You tube Pin curl instructions


Well-Known Member
I plan own getting a new sew in soon and I want to do the curl look like how kimora and Jill Marie Jones usually style their hair. I used to curl every morning before I learned about pin curls. Using the curling iron every morning took 1hr! So I found this video the ladies hair is very pretty. Hope you like it!
Loved it! Somehow hearing her talk about her upbringing reminded me that I used to roll my hair on paper bag 'cause my mother wouldn't buy me rollers.:lachen:
Thank you so much Future MD! I saved the first one as a favorite! Now i think i can pincurl. She used NTM leave in as a frizz buster, quite interesting tip.
Great tutorial, thanks for posting! I would like to try this, but I just don't see how I could not crush all of my pincurls while sleeping :ohwell: This is why I never try to maintain a curly style after rollersetting. :sad:
I tried this last night and it didn't work for me.:nono:

My hair just wont hold a curl unless I roll very tight on satin covered sponge rollers and then that gives me too tight a curl :ohwell: