Are You Natural For Life Spin Off/Poll

Are U natural For Life?

  • Yes, there's no other way for me

    Votes: 359 62.0%
  • No, I'm not sure

    Votes: 35 6.0%
  • I can never say never (indecisive)

    Votes: 156 26.9%
  • I will be getting a relaxer soon

    Votes: 11 1.9%
  • Definetly no

    Votes: 18 3.1%

  • Total voters
never say never BUT whenever im tempted I start to reminisce all those moments where i was natural and permed and down the road something happenned and I was like why did I do it and look how far i went in my journey those past years going natural ...perming ..bc'ing was a lot of stress and a lot of work...therefore I cannot think of perming or texlaxin and if I ever complain and say that I will... SOMEBODY SLAP ME ( Im happy to be natural with all the ups and downs that comes my way and I think that If I want to get to my goal I will have to make compromises wether its giving more time to style or to take care of it ...hide it ..bun it...ill do so...I think its all about determination and patience.
i'm not sure. i like my natural hair, but i'm not happy with how short it is and how slow its growing. this is making me want to relax.
There is NO question that I will stay natural for life. I can't see myself injecting any more chemicals into my scalp. One bad perm was one too many for me. I am not hating on anyone else, but it's too healthy now for me to turn back...
I voted yes - there is no other way for me.

The thought of getting a relaxer actually makes me laugh :lol: served me no purpose other than scalp conditions, crappy looking hair that was always in a ponytail and being scared of moisture be it through sweat or rain or swimming.

This fits me sooo well too!

Having a relaxer was a pain in the butt, and my hair never really looked good anyway! Even before I considered natural hair, I would always think, "Why do people do this? What's the point?"

If I want to change it up in the future, I'll just go get a press. My hair looked good pressed, but rarely did it look okay relaxed (maybe the first year).

So yeah, natural for life!
Yes, Natural For Life. :)

It feels good to be free of touch-ups. But at any rate, I'm not going back to a relaxer after I transitioned for 14 months and chopped off ten inches of my hair. It's healthier and longer in its natural state, so Imma just continue on this way.

Same here! My decision to go natural is permanent. Just the thought of transitioning for almost a year and going thru all that drama makes me want to puke :spinning:

I am happy with my natural hair. Can't even remember what it felt like to have relaxed hair.
I believe in never saying "never" but for sure I will never relax my hair again. NEVER!!

I love my natural hair. Right now I don't use heat at all. In the 5 years I've been natural I've flat-ironed maybe 3 times. I'm considering maybe ironing it a little more for style versatility but honestly being natural I've had formal hair-dos and everything in between. I don't feel like I'm missing anything. When you have strong natural hair you have the best of both worlds. IMHO!!
at this stage in my life, after a relaxer that made me cut off at least 8 inches of my hair and after realizing how nice it is to be able to go natural one day and straighten the next, i can honestly say i'll be natural for the rest of my life.
I defintely do not see myself ANYWHERE in the near future relaxing my hair. I love my natural hair and the flexibility is provides me

However, I was one of the people who chose "never say never" Not only do I try not to use the "never say never" philosophy in the other areas of my life but I firmly believe that one really doesn't know. What if as an elderly woman I cannot care for my hair (or even myself) the way natural hair requires and what if relaxing it or texturizing for a few mins would be the best thing for me...Not sure but that is highly likely.

I end in saying : Natural for as long as I can be! :yep:
I periodically re-read this thread and a few others like it.

It's always interesting (and funny) to read the posts of those who swore allegiance to being life-long naturals only to later jumped ship and relaxed or texlaxed :shhh:. Sometimes, I seriously consider joining them :angeldevi.

I've learned that it's not the state of the hair -- natural or relaxed -- that's important, but the health and the length :grin:.
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Yes! I will be a natural for life! I now realize that the relaxers were breaking off my thin hair and I could never retain length. Its a nice feeling when the women in my family as me if my natural hair is REAL! Ofcourse I respond by "touch the scalp, it aint no weave!"

This is coming from someone who only had relaxed shoulder length hair her whole entire life, now its near my bra strap!!!
I voted Never say Never.

At the moment, I have no plans to relax. But you never know. The longer it gets, the thicker it gets and I just don't have the time to deal.
Nope, no relaxers for me :nono:

I'm natural for life. If it starts to annoy me, I will just cut it and start again, but I won't relax. I love my natural texture too much to go straight again.
I say natural for life

If I ever get overwhelmed with caring for my loose hair I will probably lock my hair. I plan on locking anyway in 3 or 4 years so maybe it will be sooner instead of later
i voted natural for life. i've been natural all my life and haven't had any big problems so far. plus i know i would get bored with straight hair and don't think i have the patience to transition.
I periodically re-read this thread and a few others like it.

It's always interesting (and funny) to read the posts of those who swore allegiance to being life-long naturals only to later jumped ship and relaxed or texlaxed :shhh:. Sometimes, I seriously consider joining them :angeldevi.

I've learned that it's not the state of the hair -- natural or relaxed -- that's important, but the health and the length :grin:.

I noticed this too.

I plan to be natural for life, and really don't see a reason i would go back to relaxers. But I guess you never know what the future holds.
Natural for life! I don't knock the relaxed heads if that route is working for them, but for me, my hair looks, feels, and acts better natural!
I say yes because I just love my natural hair. I never thought I would enjoy being natural. I hated going through the transition, it was really frustrating, but it was well worth it. I'm trying to get some of my friends to go natural.
I can never say never - just taking it one day at a time. I am happy with my progress right now and I do not have any problems taking care of natural hair - no knots etc. However, I really like phyto relaxer alot because it gives me similar texture and strength of my natural hair. If I begin to get tangles as my hair gets longer I might relax but I have no desire now.
Well I plan on staying natural but I'm just gonna take it one day at a time. I have always loved curly hair and after seeing that I have it I can't see me going back. Plus, I have chosen a healthier lifestyle.