2 Inches In 4 Months Challenge (sep - Dec 2015)

Just did a thorough detangling, which was super easy since my hair was stretched. But I also see that strictly finger detangling is not benefitting my hair. I keep missing shed hairs and getting knots :-/
I am back to seamless combs, but I think it will be better since I will probably only be detangling on stretched hair from now. I also followed with a 5-minute massage with my vibrating massager.
Shedding has calmed down some, but I'm still seeing breakage. Haven't pinpointed why yet.
Deep conditioning overnight in braids before wash day tomorrow.
I just ordered some Liquid Gold growth oil with sulfur. I tried to make my own sulfur oil, but it was a fail. I will alternate LG and Mn for maximum growth.
Today's braid:
Side French


Ignore my face. I have no idea why I looked like that.
I stretched again with the cwk plates but I took them out when my hair was only 70% dry because I had to rush out the door. So my hair did not get very smooth this time. I will make sure I really set aside time to let it dry completely next week because last week it looked like a legit blowout.
Anywho, my hair finally arrived as well, so once it is time to redo this braid (3 days seems to be the best timeframe with my own hair), I will start using the synthetic hair to cut down further on tangles.
I'd like to join.

I'm not going to have a set regimen... Only thing I'm going to add/do more is scalp massages.

I also plan to try and be diligent with my hair vitamins and once these run out I may go back to biotin.

Either way, the photo is attached.

I'd like to get 2 inches so I can be nearer to WL.


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Welp. I give up. I got the hair and braided some in, and it's just not for me. It looked really nice, but it was still way too heavy even with the small amount of hair I used, and the bobby pins were pulling on my hair and scalp. There's no way I could wear it everyday.
I've been avoiding this and going back and forth about it for at least the past 6 months, but this was the last straw. I am going to be a straightened natural from now on (or at least until it's too hot/humid for it to make sense), so I won't have to worry about knots, tangles, and heavy styles. This is the regimen I will be using for the rest of the challenge and the one I will work on being consistent with. I will update my original post.

Every 2 weeks:
Wash, DC, blow dry, and flat iron

Scalp massage with castor-coconut oil/Oyin burnt sugar pomade

As needed:
Detangle with seamless comb/pik
Stretch reverted hair with cwk plates
Natural hair problems lol. My neighbor saw my hair today (a wig) and she asked if my curls were real last week. I was like "nope, it was a wig too". She's white with get up and go hair. They really don't understand the struggle. If I just let my hair be I would have a big free formed dreadlock on my head like The Weekend
My hair is doing great so far, but after reading the Scalp Scrub Thread, I wonder if I should add shampoo back into my reggie until I get more bentonite clay. I've never just cowashed before, and I'm now a little paranoid about accidentally stunting my hair growth :nervous2:. My hair isn't negatively affected by shampoo, so I'm not sure that I get any benefits cowashing vs shampooing.
I bought some peppermint oil yesterday from Gnc. I added a few drops to my aloe juice/mn mix and wow! My scalp felt so cool and light. I could feel the circulation. I hope between the monthly exfoliating treatments and the peppermint oil that my scalp gets healthy again.

I am due for a trim and I'm doing it on a thickening day (September 28). I just hope I don't have to trim too much.
My hair is doing great so far, but after reading the Scalp Scrub Thread, I wonder if I should add shampoo back into my reggie until I get more bentonite clay. I've never just cowashed before, and I'm now a little paranoid about accidentally stunting my hair growth :nervous2:. My hair isn't negatively affected by shampoo, so I'm not sure that I get any benefits cowashing vs shampooing.
I think shampooing at least once a month is a good idea. I shampoo at least once a month for scalp health. I love the clay but I shampoo just in case any residue is left behind.
My hair is doing great so far, but after reading the Scalp Scrub Thread, I wonder if I should add shampoo back into my reggie until I get more bentonite clay. I've never just cowashed before, and I'm now a little paranoid about accidentally stunting my hair growth :nervous2:. My hair isn't negatively affected by shampoo, so I'm not sure that I get any benefits cowashing vs shampooing.

The scalp scrub thread has me rethinking my regimen as well. . . I noticed that my local Aveda store is doing scalp consultations with photographs... couldn't take advantage of it yesterday, because I was with DH. I am thinking about going back to Aveda for the consultation... I also considered going old school with Sea Breeze because it has 2% Salicylic acid. Still not sure.
I'm going to DC and do a hot oil treatment tonight along with scalp massage. I have my hair in twists right now, so I will upload a picture when I take them down which will be sometime before October 5th...
Current Regimen-
Supplements for hair:
Hair, Skin & Nails with MSM
I also take a Multi, Garlic, and Collagen.

Deep condition with every wash/shampoo
Shampoo ~ 1x month
Scalp massage at least weekly
Protective style – buns, twisted buns, French roll etc 5-7 days a week.
Keeping ends oiled/moisturized
In addition to my regular meals and water, I drink at least one green drink a day. I blend a bunch of different greens with either an apple or a pear and half a gallon of water and sip throughout the day or drink over two days. I add to that the whites of 1-2 hard boiled eggs.
I have been using my peppermint oil mix daily and I love how my scalp feels. My bottle of Liquid Gold oil came in the mail today, but I want to wait until after my trim to start using it.
I've been bad.
Been dabbling in a new regimen (modified MHM - no baking soda) even though I said I wouldn't.
I need to just change my goal for this challenge. I think I will just say that I will DC weekly. I don't always do it, so if I can stick to that, I think I can still get 2" by the end of the year.
I've been bad.
Been dabbling in a new regimen (modified MHM - no baking soda) even though I said I wouldn't.
I need to just change my goal for this challenge. I think I will just say that I will DC weekly. I don't always do it, so if I can stick to that, I think I can still get 2" by the end of the year.

That modified method is great stuff but I am biased lol, and your weekly DC sounds like a good idea. Happy growing.
@AbsyBlvd honestly, I think I may stick with it because my hair feels amazing and is SO defined. I did a 2-plait braid out and it actually dried almost the whole way overnight, the definition is amazing, and I didn't even have to use gel!
Hey ladies, checking in. Took out the twists. Left nexxus humectress and EVCO in my hair overnight. I DC'd with silicon mix, rinsed and twisted my hair. I let it air dry then blowdried the rest of the dampness out. I am going to DC, rollerset and flat iron this weekend - I will submit photos then.
I will probably stop eating the 1-2 egg whites from boiled eggs daily. The sulfur in the eggs is making me nauseous.

Grow on!
I got my hair blown out yesterday and I did a lunar trim last night. I am 1 inch or so away from Bsl. I want to start using my liquid gold oil tonight. I will go extra light so that my hair isn't too heavy. I'm not in love with the smell so I may add more peppermint oil