12 inches in 12 Months 2012!

I got my Nioxin pills yesterday! Got them from Amazon and they didn't have any cracks. the expiration date on the bottle is July 2013.
I've been working out, eating right, losing weight, taking my vits, and protecting my hair, so things are going pretty steady now :)

You need to share your secrets. I've been working out, eating right, not losing weight...... :whyme:

Hey! Happy to help anyone improve their health!

The big change for me is when I found an internal locus of motivation, rather than an external one. Meaning I was doing it for me, rather than for someone/something else. That was realising, that all i want to to is be healthy, live a long life, and be a good example to my patients when I finally become a Dr.

What I've done is remove junk food, except for a small treat every day (like a piece of good dark chocolate). I ate a SHOCKING amount of junk food...let's not talk about it lol... :nono:

With not buying junk food..i'm also saving a lot of moolah :dollar: lol


In my meals I also follow the Idaho plate method,seeing as I can't count calories to save my life, half veggies, quarter carbs and quarter protein on my plate, as well as a piece of fruit/dairy desert per meal. That should give you a lot of the nutrition you need (diabetics also find this method quite useful), as the carb content of their diet is quite significantly reduced. I also take a multivitamin, some generic one from ASDA.
The veggies (especially big lush salads) help fill me up, so I don't feel deprived at all, and the small treat stops me binging because I don't feel hard done by.

I also remember that the best workout plan won't help you unless you're eating right, so I've chosen to focus mostly on getting my diet right for now.

In terms of exercise, I've upped my walking and stuff as well, and I dance like crazy in my room everyday haha :lol:

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just received my nioxin, 17 days later! They all got cracks in them. i'll see if they work and report back accordingly :)

I just bought some Nioxin pills today from ULTA; they do have some cracks on the side but I assume its ok?

SN: So far I have been faithfully mega-teking my scalp and hair, working out (& drinking whey protein shakes) and coffee rinsing once a week.

I just bought the Nioxin pills as I have stated above and bought some MN to include with my mega-tek mix. Today on amazon I purchased some sulfur and extra dark JBCO (since someone at the post office stole my lavender JBCO :sad:) so hopefully all of this will contribute to an inch per month.
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Hey! Happy to help anyone improve their health!

The big change for me is when I found an internal locus of motivation, rather than an external one. Meaning I was doing it for me, rather than for someone/something else. That was realising, that all i want to to is be healthy, live a long life, and be a good example to my patients when I finally become a Dr.

What I've done is remove junk food, except for a small treat every day (like a piece of good dark chocolate). I ate a SHOCKING amount of junk food...let's not talk about it lol... :nono:

With not buying junk food..i'm also saving a lot of moolah :dollar: lol


In my meals I also follow the Idaho plate method,seeing as I can't count calories to save my life, half veggies, quarter carbs and quarter protein on my plate, as well as a piece of fruit/dairy desert per meal. That should give you a lot of the nutrition you need (diabetics also find this method quite useful), as the carb content of their diet is quite significantly reduced. I also take a multivitamin, some generic one from ASDA.
The veggies (especially big lush salads) help fill me up, so I don't feel deprived at all, and the small treat stops me binging because I don't feel hard done by.

I also remember that the best workout plan won't help you unless you're eating right, so I've chosen to focus mostly on getting my diet right for now.

In terms of exercise, I've upped my walking and stuff as well, and I dance like crazy in my room everyday haha :lol:


SkySurfer - Thank you for sharing this, I'm sure it'll help a lot of people! As for me, read this: http://bootyfurl.blogspot.com/2012/01/five-day-keeps-doctor-away.html - I have to keep up with my metabolism and eat loads and loads of healthy stuff to catch up with the daily carbohydrates so I'll have to mix and match! Lol oh gosh.

Hmhg <3
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I just bought some Nioxin pills today from ULTA; they do have some cracks on the side but I assume its ok?

SN: So far I have been faithfully mega-teking my scalp and hair, working out (& drinking whey protein shakes) and coffee rinsing once a week.

I just bought the Nioxin pills as I have stated above and bought some MN to include with my mega-tek mix. Today on amazon I purchased some sulfur and extra dark JBCO (since someone at the post office stole my lavender JBCO :sad:) so hopefully all of this will contribute to an inch per month.

Mane_Attraxion - keep it up!

I don't know why I still feel uncomfortable buying sulphur online, how do you knw you're buying the right one?

Hmhg <3
Hey! Happy to help anyone improve their health!

The big change for me is when I found an internal locus of motivation, rather than an external one. Meaning I was doing it for me, rather than for someone/something else. That was realising, that all i want to to is be healthy, live a long life, and be a good example to my patients when I finally become a Dr.

What I've done is remove junk food, except for a small treat every day (like a piece of good dark chocolate). I ate a SHOCKING amount of junk food...let's not talk about it lol... :nono:

With not buying junk food..i'm also saving a lot of moolah :dollar: lol


In my meals I also follow the Idaho plate method,seeing as I can't count calories to save my life, half veggies, quarter carbs and quarter protein on my plate, as well as a piece of fruit/dairy desert per meal. That should give you a lot of the nutrition you need (diabetics also find this method quite useful), as the carb content of their diet is quite significantly reduced. I also take a multivitamin, some generic one from ASDA.
The veggies (especially big lush salads) help fill me up, so I don't feel deprived at all, and the small treat stops me binging because I don't feel hard done by.

I also remember that the best workout plan won't help you unless you're eating right, so I've chosen to focus mostly on getting my diet right for now.

In terms of exercise, I've upped my walking and stuff as well, and I dance like crazy in my room everyday haha :lol:



How am I just seeing this? Thank you! You are so right about external vs. internal motivation.

I eat pretty healthy, but I love sweets. Candy, candy, candy and when I start with them, I can't stop; finished a big box of heart candies under 3 hours on Sunday. I enjoy running and do so a lot, but I don't think I get enough nutrients to fuel my workouts. I really wish there was a sugar rehab, I'll be signing up :lol:.

Thanks again for the comment (soon-to-be) Dr.

well veering off course today, I did a henna and coconut treatment - messy!
then just used my vatika hair mask which is just yummy hair came out very glossy
my hair takes for ever to dry so its still a bit damp

tried the loc method with water keracare oil and curls whipped cream

what I have notices is my strands are not smooth, when I see twist styles etc on youtube and in pics everyone seems to have smooth uniform clumps - mine are frazzled, I really don't think it is possible to rescue hair in this state

added pic:


  • IMG00006-20120119-1907.jpg
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well veering off course today, I did a henna and coconut treatment - messy!
then just used my vatika hair mask which is just yummy hair came out very glossy
my hair takes for ever to dry so its still a bit damp

tried the loc method with water keracare oil and curls whipped cream

what I have notices is my strands are not smooth, when I see twist styles etc on youtube and in pics everyone seems to have smooth uniform clumps - mine are frazzled, I really don't think it is possible to rescue hair in this state

added pic:

fairyhairy - "my hair takes for ever to dry so its still a bit damp" - I think I have a solution for you! It seems you may have porosity issues, read this: http://bootyfurl.blogspot.com/2011/12/ph-so-sh-read.html?m=1 it'll help the frizz :)

Plus you could use flaxseed gel with your twists!

Hmhg <3
I did a nupur henna treatment and I really think my hair loves it. I am just concerned about loosing so much of my curl.
I have a confession, I was avoiding this post because I really didn't think this amt of growth is possible for ME. However I am already doing everything on your list except #13. But I am taking Nioxin daily does that count? Ok back to hovering and lurking this post
trimmed my hair yesterday, wanted to start the new year nicely!:perplexed
after that i will be dusting only!:look:
Still hanging in here. I have been very diligent with taking my vitamins, had a much needed hair cut to start all over again, keeping my hair moisturized, and massaging in my sulfur scalp mix 2-3 times a week.
I have a confession, I was avoiding this post because I really didn't think this amt of growth is possible for ME. However I am already doing everything on your list except #13. But I am taking Nioxin daily does that count? Ok back to hovering and lurking this post

blackOnyx488 - aww lool so do you think you'll start taking a multi vitamin?

Also are you on YouTube or fotki or something? I recognise your name :)

Hmhg <3
Still hanging in here. I have been very diligent with taking my vitamins, had a much needed hair cut to start all over again, keeping my hair moisturized, and massaging in my sulfur scalp mix 2-3 times a week.

Aggie - amazing! I really want to try Sulphur!

Hmhg <3
I'm still hanging in there, wigging it, moisturizing and taking my vitamins. I don't think I'm growing an inch per month. It feels good to take care of my hair though. I probably won't length check until June.
I'm still hanging in there, wigging it, moisturizing and taking my vitamins. I don't think I'm growing an inch per month. It feels good to take care of my hair though. I probably won't length check until June.

addaboutmyhair - Remember this is also about finding out max-growth! #Team12In12 encourages and motivates hair care to be second nature :)

Hmhg <3
I've been keeping it simple, doing a spritz (water, aloe Vera, glycerin) and seal (castor oil) and everyday scalp massage. My hair is so soft, I need to stop touching it!
Mane_Attraxion - keep it up!

I don't know why I still feel uncomfortable buying sulphur online, how do you knw you're buying the right one?

Hmhg <3


Hey I buy my suphur on amazon. I search for flowers of sulphur and buy the humco sulfur sublimed kind.

I am thinking about mixing everything up at the same time, because its starting to get hectic trying to find time to mix MN, MT, JBCO, this sulphur thats about to arrive and this coffee oil I made last week. Should I just mix it all up together or limit it down to just (2) main items? :spinning:

This should be effortless but I feel like I am trying to do too much :pullhair: