Your pastors


New Member
Hello Ladies,
This is my first post in this section of the board and I hope my post is not taken the wrong way at all :)

Anyways my question has to do with pastors/your pastors, as the title suggests. I realized last week as I was over at a friend's house that the couple of times I've watched the Christian channel (TBN I believe it is called), in the churches where the pastors were black most of the congregation was black too and the same goes for white pastors. I actually I think I see more whites in programs led by a black pastor than blacks in programs led by a white one. I might be under the wrong impression given that I only watch that channel every now then and not with the greatest focus.

This led me to ask myself: do people chose the church they go to based on whether the pastor is of the same race or not?
Does anybody here go to a church where the pastor is white? When you were looking for a church did you limit yourself to the ones where the pastor was of African descent? Are there any white people at your church? I mean in general does race play any part in where one feels comfortable in worshipping or it doesn't matter because it's wherever God leads you that you will go?

Hope this has not been touched upon already and if so please would you kind enough to direct me? Thanks in advance
My mother will never have a white pastor. She says every boss she has ever had has been white, and she will not be under the leadership of a white pastor.

I, on the other hand, when I do attend services, the pastor at the Presbyterian church around the corner is white. I don't see color when it comes to religion.

I hate that so many do.
I don't base my decision on the color of a pastor, but their teaching of the word. I like pastors that teach the word in a way that helps me to relate, understand, and become a better Christian. One who admits that they too make mistakes. And a congregation that is friendly. Currently, the church I go to has a black pastor. But when I lived in Brooklyn, I attended, Brooklyn Tabernacle where the Pastor is white and the congregation of THOUSANDS is about 80 or 90% black. I Love that church!!!!!!!!
My family joined a historically black church with a black pastor when we moved to Texas ...honestly, it's where we felt more comfortable. We tried alot of churches before we settled on that particular one. I must admit, the white churches were not as friendly and welcoming as the black churches we attended.

After many years, the church is multi-racial...and I make sure to welcome everyone who walks through the front door, white black or whatever. :D

I know color should have nothing to do with religion (makes no difference to God)...but the truth is, it probably always will.
Hey! As long as he/she can bring it (Joyce Meyers, Charles Stanley). It does not matter.
MindTwister said:
This led me to ask myself: do people chose the church they go to based on whether the pastor is of the same race or not?
Does anybody here go to a church where the pastor is white? When you were looking for a church did you limit yourself to the ones where the pastor was of African descent? Are there any white people at your church? I mean in general does race play any part in where one feels comfortable in worshipping or it doesn't matter because it's wherever God leads you that you will go?

Hope this has not been touched upon already and if so please would you kind enough to direct me? Thanks in advance

My pastor is my dad, lol.

I'm black and my church is multi-cultural and Southern Baptist. There are of course more black people but there are maybe 3 white families that come to the church. 2 of the families are made of bi-racial children.

But if I didn't go to my father's church, I would not mind going to a church where the pastor was white or where most of the members were white (shoot, I've been brought up with whites in school all my life, lol). I know of a couple of great white pastors in our town. My church is affiliate with this white church close by in which our church visits and their church visits us, and the pastor there preaches very rich sermons. I wouldn't mind attending his church either.

Before my family started going to this multicultural church and before my dad was a pastor, we went to an all black church that was just Baptist. My dad was an associate minister there. I think if we had stayed there, I probably would try to seek an all black church if I were on my own for some reason. Ever since we started going to this multicultural church, there was like a change of mindset with my family that you don't have to go to an all black church just because you are black. Plus, we left that all black church because it was corrupt and the pastor would sleep around with women in the church. Not a good example.

So the racial comfort barriers have changed with me. I can worship with whites and other races just as well as with blacks. And race does not matter because God created us all to look different and wherever God leads us is what counts. ;)
My church is VERY VERY VERY diverse (whites, blacks, asians, hispanics, mexicans, samoan) and the senior pastor is black.

I personally like going to multicultural churches because I think they best reflect what Heaven's going to look like.