You Set The Tone For How You Are Treated-long Post


Well-Known Member
So, i'm watching Poldark(set in the 1700's), which is sooo sooo good. And its like it all just clicked together. So, Poldark has his tragic love for Elizabeth-the lady who is high society and his wife Demelza (spelling?) who doesn't think she's good enough for him, b/c she was a maid and married into a well known family.

So, there was a scene in the show that made me so angry. The character Poldark is helping to take care of this cousins wife, and selling all that he has to keep her in the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Meanwhile, his own wife is getting blisters in her hand, and working like a mule, while he ignores her. When it is brought to his attention, hey you're broke, and your own family needs this money, his response is my wife is used to hard work, she'll survive, while elizabeth is not used to the life. His wife never felt like she belonged, therefore she never asked for much. While elizabeth, it was jus an expectation that she would be given the world.

watching this made me soo angry for a multitude of reasons. It really, just reminded me that in relationships what you expect is how you will be treated. It reminded me of the constant fb post about men stating that they want the woman who suggests applebees so they can get the 2 for $20 deal. I see on Facebook all the time, when talk of relationships come up, a multitude of women, being the first to proclaim that they don't require much, they will suggest the 2 for 20. They are fine with netflix and chill, so their man can stack his money. Or "i might invite him over and cook and we can watch the fire stick" or, "i'm a cheap date". and it angers me so much. not b/c spending lots of money on a date means the person is quality, but damn, can we at least have the expectation of being properly courted?can the netflix and chill come once we are in an established relationship? the early days of dating is SUPPOSED TO BE when the man is going out of his way to impress us. Enjoy that time. The first date should not be you cooking for him, or watching the jailbroken fire stick. save that for later in the relationship. When you set the bar low, that is how you will be treated. what has having these low expectations really gotten us? like, this is a real question. i'm sure everyone has the hood fairytale story of the girl dating the guy, who is on hard times, she suggested applebees, then he knew she was the one, he stacked his coins and is now a millionaire. i'm being faceoutous but this was just nagging on my brain.

I'm PMSing so excuse my rambling. Anyways, all this rambling just to say, women we have got to stop selling ourselves short. and honestly, this goes both ways, in romantic relationships, friendships, and work. if you are always selling yourself short at work. constantly unsure of yourself, people will doubt your knowledge and abilities. and soon, they will be unsure of your work too. you create your own energy of doubt and negativity.
Poldark fan here. It's a great show but I have little love for Ross Poldark. And Demelza is a strong character with a heart of gold but I hate how she was always pandering to Poldark with her "will I ever be good enough for you" approach to their relationship. Not sure if you watched it all the way to the end of the season but she does eventually get it together in this area although
It may be too late and it took some drastic wake up calls to get that point."

Anyway, sorry, I know you didn't intend to discuss the show, lol. I definitely agree about setting the tone in how you are treated. I started out being good about that upon first entering the dating game but soon succumbed to bad advice from friends paired with society's crappy influence concerning what "modern dating" looks like.
I think a lot of that "settling" has to do with social media "filtering" and trying to keep up with the Joneses. Nobody really knows what's going on in other people's relationships, what they have to deal with or compromise with or forgive to get to where they appear they are. Plus people are naturally trending towards lazy loneliness and complacency. Oh well.:look:
Poldark fan here. It's a great show but I have little love for Ross Poldark. And Demelza is a strong character with a heart of gold but I hate how she was always pandering to Poldark with her "will I ever be good enough for you" approach to their relationship. Not sure if you watched it all the way to the end of the season but she does eventually get it together in this area although
It may be too late and it took some drastic wake up calls to get that point."

Anyway, sorry, I know you didn't intend to discuss the show, lol. I definitely agree about setting the tone in how you are treated. I started out being good about that upon first entering the dating game but soon succumbed to bad advice from friends paired with society's crappy influence concerning what "modern dating" looks like.
actually I don't mind discussing the show here too lmao. I was so angry and plus certain SM post made plus watching this show made me so upset. lmao I'm calmed down now too but I just hate seeing women sell themselves short. and everytime I see the "I'm a cheap date" I don't need all that propaganda, it reminds me of the "pick me" women.
There will always be the 'pick me" chick that will do anything to get and stay with a man. I have seen that they usually don't take advice to step things up. The best we can do is to keep our standards high and enjoy enjoy our best life. Hopefully our friends will see how it works and do the same. In life we get what we expect-and nothing more.
I agree. I remember going on fake first dates with guys who just invited me over to watch TV. I eventually realized that wasn't okay.

Another mistake I used to make was seeing guys who called me at the last minute instead of asking me out a few days ahead of time. Calling me on Saturday morning asking to see me on Saturday night. Not cool. :nono:
I think a lot of that "settling" has to do with social media "filtering" and trying to keep up with the Joneses. Nobody really knows what's going on in other people's relationships, what they have to deal with or compromise with or forgive to get to where they appear they are. Plus people are naturally trending towards lazy loneliness and complacency. Oh well.:look:
Social media highlights the issue but it's been around long before that. There has always been that person that is always suffering and accepting crumbs instead of the entire cake in their relationship early on. It's more fundamental than keeping up with the Jones. Accepting the least amount of effort in the beginning is a mistake. You set the bar so low they know what you are willing to accept. The one and only time I decided to be considerate early on I regretted it. It's hard as heck if not impossible to go back and force someone to step up to a higher bar once you set it low.

I'm a big believer in start as you mean to go on.
This is right on time. I need to express this to a friend. She was just venting about how her no good ex is cheap and doesn't/ didn't do for her. She asked him for $300 for a bed rail or something. He said he didn't have it and just because he has a good job doesn't mean he has it. She went off cursing him out and even told him I never asked you for anything. This same guy went above in beyond in his last relationship (he's a family friend). I let her vent and basically told her this shouldn't be a surprise as this is who he's been with you. I obviously didn't bring up his previous relationship because that wouldve been mean but I will have mention the show maybe it will spark something.
This thread is absolutely right. Men will always treat you how you allow them too. They'll do the least it takes to keep you. It's human nature. If a dude ain't stepping up to the plate, not asking me out in advance, not taking me on proper dates, and trying to give me crumbs then I bounce. My friends tell me that's why I'm still single cuz I don't give men chances. Bih, Did I not just finish telling you that he wasn't meeting my standards?! Naww... Every time I listen to bad advice and go against my instincts it backfires. Every. Damn. Time. I used to be part of the "work with a brother" program but not anymore!

I know someone who's been in a long distance relationship for a long time now. She did most of the work while dude sat back, relaxed and barely lifted a finger compared to all the work she put in. She set that precedent and it's still there. Years later she's no closer to a ring vs when they first started dating. He's still unsure. :rolleyes:
I always say how he meets me is how he will have to keep me. :yep: NO downgrades. And this isn't just about material things. I think a person should add net positive value to your life in all areas. If he's not, cut him loose. If a woman knows her value, the right man will see that and step up. It might take time, but he's out there. The tragedy is that we often discount ourselves for a piece of a man.