you want to be PREGNANT but your husband cannot have kids...


Well-Known Member
what would you do if you knew you really wanted to have kids of your own -- and had the desire to be pregnant and to carry them, but your husband does not create viable sperm. after years of testing the doctors tell you his body is making water basically; that his semen has no active spermatozoa.

would you allow yourself to be artificially inseminated or would you only adopt?

in either case the adopted child has none of your dna but the other child would be half yours genetically...what would you do? would you want or be comfortable with artificial insemination to being an option?

i'm not married or want to have kids. this is a hypothetical question.
Time to go to the sperm bank. He can't have kids of his blood - period. I can still have kids of my blood. *shrug*
I really didn't want to say divorce but in this case, I just might do it. However, these are my feelings at this present stage in my life so I might change my mind.
I don't know if I want kids so it wouldn't be a problem at all. If I did decide I wanted kids, we'd go adopt.
I'm dealing with this situation...

I have a child from a previous relationship and DH adopted her. We both want more, but he can't. DH wants to adopt, but I'd rather do a sperm bank. I want to give birth and bond with our child. Adoption is different in so many ways. I'm also looking at the time... I've been a mother since I was 21... Unless it's a child I gave birth to, I can see myself being resentful in the future. I'm just being honest.

If it were solely up to me, since he can't, I'd just raise our DD and keep it moving. But he really wants another one no matter what...
I'd probably look into adoption. I doubt that my DH would want me carrying some other man's baby, and I would probably feel weird about it myself. :ohwell:
What if he has a brother that he was really close to. Would you allow his brother to be the sperm donor? I think (haven't been faced with this issue) that if the situation were reversed, I would allow my sisters to be my egg donor. Just a thought...
What if he has a brother that he was really close to. Would you allow his brother to be the sperm donor? I think (haven't been faced with this issue) that if the situation were reversed, I would allow my sisters to be my egg donor. Just a thought...

I would go for that if he was cool with it - it would make the child blood related to him, at least. :yep:
If all the other aspects of our relationship were great I would absolutely not divorce over this. I would first want to try to do a sperm bank and would try my hardest to bring him to my side. But I would also be ok with adopting because at the end of the day there are tons of kids who need love and it would save me from the weight gain of birth LOL jk.
i voted for the brother option. I have a very close friend who cant have a child and I told her that if it came down to it she could have a egg (why does that sound like I'm getting one out of the egg carton in the fridge?? smh) anywho, I would do the same for my sis and I would think that a brother would do the same for him. adopting is cool but I would try other avenues first.

Mainly, because I can't see myself doing srtificial insemination under any circumstance. I would rather pour resources into raising a child than creating one. Especially, when there are children in need of a home.
i voted for the brother option. I have a very close friend who cant have a child and I told her that if it came down to it she could have a egg (why does that sound like I'm getting one out of the egg carton in the fridge?? smh) anywho, I would do the same for my sis and I would think that a brother would do the same for him. adopting is cool but I would try other avenues first.

The bolded made me giggle. I just pictured a carton of brown eggs.
I could never see myself getting a sperm from a known or unknown donor. Hell naw!

So, I guess my answer is adopt. I mean, I would hate if he divorced me if the roles were reversed.
My SO and I talked about this and we would be willing to adopt--whether it was him or me with the problem.