Your hair grew because...

Should she return the ring?

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Wow! This was one of my very first posts! Weird! I guess I can add to it now, some ten months later:

* absolutely no heat
* increased water and vitamin intake
* kept ends protected and moist (always)
* no scissor happy stylists (thank you Tracy and Supergirl)
* stopped relaxing every four weeks and overprocessing my hair
* plenty of protein (daily shakes)
Trimming and wrapping have def helped my hair grow by leaps and bounds.

Tracy- who is that in your avatar?
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very little heat. stretching relaxers, washing more frequently has helped my hair become more healthy.
I chose products and vitamins. I think that my switching to something that was better for my hair has helped a great deal. I also never used protein treatments and I think the addition of this has made a difference too.
1. I stopped using direct heat

2. I started using quality products.

3. I started to get "dustings" every 2 months and a trim twice a year.

4. Going to good quality stylist to get my relaxer done :)
I started this website in July I believe and that's when I started taking vitamins and washing my hair on a regular basis. I can honestly say that Wild Growth Oil has contributed to my growth. My hair was in the middle of my neck and after using the WGO it grew to the base of my neck within a 2-3 month period.
I picked great conditioning products/vits. I never used heat much before joining. The biggest change for me was the vaseline/baggie on my ends. I don't know why, but this (along w/vits) seems to create the quickest, most noticeable results.
I chose hair began to thicken because I started performing conditioner washes on my hair! I also believe it has grown due to protective styles, no heat, and stretching out relaxers!! Boy...the way my hair would look without LHCF!!! :nono:
I'd have to say that putting down the curling iron and blowdryer has definitely helped me to retain the length I've accumulated today! :)
Since going natural and later texturized, don't use heat products often. I generally wear wash and go styles. I think this has to be why my hair has taken off.
I use the same amount of heat I used before LHCF. I also use protective styles about as often. The products made all the difference in the world for me. I used almost no product before I came here. I'd never even heard of protein or moisturizing conditioners. As a matter of fact, I rarely used conditioner and NEVER used leave-ins. Keeping my length had everything to do with finding the right products for my hair. I'm going with the first one 'd'
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I'd have to say that my hair grew the most when I became natural. I just don't have the patience to deal with relaxed hair. I consider it more work than dealing with my natural hair.

I'd follow that with deep conditioning treatments and low manipulation.
My hair has always been growing, but when I started college I hadn't been reatining the length. I think going natural helped, but most importantly the freedom to do more styles that required little or no heat made the most difference.
I voted that my hair has grown because of regular trims, but vitamins and deep conditioning are also apart of my style.

I think that mine is growing faster than usual due to my taking multivitamins, drinking lots of water, cutting out sodas, excercise, less stress, and softer water (water is softer here than what it is in NY) My hair has always grown, but not as fast as it's been growing for the past 1.5 years.
My hair finally started retaining length because I stopped trimming it everytime I got a retouch. That and deep conditioning once or twice a week with a heat cap.
Using no/less heat and giving my hair daily moisture.
But i think the most beneficial thing that I have done is to chose low manipulation styles like buns, braids and twists.
My hair started growing/retaining length with more washings, limited heat, and stretching relaxers.
Your hair grew because...

I LEARNT TO LEAVE IT ALONE, and i realised my problem was INTERNAL not externally!!
Although I voted, the main reason why my hair is growing now is because I leave it alone. Protective styling such as twists, braids, and wigs really allow my hair to just G R O W and R E T A I N growth!
My hair grew because I am alive and breathing. My hair RETAINS length now because I have no chemicals on my hair ( my hair does not like them) and I keep my scalp clean and clog-free and I practice low manipulation hairstyles.
I see you "hair twin" (Pinkskates)- Hey girl!:p

But yeah, I'd have to say going natural has been the best thing for my hair, and just giving it lots of TLC and patience has really contributed to my length retention.