Your Ideal "polished" Woman Would....


Simply Komplex
I'm bouncing around ideas with my friends. I think being a "kept" woman involves certain catergoies. How to look, how to behave in public, how to behave in private (at home), and how to behave with your man ;). What would your ideal kept woman look like? Do you think you could accomplish it? What would you need to help you better accomplish YOUR list? Off the top of my head this is what I have so far.....

How to Look
Be feminine at all times. Stray away from pants and pants suits. Focus more on being a woman, wearing clothes that women do. Dresses, skirts, and the like.
Clothes laid out for the week. I struggle with this but the weeks that I lay out and iron the clothes for the week I feel well put together, I have more time in the morning to think, and I look overally better.
Bright colors- Stray away from darker boring colors such as black, blue, and brown. If so, pair them with a fun, interesting, or bright top.
Matching jewelry- Invest in one nice necklace and bracelet to be worn with everything and strive to look out for necklaces that can be paired with your outfits (brightly colored outfits of course)
Hands and Feet Manicured- Feet not done? Don't show them. Period. If my feet are not done and manicured I should have a backup pair of ballerina flats I can wear that won't show my toes until I have time to tend to them. As far as hands, No chipped polished. I may need to keep nail polish remover in my purse and car to ensure my nails are not chipped.
Easy to maintain hair- Okay I get it. I don't care much about hair these days so Sew-ins and the like that require me to put forth effort in the morning can no longer be an option for me. Instead I need to plan my schedule accordingly to make sure I have a crochet style or braids in which I can get up or go. Whatever the style should be feminine

How to Behave in Public
Thinking back to my thing I do like about her is the way she carries herself. People always wonder what is she like at home, what she does on the weekends, and what her husband does. It's all in how she carries herself.

Speak Correctly- Take the time to speak deliberately. Use correct grammar. Practice makes permanent. Often times I talk like whomever I am around to not seem like I am "one-upping" them. Instead I should be a woman of few UNEEDED words and use correct grammar 24/7 by talking cautiously and taking time to think before I talk.

Smile- It doesn't cost a thing to smile. Better thank God for that. There's Hope. Erykah Badu said it best. Smile and smile often. This means I need to stay up on my teeth whitening methods (I'm guessing including an in dentist teeth cleaning and whitening every 6 months)

Allow myself to be a girl- I can act very masculine. I open my own doors. I'm very independent. BUT I've learned from the board....if others wish to help you...let them. If a man is doors should be opened in my presence.

Be Kind and generous but know your worth- Don't over-exert yourself. Do your job and do it well but don't overdo it.

Be clean- Look organized at all times. Don't have a bunch of papers falling out everywhere. Take a planner with you everywhere you go. Keep your car clean even if it means swinging by a car wash every Monday or Friday to keep up your routine. Keep minimal mess and look clean.
How to Behave at Home
I like how one of my friends makes her SO's life so peaceful when he comes home. It's because of her appreciation of giving her the lifestyle she wants. She does this by:

Stroking his ego often- I don't do this AT ALL. I would have to make a mental note to stroke his ego at least 3 times a day

Have everything he needs to feel comfortable after a long day of work- For my DH this would include shorts/pajamas, fresh fruit, fruit juice very cold, the remote, and peace and quiet.

Acknowledge him with a kiss and smile as soon as he comes home- Stop doing what you are doing for 3-5 minutes and show your admiration and appreciation of him being a man and going to work to offer you a stress free lifestyle

Cooked meal- Doesn't matter if you cooked it or not but I don't believe he should have to go to work and fend for himself too to struggle to find something to eat. So in my life that would be I would need to do a better job of kinda planning meals we would eat for the week and include some meals that don't take much time (or meals I can cook the day before) but are available in the kitchen and easy for me to put on a plate for him (and all children) to be fed everyday.

Take time for your children. WE DO NOT GO TO WORK TO GIVE 100% TO OUR JOB BUT THEN 5% TO YOUR FAMILY. You work to give your family a certain lifestyle. And if you don't work you do this to raise your children with a particular lifestyle. Because of this, show your children patience, set small routines for them, encourage their growth and development every day. For me this would mean putting down my phone and focusing all my energy on the little one for at least specific times in the day.

How to Behave in Bed

I'm not good with this. lol. I need help with others chiming in to be more feminine.

Look feminine- I have two sets of nice satin pajamas. They include a cami and shorts. They're ultra sexy. Know what the problem is? I DON'T WEAR THEM lol. I should wear something to bed that is comfortable but yet says that I am a woman. It should be at least somewhat sexy and say....i am a woman. Or heck just sleep nekkid LOL

Acknowledge him- I should work on giving more compliments that are sexual in nature and use physical feminine touch to show my appreciation and attraction

Initiate- I personally could work on initiating even more. No matter how tired I takes literally 10 minutes or less to make a man...finish. If these threads on the board. lol If I don't feel like a little oral and call it a day.

Leave work and gossip and foolishness OUTSIDE of the bedroom.
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How to look- Unbothered and stress-free. Looking fresh-faced and rested because I'm not stressing about anything. Also, a kept-woman has a very clean look to her. Dressed sexy, but not trashy.
Behave in public- We all know the appropriate behaviors and manners. Plus being soft-spoken and only speaks positively about things.
Behave at home- Makes her family happy by whatever standards that may be. Clean house, healthy meals, happy environment.
How to behave in bed- Freaky. No limits.
I think a kept woman is a woman who has a man to have her that way. The most you can have, if you aspire to be a kept woman, is standards as it pertains to a partner /spouse.
I agree that you have to have a man that has you this way. But some of us don't take advantage of what we would.

Like some of this stuff like nails done regularly. If I asked for it I would have it. I'm lazy though. I don't feel like taking the time to plan to treat myself. But I should and it's available to me so I should take advantage of it.

Cooking meals each day- I don't pay many bills. All mu money goes to MY bills like car, college funding, saving. I choose to pay electricity and water but that's not much. Because of this I can afford to buy healthy food and cook healthy home cooked meals OR buy meals when I'm just too tired. I just make excuses why this can't occur. However if I were an "all around woman" or whatever I would strive to make improvements towards these goals.
How to look- Unbothered and stress-free. Looking fresh-faced and rested because I'm not stressing about anything. Also, a kept-woman has a very clean look to her. Dressed sexy, but not trashy.
Behave in public- We all know the appropriate behaviors and manners. Plus being soft-spoken and only speaks positively about things.
Behave at home- Makes her family happy by whatever standards that may be. Clean house, healthy meals, happy environment.
How to behave in bed- Freaky. No limits.
No limits? Threesome? Gang bang? Toss salad, get salad tossed, you sucking toes lol. Be careful what u say hehe
Good thread. I love visuals. Can one of you ladies post example of freshed face women and woman who dress sexy but not over the top? Of what you think a well kept woman looks like?

I only know of one traditionally kept woman/house wife irl. She dresses pretty yet tacky and dated if that makes sense.
Good thread. I love visuals. Can one of you ladies post example of freshed face women and woman who dress sexy but not over the top? Of what you think a well kept woman looks like?

I only know of one traditionally kept woman/house wife irl. She dresses pretty yet tacky and dated if that makes sense.
I believe @topnotch1010 alwsys looks so well put together and fresh faced. She always look so clean, happy, and fresh
Good thread. I love visuals. Can one of you ladies post example of freshed face women and woman who dress sexy but not over the top? Of what you think a well kept woman looks like?

I only know of one traditionally kept woman/house wife irl. She dresses pretty yet tacky and dated if that makes sense.

Real life examples of fresh-faced women..clear skin, no bags, no caked makeup, but enough to look polished.



Casual outfits and Outfits that are sexy, but not trashy





Thank you for starting this thread @PrissiSippi

I'm trying to maintain this daily. You touched on the most important points. I would like to include

  • Watch the company you keep. You don't want to be around women, who don't carry themselves in the same manner/ have same values.

Somewhere on LHCF we had a discussion where it was brought up to look good/smell good/feel good.

I mainly wear dresses and skirts. I need to add more to my wardrobe. The last guy I dated loved me in it...and was always bragging to his friends about how he loved the way i dressed.

I like what you said about compliments to your man...very important.

I will come back with more.
I believe @topnotch1010 alwsys looks so well put together and fresh faced. She always look so clean, happy, and fresh

You are waaaaaay too kind. :grin:

I like to dress nice because it makes me feel good and I perform better in every area of life. You dress very nice too!! You makeup is always just right… never caked on, you dress to accentuate your curves, and you have a bubbly personality. No wonder you snagged that super sweet engineer! :grin:
I have noticed that on this board people think being a "kept" woman is the same as being a housewife or wife to a rich man or something that involves marriage. Being kept means you are the side piece to some married man who buys you things and pays your bills and it's not something most women would aspire to when they have better options.
I have noticed that on this board people think being a "kept" woman is the same as being a housewife or wife to a rich man or something that involves marriage. Being kept means you are the side piece to some married man who buys you things and pays your bills and it's not something most women would aspire to when they have better options.

I've never heard that definition. In my area everyone refers to a kept women as someone who is well-cared for by their husband.
I have noticed that on this board people think being a "kept" woman is the same as being a housewife or wife to a rich man or something that involves marriage. Being kept means you are the side piece to some married man who buys you things and pays your bills and it's not something most women would aspire to when they have better options.

Yes you've described 'kept' woman as most people define it. I don't believe the OP means that nor do I want to be kept.
A see it more as exuding your Feminine Allure on a daily basis. What does that FA entail? hence the discussion.
I just googled it:
Definition. Historically the term has denoted a "kept woman", who was maintained in a comfortable (or even lavish) lifestyle by a wealthy man so that she would be available for his sexual pleasure. Such a woman could move between the roles of a mistress and a courtesan depending on her situation and environment.
Ok so I am confused. My definition of kept is you got someone who's not your husband paying your bills and buying you nice thing and got you staying in a little penthouse. The current definition is just a woman who looks good and can keep it together in public and in private? Aren't there a hundred the ads like that? Beautiful photos and descriptions though.