Your prayers...


Well-Known Member
Good morning my sisters in Christ:
I hardly ever post threads here, but I read just about everyday when I am on the forum. I am humbly asking your prayers for myself and my family. Last week an event happened that has literally shook my family to its core. Confusion, hurt, pain and anger are all flowing through than threatening to destroy our family. Let's just say someone was allowed into our family who has done nothing but hurt, divided and ATTEMPT to disrupt our family unit.

I ask for your prayers that my family will not be destroyed by these attacks. Moreover, we have been through so much, that the weight of this latest attack is almost too much to bear.
Please pray for my babies, Brandon, Ricky and Malcolm and myself that we would be able to bounce back stronger, more unified and more tightly knit than ever before.

Also, please pray that I, as the leader of our family unit, be able to make wise decisions as to where to go next. To follow the guidance and leading of the Lord and to cover my babies with constant, consistant prayer.
I thank you in advance...
Awh Sis, you and your family are in my prayers. I hate to hear anything like this is going on with a person with such a beautiful spirit as yourself. Hugs and love.

Stand strong lady. This too shall pass. You know I love you! :snuggle:
May God be with you in your time of needs, please remember with his present no evil will come near your dwelling. I pray that you are covered in his blood.
So be still and know that he is with you and your family.

Love Ya
You are most definitely in my heart and prayers.


This 'evil' and it's threats shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass.

The 'curse' causeless shall not come; it shall return from whence it came".

There is an utter end to this...

This shall not be able to extend it's boundaries, for God has set a bound which it cannot cross over.

"Cast the bond woman out" (Be it male/female, the bond person' is cast out from among you and your loved ones).

Also, stop being so nice. Let this person know, this is it, and get out and stay out! God won't mind, neither hold it against you. He did say, come out from among them.? Be ye not unequally yoked. Also, be ye not afraid, for the Lord God, He is with you and will carry you and protect you all the days of your life.

Love and blessings, :love2:
Awh Sis, you and your family are in my prayers. I hate to hear anything like this is going on with a person with such a beautiful spirit as yourself. Hugs and love.

Stand strong lady. This too shall pass. You know I love you! :snuggle:
Thank you sis!
I really appreciate the kind words.

May God be with you in your time of needs, please remember with his present no evil will come near your dwelling. I pray that you are covered in his blood.
So be still and know that he is with you and your family.

Love Ya
Thank you NFG! I will let go and let God handle this situation!

You are most definitely in my heart and prayers.


This 'evil' and it's threats shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass.

The 'curse' causeless shall not come; it shall return from whence it came".

There is an utter end to this...

This shall not be able to extend it's boundaries, for God has set a bound which it cannot cross over.

"Cast the bond woman out" (Be it male/female, the bond person' is cast out from among you and your loved ones).

Also, stop being so nice. Let this person know, this is it, and get out and stay out! God won't mind, neither hold it against you. He did say, come out from among them.? Be ye not unequally yoked. Also, be ye not afraid, for the Lord God, He is with you and will carry you and protect you all the days of your life.

Love and blessings, :love2:

That's just it sis, this isn't somebody that I brought into our lives! I have been single since ds3 was born almost 6 years ago. This is really a family generational curse that by the grace of God, I have taken notice of and been able to escape. I am praying that my other family members will do the same. Trust and believe that through much prayer, I know what it is to be unequally yoked and I do NOT want to be there again!:nono: I can do bad by myself.

I feel like I am continually being punished. I know I sin and have fallen WAYYYYYYY short of God's perfect will. But I am a good person. My children and I are all I have, and this evil is still seeking to destroy us. Thank you ladies for your thoughts and prayers. They have really helped me today.
This morning I just got taken back to a time when I was just TIRED! And just wanted to go to sleep and not have to deal with all this mess anymore. Just to be at peace.....I guess that scared me.
I hear ya. Really I do. Sometimes, I look around at my family (extended memebers really) and wonder if folks are really just acting up because they want to or if we have a generational curse. Some folks just can't catch a break no matter what they do or say. I don't know how far their sins run but I pray that God forgives us all for our sins as well as educate us as to how to best move forward. I pray for you and for us.... that we will all be able to walk in His favor and with His will for us.

You are doing the right thing by proclaiming boldly that you just won't take it anymore. Think positive and in allllllllllllll things, give thanks. Rebuke negative thoughts with posiitive things said out loud, and most importantly, teach your kids to do the same.

When I was about 10 and faced a horrible situation alone, I knew to just kneel beside my bed and pray to God because that's what my grandmother would do every night and every morning. She never prayed out loud but she would have me kneel beside her too. I thought it was ...ummmmm.... fun because she was a fun person and I was a kid. But when faced with trouble, I knew what to do because that's what she did.

I miss her.
That's just it sis, this isn't somebody that I brought into our lives! I have been single since ds3 was born almost 6 years ago. This is really a family generational curse that by the grace of God, I have taken notice of and been able to escape. I am praying that my other family members will do the same. Trust and believe that through much prayer, I know what it is to be unequally yoked and I do NOT want to be there again!:nono: I can do bad by myself.

I feel like I am continually being punished. I know I sin and have fallen WAYYYYYYY short of God's perfect will. But I am a good person. My children and I are all I have, and this evil is still seeking to destroy us. Thank you ladies for your thoughts and prayers. They have really helped me today.
This morning I just got taken back to a time when I was just TIRED! And just wanted to go to sleep and not have to deal with all this mess anymore. Just to be at peace.....I guess that scared me.
Oh Angel, I know you're not the one responsible for this individual in your family's life who causing all this trouble. :bighug:

Indeed you are a good person and always have been. :yep:

My point is that this 'outside' person has become an unequal yoke of bondage to you and has taken control over your peace. Peace that they have no right to. None. :nono:

Jesus is your peace and if your family chooses to be connected to this person, let it be on them, not you. Unequal Yoking comes from any type of connection; anything directly or indirectly connected to our lives which has effect upon it, is a tie/a yoke. Your family issues are choking your peace. Let them bear the burden. You shouldn't have to.

I've had to break many a tie from people/family members in my life for they were a burden to my peace; we were unequally yoked. It was too much stress attached t them. You have to think about you and your babies. You deserve better and God has better for you. Let them be to their own choices. Your choice is to leave them and let God continue to bless you. No one should have this much control over your peace. No one. Blood is not thicker than Peace of Mind.

Love and hugs, Sweet one. You're not only a good person, but too nice. Step away and live your life and be blessed. God has so much waiting for you. Just for you.
I said a prayer for you and I prayed that no weapon formed against your family shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against your family in judgment shall be condemned.
I hear ya. Really I do. Sometimes, I look around at my family (extended memebers really) and wonder if folks are really just acting up because they want to or if we have a generational curse. Some folks just can't catch a break no matter what they do or say. I don't know how far their sins run but I pray that God forgives us all for our sins as well as educate us as to how to best move forward. I pray for you and for us.... that we will all be able to walk in His favor and with His will for us.

You are doing the right thing by proclaiming boldly that you just won't take it anymore. Think positive and in allllllllllllll things, give thanks. Rebuke negative thoughts with posiitive things said out loud, and most importantly, teach your kids to do the same.

When I was about 10 and faced a horrible situation alone, I knew to just kneel beside my bed and pray to God because that's what my grandmother would do every night and every morning. She never prayed out loud but she would have me kneel beside her too. I thought it was ...ummmmm.... fun because she was a fun person and I was a kid. But when faced with trouble, I knew what to do because that's what she did.

I miss her.
You made me miss my grandma's too! Girl I have been praying up a blue streak. I think I just need to LEAVE it in His hands.

Oh Angel, I know you're not the one responsible for this individual in your family's life who causing all this trouble. :bighug:

Indeed you are a good person and always have been. :yep:

My point is that this 'outside' person has become an unequal yoke of bondage to you and has taken control over your peace. Peace that they have no right to. None. :nono:

Jesus is your peace and if your family chooses to be connected to this person, let it be on them, not you. Unequal Yoking comes from any type of connection; anything directly or indirectly connected to our lives which has effect upon it, is a tie/a yoke. Your family issues are choking your peace. Let them bear the burden. You shouldn't have to.

I've had to break many a tie from people/family members in my life for they were a burden to my peace; we were unequally yoked. It was too much stress attached t them. You have to think about you and your babies. You deserve better and God has better for you. Let them be to their own choices. Your choice is to leave them and let God continue to bless you. No one should have this much control over your peace. No one. Blood is not thicker than Peace of Mind.

Love and hugs, Sweet one. You're not only a good person, but too nice. Step away and live your life and be blessed. God has so much waiting for you. Just for you.

Thank you Shimmie!
My main thing is, this "issue" keeps creeping up in my family. People don't realize that what they do or don't do affects the whole family unit. And for YEARS, our family doesn't discuss these "issues" but they keep creeping up over and over again. It's so hard. It's just me raising the boys, so my mom and sis are all I have. I can't see how I can cut them out of our lives. I will pray on this aspect. I guess it would make more sense if I told the issue, but I am not sure who is on the forum so...
Thanks again Shimmie for your words of wisdom.

I said a prayer for you and I prayed that no weapon formed against your family shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against your family in judgment shall be condemned.
Thank you Ultra. ALL PRAYERS are so appreciated.
Hey everyone. Thank you again for all your support. Please continue to keep me and my family and your prayers. The "devil" has been let back in and I am DONE. My kids are my responsibility and I have to protect them. All I can do now is pray for this family member and hope that she realizes that she worth more. I feel so sad right now, but I realized through one of my pastor's messages that this is just a trick to get me off focus on what God has in store for me. 2009 is all about ME (and my babies). Only God can save those who WANT to be saved. May God richly bless you and reward you for your diligence in seeking him. I am blessed that I have this "home" to fellowship and received prayers and blessings from my sisters in Christ.

Happy HOLY-days!!
I will keep you and your family in my prayers....May God give you peace that surpasses all understanding that will guard your heart and mind :Rose:

Psalm 31
I said a prayer for you and I prayed that no weapon formed against your family shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against your family in judgment shall be condemned.

Exactly what I was thinking....
praying for peace and harmony and perfect love..God's perfect will