Your SO and your parents


New Member
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents?

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting?

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along?

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve?

Just a few questions...
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents? idk. maybe 6 months? i was in school (live an hour away & had no car), and then it was summer break & he went home (east coast). so she met him when he came back/before i went abroad

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting? my mom loves him. she's white so i think that is why she said something really awkward about him (he's black). she's like "he's a really good guy. you know he would take care of his kids". i was like ???? where did you get that??? who's having kids??? lmao. he was like :nono: :perplexed when i told him. i do not even know what that was about.

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along? n/a

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve? depends on why she disapproves. my mom is really easy going. as long as i love him, he treats me well, and he can take care of me, she will approve.
Whatever you do, don't wait 15 years to do introductions :rolleyes:. Yes, there is someone in my family that waited that long before finally introducing his wife to his parents.
My husband met my mother pretty early on. I was worried about my outspoken mom embarrassing me. Although she didn't, my husband told me not to worry about that because it was me that he was interested in, not her. I found that sweet.

In the end everyone got along. My mom and I were a lot alike, so if you like me you'd like her anyway. Although, there were a few times where they had their disagreements but all families do.

My husband and my dad are cordial. My husband and my dad met maybe 4 years into our relationship. They are not at all close as I am no longer as close as I should be (in a perfect world) to my dad. I still love my dad but, the rest is personal. My husband also gets along really well with my step mother. They respect each other.

I met my husbands parents right away. They were extrememely nice to me. I wasn't expecting that. Eversince then my husbands dad has called me his daughter and would playfully pressure me to marry his son. My dad also seriously pressured me... a lot because he didn't want me living in sin.

I don't think that there is a certain time that you wait. Just do what feels right to you and your family.
I introduced him to them one day on our way to go wine tasting. It wasn't any big thing. He came by to pick me up from my parent's house and he came in to say hello and "meet".

And considering SO took my father to Game 7 of the NBA finals - I'd say they're getting along well (that's their second Laker game in less than a year of dating). Now I just have to figure out how I can get an invite to a game.

Nope. Couldn't date a dude who my parents didn't like. What's the point? That's going nowhere. And I trust my parent's judgment - if they see something they don't like, there's probably something I'm missing.

That being said - I've kept a couple of DIDs (Dude I'm Dating) away from my folks intentionally because I knew it wasn't gonna be good...
Ugh Im about to tell my gram about my new SO and Im dreading it. She is so nosey :rofl: I told my mom, but its easier telling her stuff. But I think this is something with a lot of potential so its now or never *sigh*

As far as meeting his parents I'd have to travel to England and he's never introduced anyone to his parents before. So it's a big deal for both of us.
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents? Dh and I were friends first so he had already met my parents in high school.

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting? Dh can get along with most people. He loves my parents and they adore him. He jokes that they like him more than they do me. That's prob true.

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along? They get along great. My Dh will do anything he can for both my parents.

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve? yes. My parents didn't approve of my marring into his family even though they liked him. I should have listen to them.

Just a few questions...

My entire family loves my husband. He is a very likable person.
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents?
He came to pick me up for a date one day and my mom was just coming home. I just said "mom, this is my friend AJ". She is a very friendly person but I was nervous that she'd say something off the wall. LOL She didn't.

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting? With my mom it was great from the beginning! Plus as long as I'm happy tshe's happy. For my daddy he was cautious but cool with DH. My stepdad was really standoffish. He hated my ex-hubby and probably wanted to hate DH too. Total 180 degrees shortly after. Hubby whoo'd him too. :lachen:

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along? They love him very dearly. My stepfather and hubby go fishing often. My daddy and DH are equally silly so they have that in common. Mom just loves him period.

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve?
Probably so because for the most part my mom is an excellent judge of character. Now if my stepdaddy or dad didn't like him then I'd give him a chance. lol they might just be trying to be protective.

Just a few questions...
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents? It was after we were engaged, and I believe he came home with me for a visit one Christmas.

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting? They got along fine - my mom actually scared him. Well, he says he wasn't scared, it was just a very, very, very high level of respect for her views and her opinions, but :look: he was scurred. :lachen:
She liked him. He treated me well, he was intelligent, he could hold a conversation, and he can cook. ;)

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along?
They get along fine - we live almost 700 miles away from my mom, so most of their interaction is through a few phone calls a year.

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve? I can't see myself falling for a man my mother wouldn't approve of - her tastes/preferences/requirements in men are so close to my own - that wouldn't be an issue. The things where we would clash are things that come from us being of different generations, and she'd get over it. :lachen:
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents?
Umm, I think they met him before we were in a relationship. We were involved in a lot of the same activities so he was there when they were cheering me on and he got to meet them naturally.

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting?
OK, I guess. I don't remember when they met since it wasn't an arranged thing. But they've always liked him, so *shrugs*.

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along?
Well, we're not married, but they get along great so far. He comes over sometimes and he and my dad go out to dinner sometimes. My mom adores him--calls him her stepson (not to be confused with her 2 actual stepsons, lol). My brother tolerates him. He just likes to tease me about being in a relationship. He really respects my dad and he is straight scared of my mom--I guess I overdid it on the horror stories.

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve?
If my mom didn't, probably not. She's always right about those kinds of things. Now my dad, I'd take his advice with a grain of salt. It would depend on why he didn't like the dude.
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents?

We went to my parents house for dinner one Sunday. We were going on vacation so I introduced him to my parents before we left.

They didn't meet him for a long time mainly because I wanted to be sure. That and I was worried about my overbearing mother. I didn't want her to scare him off. She did that to one of my brother's gfs before. I was more worried about her than SO. She kept hinting she wanted to meet him for the longest. She kept trying to get me to invite him over. I kept telling her I would when I was ready.

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting? They got along fine.

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along? Not married yet.

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve? Yep.
lol i tend to wait a loooooong time before I introduce my SO to my parents. Like... over a year. Usually I've met his parents several times before I introduce him to my parents.
When in your relationship and how did you introduce your SO to your parents?It just evolved naturally. He asked if he could come home with me (fly home to Ky) to meet them, and I said sure because I felt like we were in a good place (serious relationship)

How did you SO and your parents original get along when first meeting?

Fine. Both my parents like him.

If now married to your SO, how does your SO and Parents get along?

Can't answer this now. BUt he is my FH and right now they are ELATED that we got engaged to the point my mom insisted I forward pics of the ring to her phone and my dad and mom had blabbed to everyone in five minutes before I could even call the rest of my family lol! SO I guess they must like him a lot. I think they get along well but that's because of me. I think that it's the job of the kid to make sure their parents don't over step their bounds with their SO/FH, etc. I made sure he wasn't put in a position where he had to stand up for himself because he was treated poorly. My dad is very overbearing and I made it clear to him that I would not tolerate him treating my fiance (at the time SO) in a nasty manner. My dad really likes to push everyone's buttons (my mother was given an award at one of HIS job functions. The award was for putting up with my dad. This is not a joke. That demonstrates what most people feel about my dad after knowing him for a while lol!). Anyways my dad knew I meant it. So he really hasn't tested any boundaries and as such everything between him and my fiance has been cool. .

Would you still be with/marry your SO if your parents did not approve?

Uh yeah. My parent's are fine, but they aren't evenly yoked so to speak (read that in another thread and I'm not just talking about religion...I'm pretty much talking about everything. She likes reading, he doesn't. SHe likes museums...he complains while going through them...I could go into other stuff that's more...intense, but I'd rather not. They just weren't meant to be together and married young). So I don't think they have an idea of what's right for me or what I'm looking for (though they mean well). I'd listen to my mom if she had a good reason because she is really perceptive, but I really am not a glutton for punishment. If a guy is a cheater he doesn't even stand a chance with me even if it's in the past (I've been friends with everyone I dated before dating them so I KNEW what they were like inside and out before we even went out. It eliminates the "representative" fron that they put up and you can see what they are REALLY like...realize that some people still show up as jerks but I try to eliminate 99.9 percent b.s up front)...most guys know I'm nice but I've left men in the dust for much less and if they want to be with me they have to treat me right, if he drinks too much bye bye, if he's verbally abusive, and don't let me even get started on physically abusive, uneducated, ever in jail, etc. You get the point see ya. So really my parent's have never felt a need to tell me they didn't like a guy I picked because I don't find bad guys charming and never pick them. I actually (gasp) want a guy who knows how to treat me! So anyways they've never complained

Just a few questions...
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