Young Wives...what's it like?

Hi ladies, did anyone get married in their teens or early 20's to a man they had no children with 9at that time) and have never lived with before? If so how long have you been together/married and how different is it being a 'Young Wife' than being a partner who didn't live with him?

I got married when I was 22, DH was 23, and we have been married for 2.5yrs now and we never lived together. I loved being a young wife. I love waking up to my best friend, and being able to talk to him practically anytime. Every marriage has its trials and tribulations, but if you and your spouse are dedicated and committed to working things out no matter what, you will have plenty of joyous days together.

Do you have children now, did it change things, if so how?

We have a daughter that is now 4 weeks. Our child has already taught us a lot about sacrifice and discipline, as well as given us a greater appreciation for each other. Just going up the road now requires planning, while previously you could just jump in the car and go.

Do you always look cute at home?

:lachen::lachen:, ok in my mind, I am super cute 24/7. Reality is, no I don't. However, since I stay at home, I do realize that when you look good, you tend to feel good, and as such, you are more productive. So whilst I might not put on stilletos and a business suit everyday, I try to keep myself up if not just for my own sanity.
I married my hubby at the ripe old age of 19. We had been together since I was 15 (he is a year older than me). We lived with his parents when we were first married. We still don't have any kids, but we are working on that. It wasn't always easy, but it is still one of the best decisions I've ever made. We just celebrated 6 years of marriage, and we have truly grown up together. Now, like some of the previous posters, I tend to be on the vain side, so I always try to look "cute," even when at home. Although sometimes, I think I look anything but cute, but he still thinks I am cute, so it's all good.
People that come by my house on my off days are like "where are you going?":grin:

Cause I have my hair done, cute clothes on, makeup on...I'm like I just like to get up and make myself feel good. When you look good you feel good, well that's my motto anyway.

Go head with your bad self! Your "that girl" even at home.
I met my DH in 2003 when we were 18. I married him in January of this year when we were 21.

It's...interesting. I had such a rosy picture of marriage...and it's just not like that. It takes tons and tons of work, time, and effort to be a good spouse.

I'd have waited if my circumstances permitted. We are still growing and maturing and that makes things a lot harder. We'll both most likely be totally different people in regards to maturity in say...5 years.

It's our 1st year of marriage and they say it's the hardest, but we're working through it. :yep:

We have no kids, but we both think we may try for one in a year or so. I don't always make an effort to look pretty, because honestly, he fell in love with a girl who dressed simply and didn't wear makeup, so there isn't anything to change. I was 80 lbs lighter when we met, but he doesn't seem to be putting up a terrible fuss about that anyway.
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I married my hubby at the ripe old age of 19. We had been together since I was 15 (he is a year older than me). We lived with his parents when we were first married. We still don't have any kids, but we are working on that. It wasn't always easy, but it is still one of the best decisions I've ever made. We just celebrated 6 years of marriage, and we have truly grown up together. Now, like some of the previous posters, I tend to be on the vain side, so I always try to look "cute," even when at home. Although sometimes, I think I look anything but cute, but he still thinks I am cute, so it's all good.

Awww that's so sweet, that's how folks did it like 50 years ago.

Good luck on the baby!
Awww that's so sweet, that's how folks did it like 50 years ago.

Good luck on the baby!

You know, it really worked for us. His parents are excellent role models of how a marriage should work. I learned a lot living there, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. They gave us our space, but it was nice to have that built in support.

Thanks for the good wishes. We are now in the process of adoption and we are very excited!
You know, it really worked for us. His parents are excellent role models of how a marriage should work. I learned a lot living there, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. They gave us our space, but it was nice to have that built in support.

Thanks for the good wishes. We are now in the process of adoption and we are very excited!

I was adopted. My mom swears they were MORE excited at getting the call (to get me) than most people are when they hear its a boy/girl. Maybe you value it more but we couldn't be closer.

eta: I feel like that is what God wants me to do since I have two boys, not to have a girl of my own but to adopt one. In the last week, you make couple #7 that has told me or dh they are in the process of adoption. Keep us posted!
I was adopted. My mom swears they were MORE excited at getting the call (to get me) than most people are when they hear its a boy/girl. Maybe you value it more but we couldn't be closer.

eta: I feel like that is what God wants me to do since I have two boys, not to have a girl of my own but to adopt one. In the last week, you make couple #7 that has told me or dh they are in the process of adoption. Keep us posted!

This just warmed my heart. She will be beautiful!!
This just warmed my heart. She will be beautiful!!

I've been asking dh 'what about a 3rd baby' He doesnt' want to go through a pregnancy but he's agreeable to another child. I'm not a happy pregnant person:look:.

I prayed so hard for girls each time I was pregnant. I've now felt like maybe I was never susposed to have a biological daughter.

My mom and I are so close, she has been the best mom ever, I'd love to have that same relationship with a daughter. If I could be 1/10 of the mother she is...I swear.
I was adopted. My mom swears they were MORE excited at getting the call (to get me) than most people are when they hear its a boy/girl. Maybe you value it more but we couldn't be closer.

eta: I feel like that is what God wants me to do since I have two boys, not to have a girl of my own but to adopt one. In the last week, you make couple #7 that has told me or dh they are in the process of adoption. Keep us posted!

I will definitely keep you ladies posted. I have kept mum about it to most people, but I am bursting. You can read my blog about our process at We are still in the early phases, but it is wonderful to be going forward. We have always wanted to adopt, and are finally both on the same page as far as really going forth.

It is so great to "meet" an adopted person who had a positive experience. There are so many bad stories out there that I am sometimes quite afraid. Best wishes to you and your family as you decide what to do in regards to adoption.
I've been asking dh 'what about a 3rd baby' He doesnt' want to go through a pregnancy but he's agreeable to another child. I'm not a happy pregnant person:look:.

I prayed so hard for girls each time I was pregnant. I've now felt like maybe I was never susposed to have a biological daughter.

My mom and I are so close, she has been the best mom ever, I'd love to have that same relationship with a daughter. If I could be 1/10 of the mother she is...I swear.

That is the best thing I've ever heard, and I pray God will bless me to be that kind of mom! WOW!
I'm going to check your blog out!

I know, I think its surprising when folks meet a normal well adjusted person like myself who was adopted, they expect you to be "lost" or something. I’m actually above normal if you ask me. I have been always greatly loved by my parents. I think regardless of whether you adopt or have your own child, your parenting is about you and what kind of person you are.

I'm 31, and back then my mom said you didn't really announce it or talk about it like you do now, so you just bring your baby home, no questions asked. I know that excitement or rather she expressed it to me, waiting and pins and needles.

Barbara Walters adopted her dd, (who is like 34/35) she said it wasn't a secret but it was something people just didn't openly ask her about or talk about. She did a great special once, called "Born in my Heart" about adopting her dd and finally saying it publicly. I love that term, born in my heart.

Eta: my dad was military, I think people like that because it shows you’re going to expose that child to different things and traveling, etc.

pm me whenever...
