12 Inches In 12 Months - 2016

I massaged, oiled my scalp with WGHO, finger detangled and comb my hair yesterday. I then put it right back in a bun. I'm in a semi hair funk and I don't want to wash my hair when I feel this way.

Does anyone else use WGHO? I noticed that they changed their bottle's directions on how to apply the oil and I also noticed that the oil feels stronger on my scalp; Like I can feel it tingling on my scalp. I don't mind, but I didn't have the same experience when I used my last bottle. I've been using WGHO for 3yrs now and this is the 1st time I've ever felt it tingle.
So I took my hair bonnet off and my hair was a dry crusted helmet, so I decided to get off my lazy arse and wash my hair. I used shea moisture shampoo (moisture retention) and I currently have my DC on my hair. I plan on DC for a couple of hours and then I will twist my hair and dry under a dryer.

I cant wait to get some clay. Shea moisture shampoo left my hair dry.
Wash day for me. ^^^^I JUST bought a new bottle of the SM Moisture Retention shampoo today. I've never tried it before, I needed a shampoo because I'm officially off the co-wash bandwagon lol I still LOOOOOVE conditioners, but long-story-short, I'm back on shampoo for washing.

This week is moisture DC week for me so >>
-Steam in moisture DC.
-Glycerin water spritz.
-Leave-in conditioner.
-2 French braids.

And done til next week.
I thought I'd shared this video from utuber journeytowaistlength. She shows how she finger detangles her hair.

She is my hair twin. We have almost identical hair patterns and texture.

I am joining kinda late but there's still plenty of time to get inches!
Current length: a little past shoulder
Goal: MB

This is my plan: drink more water, vitamin D supplement, stop playing with my hair all day, inversion once a month, positive affirmations. Daily scalp massage using growth aid.

File Feb 14, 2 09 16 PM (1).png
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Moisturised with SM JBCO leave-in
Sealed with my shea-butter mix ( shea butter/Avo oil/Jojoba/Sweet almond/Rosemary)

Next week is IM week for the month of Feb...
Took my vitamins
Had my water
And my protein shake

Scalp oiled with JBCO
hair spritzed with : H2O/AVJ/EVCO/PEPERMINT/LAVENDAR and baggying with plastic shower cap and scarf

I need to buy a hot head DC cap....
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Checking in. I had my hair in crochet braids for three weeks. I deep conditioned and then installed large box braids. I plan to keep the braids in for six weeks or so. My plan is to have my hair in a protective style through most of the challenge.

Unfortunately, I can't do my inversion method yet because the braids are really large and really long so they're too heavy to invert right now. For the time being I'll try to keep my hair moisturized. I also have to be more diligent in using my growth oil.

I'll do a length check when I take the braids down.
Haven't been here in a minute but I'm just wearing my hair in twists as a protective style. As I get closer to wash day, my hair has become a bit more stubborn in keeping my twists frizz-free so I try and re-oil/re-twist every other night with very low manipulation (ie I untwist, massage the scalp briefly, spritz the section, add oil concoction and use the same demarcated hair sections to re-twist again). No brushing or combing.

I'm looking forward to wash day and length check ins in a couple of weeks.
My back area (between my ears) is really growing and sporting some serious hangtime. It feels heavy and looks odd when wet, like it's so far ahead of every other area. But once my hair dries, there isn't a noticeable difference in length from the rest of my head, so I take that to mean i'm continuing to experience growth all over (hair has maintained heart-shaped DevaCut). I finally restocked on spirulina (which I feel was a great contributor to my surge in growth), and I feel a lot better. Aside from not being able to keep up w/IM, I am continuing w/my daily protein smoothies and green tea/spriulina/chlorella scalp spray.

One thing I read recently was that most people are deficient in magnesium, and that magnesium is needed for just about every bodily process, and being deficient can cause hair loss...yes one more thing to think about (http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/magnesium-deficiency-symptoms-and-diagnosis). I was happy to discover that my hemp protein powder has a lot of it, as well as spirulina and chlorella.
I M&S yesterday with Allafia shea butter leave in and sealed with raw shea butter. I also massaged my scalp with WGHO.
I M&S yesterday with Allafia shea butter leave in and sealed with raw shea butter. I also massaged my scalp with WGHO.
Off Topic, but I *love* your siggy!
Today's my wash day, but I was busy for half the day and then took a much needed nap, so maybe I'll get to it still, in an hour or two.
It's Protein DC week for me.
I'm getting excited about the length check-in!!!
..........soooo uh.....Nope, I never did get to washing my hair today. I KNOW I'll be busy tomorrow and likely won't get to it, so maybe Sunday.
I took my crotchet braids down last weekend and I saw good progress all over. I didn't get around to getting a wig and won't bother with it since I'll be taking pics next weekend for the March 1st progress update. Ooh, I wore a puff for the first time this week and had several compliments! I think I found a new favorite style after me twist outs :afro:
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I never knew there was such a thing of raw shea butter and unrefined shea butter. Apparently the unrefined shea butter is sooooooooo much better for you. I found this out by watching utube yesterday. So, I ordered unrefined shea butter, rhassoul clay and camile rose curl maker. I cant wait to see the difference in the shea butter.

Have any of you ladies ever used unrefined shea butter?

I am like so shocked by this revelation regarding the shea butter. I thought raw shea butter meant that it was "raw" like nothing was done to the butter. My mind is like BLOWN:hair:
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I never knew there was such a thing of raw shea butter and unrefined shea butter. Apparently the unrefined shea butter is sooooooooo much better for you. I found this out by watching utube yesterday. So, I ordered unrefined shea butter, rhassoul clay and camile rose curl maker. I cant wait to see the difference in the shea butter.

Have any of you ladies ever used unrefined shea butter?

I am like so shocked by this revelation regarding the shea butter. I thought raw shea butter meant that it was "raw" like nothing was done to the butter. My mind is like BLOWN:hair:

I didn't know there was a difference between raw and unrefined. I thought raw = unrefined. Please share the video with us. Looking forward to hearing your review. :)
I didn't know there was a difference between raw and unrefined. I thought raw = unrefined. Please share the video with us. Looking forward to hearing your review. :)

The video that I watched was napural85's video on how to make her shea butter mixture. In the description box she had some links on where to buy unrefined shea butter. On the site she suggested, it goes into details about the benefits of unrefined shea butter vs raw shea butter. I purchased my unrefined shea butter from Amazon. I was going to purchase of allafaia (since I use their leave in) but they were very pricey

Refined & Unrefined Shea Butter - the Difference
Only pure, unrefined shea butter has the true beneficial and moisturizing properties of shea butter. Most shea butter available to the general public outside West Africa is white and odorless, in other words it has been "refined" to remove the natural scent and color of natural shea butter. In the process, the majority of the effective agents are also removed. In addition, refined shea butter has usually been extracted from the shea kernels with hexane or other petroleum solvents. The extracted oil is boiled to drive off the toxic solvents, and then refined, bleached, and deodorized, which involves heating it to over 400¡F and the use of harsh chemicals, such as sodium hydroxide. Shea butter extracted in this manner still contains some undesirable solvent residues, and its healing values are significantly reduced. Antioxidants or preservatives such as BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) or BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) may be added as well. The end result is an odorless, white butter that may be aesthetically appealing, but lacks the true moisturizing, healing, and nutritive properties of true traditional shea butter. In addition, refined shea butter is often hard and grainy, not smooth and creamy like pure, unrefined shea butter. All that can be said for refined shea butter is that it has an extended shelf life, a white, uniform color, and no odor.

I think I'm confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry3::cry3::cry3::cry3::cry3::cry3::cry3:

Ok, so maybe raw and unrefined is the same thing. Does unrefined = raw???????

The raw shea butter that I usually purchase from my BBS is not the same color as in the utube video that I watched.. The raw shea butter that I buy looks like this:

SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE clarify for me!!!!!!

Below is the shea butter that I purchased:

Unrefined Ivory Shea Butter by Better Shea Butter - Best Rated Ingredient for DIY Skin Care Recipes - For Dry or Acne-Prone Skin, Eczema, , Stretch Ma
Sold by: Better Shea Butter

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Ok, so I googled what is the color of shea butter and Wikipedia says this:
Shea butter
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Seeds of a shea tree — raw materials for oil production
Shea butter (/ˈʃiː/ or /ˈʃiː.ə/) is an off-white or ivory-colored fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa).[1] Shea butter is a triglyceride (fat) derived mainly from stearic acid and oleic acid. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Shea butter is edible and is used in food preparation in Africa.[2] Occasionally, the chocolate industry uses shea butter mixed with other oils as a substitute for cocoa butter, although the taste is noticeably different.[3][4]
My confusion is coming from the color of the shea butters. I'm seeing white or ivory colored shea butter as unrefined; however what I am reading is not matching what I am seeing. So I assumed that the "raw" yellow colored shea butter that is supplied in most BSS as not unrefined due to the color. Everytime I see unrefined mentioned the color is white/ivory


Then I read this:

Difference Between White and Yellow Shea Butter
• Categorized under Food | Difference Between White and Yellow Shea Butter

White vs Yellow Shea Butter

Shea butter is a natural fat that is extracted from nut of Shea tree. Shea butter is useful in many ways. It is often used in cosmetics, lotions and other products. It is also used in the chocolate industry as an alternative to coco butter.

Shea butter has moisturising and anti-inflammatory properties and as such it is considered best for ageing. The extract also helps against sunburn.
White and yellow shea butter has almost the same properties. The main difference between the two is in their colour. The white shea butter comes in white colour whereas yellow shea butter comes in bright yellow colour.

White shea butter can be said to be refined shea butter and the yellow one are the natural or unrefined shea butters. As the yellow shea butter is natural, it has an earthy smell, which most of the people do not like. On the other hand, white shea butter comes without any smell.

When comparing the nutrient, the yellow shea butter has more nutrients packed in them. This is because some of the nutrients in white shea butter are lost at some stage in the refining process. In vitamins also, the yellow shea butter is better than the white shea butter. Yellow shea butter has more healing properties than the white shea butter. Most of the healing properties of white shea butter get lost during the process. White shea butter is, however, more used in the cosmetic industry.


  1. Shea butter has moisturising and anti-inflammatory properties and as such it is considered best for ageing. The extract also helps against sunburn.
  2. The white shea butter comes in white colour whereas yellow shea butter comes in bright yellow colour.
  3. White shea butter is, however, more used in the cosmetic industry.
  4. White shea butter can be said to be refined shea butter and the yellow one are the natural or unrefined shea butters.
  5. Yellow shea butter has an earthy smell whereas white shea butter comes without any smell.
  6. Yellow shea butter has more nutrients packed in them than the white shea butter. The nutrients in white shea butter are lost at some stage of the refining process.
  7. When comparing the Vitamin content in both the shea butters, yellow shea butter is better than the white shea butter.
  8. Yellow shea butter has more healing properties than the white shea butter.
Looks like :

White + non-smelly = useless aka refined/raw

Yellow/dark ivory + earthy smell = Good aka unrefined

That yellow one of yours(in the pic, u said u usually buy) looks like the good type...i wouldn't chuck it just yet, does it smell?
Looks like :

White + non-smelly = useless aka refined/raw

Yellow/dark ivory + earthy smell = Good aka unrefined

That yellow one of yours(in the pic, u said u usually buy) looks like the good type...i wouldn't chuck it just yet, does it smell?

Yes it has a nutty smell. But the one I just bought, says it is unrefined too, but it looks white in the pic and so does napural85's unrefined shea butter. Maybe I'll just have to wait and see, cause photos can be deceiving