Request for Prayers


New Member
Ladies, I don't frequent this forum much, but I sincerely hope that does not affect how many of you honor my request.

I humbly ask for your prayers in my time of need. Without going into detail, please know that I'm having the hardest time I've ever had. The main issues have been going on for over two years, and things don't seem to be getting any better. It's deeply affected my immediate family, my finances, my relationship, my physical health and well-being and I'm ashamed to say it's now affecting my emotional health. I'm so very depressed. I've been strong throughout and now I'm just so tired of fighting. My hope and faith are the only things that have kept me going. I don't know what God wants from me. Please remember me in your prayers.
Ladies, I don't frequent this forum much, but I sincerely hope that does not affect how many of you honor my request.

I humbly ask for your prayers in my time of need. Without going into detail, please know that I'm having the hardest time I've ever had. The main issues have been going on for over two years, and things don't seem to be getting any better. It's deeply affected my immediate family, my finances, my relationship, my physical health and well-being and I'm ashamed to say it's now affecting my emotional health. I'm so very depressed. I've been strong throughout and now I'm just so tired of fighting. My hope and faith are the only things that have kept me going.

I don't know what God wants from me. Please remember me in your prayers.
:kiss: Angel, God wants you to stop fighting and REST. Yes, rest. "Come, all ye who are heavy laden, come unto my rest."

You've exhausted your energies and can do no more, than rest. God HAS this. He always did. And He always will. You can't make 'it' right for those who chose this fight and battle in the first place and somehow 'dragged' you in. You were not meant to be a victim in this. And now God is releasing you and setting you free.

So just release the total care of this into and unto Him. Let Him win this battle which has already been won and is in your 'favor.'

Precious Angel...just rest, for God is giving you His very Best to set you completely free.

We love you precious Balisi :grouphug: Your prayers are our prayers and we uphold you with all of our hearts in loving prayers for all of your cares.

So Angel, now just rest.... :kiss:
Thank you, Shimmie. Resting is something that I never even considered. Thank you!

Ballisi when you 'think' about it, Rest is what you've been 'seeking' all along, baby sister. Rest from this entire situation; Rest from the pulls upon your emotions, your time, your money, your energies, rest from your home which has not been a peaceful home for quite some time.

Angel, you are like this precious white Dove...

Genesis 8:9

But the dove found no REST for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

Balisi, every place you've tried to enter in and rest your foot has been on shaky, unstable ground. There has been no place for you to settle upon and move on with your life plans. Instead of solid ground, you've been treading 'troubled waters' without sight of any end, no sight of solid ground.

The 'ark' represents, your place of safety. God has always been there right behind you. With His loving out-stretched arms, He puts forth His hand, for you to safely land upon...and into your heart He whispers to you ,

"I've got you, Balisi. My daughter, I've got you...I allow no harm to come unto you. I've got you."

And He pulls you safely back into the ark and unto Him, under His wings of everlasting love, for you to rest, until there's solid ground for you to walk upon.

And Balisi, guess what? Instead of you doing all the work, He sends a raven out next time, to do the task which lies ahead, seeking unwatered ground. For Angel, remember, you are a Dove with the Olive Branch of Peace; you must.

So Balisi, trust God as you continue to Rest. You who has been so heavily burdened, come unto His rest. :heart2:

God bless you angel. :giveheart:
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balisi, sending up a prayer for you right now. Shimmie is onpoint with this. Please, balisi, for those who love you and those you love, let go and let God:rosebud:
Awww balisi I truly hope that things get better for you.

I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers:grouphug3:
Thank you so much Donna! Your words of encouragement mean everything to me.

And Shimmie, you are spot on, once again. :yep: I really needed this perspective.

SS985, Thank you so much! Every kind thought and prayer helps.
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Thank you so much Donna! Your words of encouragement mean everything to me.

And Shimmie, you are spot on, once again. :yep: I really needed this perspective.

SS985, Thank you so much! Every kind thought and prayer helps.
Darlin Balisi...:kiss: God's just keeping your hair safe, that's all.

For angel girl, nothing is worth losing all tlhe hard work we've put into growing out hair past ear lenght then chin, past nap and neck, past shoulder (whew a long valley there); past armpit, past bra-strap, and finally....waist length.

Do we need to hit the PJ lists...note I said lists not list.

He's keeping Angel and all of your hard labor has not been overlooked, for God is rewarding your faithfullness. He's giving you blessings for blessings and love for love and above all, Rest for Rest and NEW GROWTH...:yep: Hair, Soul and Body.

So worry has to go. Nothing's worth losing our hair growth over, let alone turn it gray. Nooooo :nono: So enjoy and put your feet up girl and just and receive God's best as you rest. You are surrounded only by His love and those who truly love you, which are more than you realize. :love4:

Please know that you are in our prayers. I've been on this board MANY times in times of need (in fact, that'swhen I first joined - November 2006). I am a living testimony that God's grace is sufficient during all times, especially when we think we're at our lowest.

Know that this too shall pass. And you'll be so much stronger for it. God will use it to help you grow in so many ways that you'll leave this situation amazed and with a renewed perspective on life. Just be open to those lessons and take them seriously.

Thank you for being so kind as to share your experiences with us. Your post was a blessing for me this evening.

You ladies are all so wonderful. Thanks to each and every one of you! I'm taking this all in and I'm feeling so much better, uplifted even. I certainly have a renewed perspective and strength to press on.