically my routine. I don't know what took me so long to get it. MY natural hair is washed, conditioned and flat twisted for 2 weeks and I wear a fall daily. My real hair is nice and protected. I moisturize with castor oil and S-curl, and use Boundless Tresses on my scalp. I am committed to doing this for one year (which will be Sep 1 2008). I see results already.
I'm sure you'll see results after a year. :yep: I can see them after just 3 months. Make sure you take pics. :)
I've been doing the low mani thing (I only detangle when I wash, usually every 5-7 days) for awhile now. But the last two weeks I've been slipping: Hey! how'd that brush get in my hair?! :blush: I know I know, but all this gosh darn wild NG...i'm 12 weeks post

So, I'd like to join this challenge with you ladies to keep my tush in check!!
I've been doing the low mani thing (I only detangle when I wash, usually every 5-7 days) for awhile now. But the last two weeks I've been slipping: Hey! how'd that brush get in my hair?! :blush: I know I know, but all this gosh darn wild NG...i'm 12 weeks post

So, I'd like to join this challenge with you ladies to keep my tush in check!!

We were only supposed to be on the challenge until December 1, 2007, but I've made lo-mani a permanent part of my hair reggie. :yep: I'll be happy to keep the thread alive for anyone that still wants to join.

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