You Proved Your Doubters/Haters Wrong--Share Your Stories Please


With Love & Silk
Halimah's thread about her grandma not believing she could have longer hair got me to thinking. We've had dozens and dozens of similar stories like that over the years here. So I KNOW that some of you are now reaping your hair harvest and enough time has elapsed that you are now proving all your skeptics wrong, DEAD WRONG!

Please share your stories, because I've been waiting on them :) AND to inspire others now and in the future.

Also, if you happened to have started a thread about someone doubting you and now you've proven them wrong, please include a link to your thread about your doubter(if you can find it) with your success story in this thread.
I love the haters that say that I shouldn't wash my hair so much, or that I shouldn't leave conditioner in it. My hair has been growing like weeds from co-washing. They'll be sick when I'm MBL :yep:
I don't have any haters but I did have doubters.... now they're asking ME for tips. I didn't focus on length, just on healthy hair. It rubbed off so I'm pretty happy. :yep:
I don't have a story but my situation is similar to 'joyandfaith' :yep:

Looking forward to reading other's stories. :)
I proved my doubter wrong not through length but by improving the health of my hair-

When I cut off most of my relaxed hair a few months ago a black co-worker asked me why I cut off my lovely long relaxed hair (my hair was no way near long- it was shoulder length) and why was I going natural and said natural kinky black hair looked ugly (meaning 4ab hair) and that my hair did not look right:perplexed She also said that I should not come to work with my hair looking like how it did:wallbash:

Well, I must admit that I was not that offended, because all this was coming from someone who always wears some really tired, awful and embarrassing looking wigs and weaves. Also, when I initially cut my hair it did look a bit peculiar because I did not know how to style it or care for it and it did look like a dried up coconut (if I must say so myself:nono:).

A couple months later, after figuring out how to care for my natural hair (from all the kind ladies here eg Justkiya, Ladypknc, Ladylibra among others). My hair started looking less like a dried coconut and more like lush healthy moisturised hair. This same lady started touching my hair repeatedly:sad: and kept saying how shocked she was at how soft my hair was. She said she did not realise that our hair could be so soft. She then wanted to know how I cared for my hair because she was having problems with her little daughters hair being tough and hard to comb. I went out and bought her some products (which I was reimbursed for) and wrote a regimen for her daughter.

Last week this same lady came to work without wig/weave (first time in years anyone at work saw her real hair. I was shocked. She said she is so impressed by the health and look of my hair that she is trying my regimen on herslf - I guess that is the nicest compliment :grin: Unfortunately this poor woman has no hairline, it starts way back (farther than Essence's Susan Taylor) and it looks weird. I am pondering suggesting some MN. I did suggest she come on here but she said she is not a computer sort of gal- too busy.

I have other doubters to prove wrong but that will be in a couple years from now when I show them that black women can grow their hair long- stay tuned:grin:
Thanks, you're funny. ;)
(now share your story!)

lol, I haven't been on this hair growing journey long enough yet! :grin:

It is kind of funny though bc at first my mom was like :rolleyes: when I was telling her about this longhaircareforum stuff but now she's using my products and asking me to make her some moe gro lol
There is this one girl who is a freaking know it all, one upper that works my nerves. She always has something to say. Plus she likes my dh so she is really on my list. Here's how it went down.
Stupid chick: Why did you cut all of your hair off?
Me: Because it's mine. Why do you care?
Stupid chick: You know it's going to take forever to grow it back right?
Me: Blink, blink, blink

Fast forward she sees me at an event and my back is to her. She doesn't know it's me and was even asking who the girl was with the long hair. They were like that's Q isn't her hair beautifu? :blah:

This is how she looked :thud:
Stupid chick: Wow Q your hair has really grown. What are you doing?
Me: You know the usual stuff that's all.
Stupid chick: It's longer than mine now.
Me: I know, crazy huh?!!!

Oh and I was getting so much attention from people that she suddenly had something wrong with her :rolleyes: So everyone was with her trying to make sure she was okay. All of a sudden she couldn't breathe and had to leave although she was fine just a frew minutes before she saw me. Yeah, RIGHT!!! Q
There is this one girl who is a freaking know it all, one upper that works my nerves. She always has something to say. Plus she likes my dh so she is really on my list. Here's how it went down.
Stupid chick: Why did you cut all of your hair off?
Me: Because it's mine. Why do you care?
Stupid chick: You know it's going to take forever to grow it back right?
Me: Blink, blink, blink

Fast forward she sees me at an event and my back is to her. She doesn't know it's me and was even asking who the girl was with the long hair. They were like that's Q isn't her hair beautifu? :blah:

This is how she looked :thud:
Stupid chick: Wow Q your hair has really grown. What are you doing?
Me: You know the usual stuff that's all.
Stupid chick: It's longer than mine now.
Me: I know, crazy huh?!!!

Oh and I was getting so much attention from people that she suddenly had something wrong with her :rolleyes: So everyone was with her trying to make sure she was okay. All of a sudden she couldn't breathe and had to leave although she was fine just a frew minutes before she saw me. Yeah, RIGHT!!! Q

This had me :lachen::lachen::lachen: !!!
There is this one girl who is a freaking know it all, one upper that works my nerves. She always has something to say. Plus she likes my dh so she is really on my list. Here's how it went down.
Stupid chick: Why did you cut all of your hair off?
Me: Because it's mine. Why do you care?
Stupid chick: You know it's going to take forever to grow it back right?
Me: Blink, blink, blink

Fast forward she sees me at an event and my back is to her. She doesn't know it's me and was even asking who the girl was with the long hair. They were like that's Q isn't her hair beautifu? :blah:

This is how she looked :thud:
Stupid chick: Wow Q your hair has really grown. What are you doing?
Me: You know the usual stuff that's all.
Stupid chick: It's longer than mine now.
Me: I know, crazy huh?!!!

Oh and I was getting so much attention from people that she suddenly had something wrong with her :rolleyes: So everyone was with her trying to make sure she was okay. All of a sudden she couldn't breathe and had to leave although she was fine just a frew minutes before she saw me. Yeah, RIGHT!!! Q

LOL ...your hair took her breath away :lachen:

This is a great thread, I look forward to more responses.
Wow Q thats crazy!

My story:

When my ex met me, I kept my hair cut in a short bob(a little shorter than neck length). I wore weaves in between going to my stylist to get it reshaped or whatever. I kept it at the same length because it was easier to deal with. He'd make comments like if we have kids and they don't have hair it will be your fault. (His mother and sisters have pretty lengthy hair) I'd tell him shut up because I keep my hair that way because I liked it. It had nothing to do with not being able to grow it. He'd roll his eyes and say whatever...that black women always have excuses. WTF is that suppose to mean. He saw me a couple of weeks ago and made a comment on me wearing shorter weaves. I was like umm negroe this is my hair. He was like yea right and put his whole hand through it. The look on his face...:blush: then he says damn thats impressive...He pissed me off something serious. I started to curse him out but I just left it alone freakin
@55hole! He got some nerve.:wallbash:
This had me :lachen::lachen::lachen: !!!

LOL ...your hair took her breath away :lachen:

This is a great thread, I look forward to more responses.

Serious yall she is a one upper. You know the person. If you stubbed your toe, then theirs was cut off in an accident and miraculously grew back without medical intervention. So since she didn't have hair to show off, all of a sudden she is sick and needs EVERYBODIES help. :rolleyes: I later asked her aunt what was wrong with her. She said, "girl who knows, your guess is as good as mine." Q
Serious yall she is a one upper. You know the person. If you stubbed your toe, then theirs was cut off in an accident and miraculously grew back without medical intervention. So since she didn't have hair to show off, all of a sudden she is sick and needs EVERYBODIES help. :rolleyes: I later asked her aunt what was wrong with her. She said, "girl who knows, your guess is as good as mine." Q


Subscribing for motivation...:look:
Wow Q thats crazy!

My story:

When my ex met me, I kept my hair cut in a short bob(a little shorter than neck length). I wore weaves in between going to my stylist to get it reshaped or whatever. I kept it at the same length because it was easier to deal with. He'd make comments like if we have kids and they don't have hair it will be your fault. (His mother and sisters have pretty lengthy hair) I'd tell him shut up because I keep my hair that way because I liked it. It had nothing to do with not being able to grow it. He'd roll his eyes and say whatever...that black women always have excuses. WTF is that suppose to mean. He saw me a couple of weeks ago and made a comment on me wearing shorter weaves. I was like umm negroe this is my hair. He was like yea right and put his whole hand through it. The look on his face...:blush: then he says damn thats impressive...He pissed me off something serious. I started to curse him out but I just left it alone freakin
@55hole! He got some nerve.:wallbash:

You showed him!!!
I proved my doubter wrong not through length but by improving the health of my hair-

When I cut off most of my relaxed hair a few months ago a black co-worker asked me why I cut off my lovely long relaxed hair (my hair was no way near long- it was shoulder length) and why was I going natural and said natural kinky black hair looked ugly (meaning 4ab hair) and that my hair did not look right:perplexed She also said that I should not come to work with my hair looking like how it did:wallbash:

Well, I must admit that I was not that offended, because all this was coming from someone who always wears some really tired, awful and embarrassing looking wigs and weaves. Also, when I initially cut my hair it did look a bit peculiar because I did not know how to style it or care for it and it did look like a dried up coconut (if I must say so myself:nono:).

A couple months later, after figuring out how to care for my natural hair (from all the kind ladies here eg Justkiya, Ladypknc, Ladylibra among others). My hair started looking less like a dried coconut and more like lush healthy moisturised hair. This same lady started touching my hair repeatedly:sad: and kept saying how shocked she was at how soft my hair was. She said she did not realise that our hair could be so soft. She then wanted to know how I cared for my hair because she was having problems with her little daughters hair being tough and hard to comb. I went out and bought her some products (which I was reimbursed for) and wrote a regimen for her daughter.

Last week this same lady came to work without wig/weave (first time in years anyone at work saw her real hair. I was shocked. She said she is so impressed by the health and look of my hair that she is trying my regimen on herslf - I guess that is the nicest compliment :grin: Unfortunately this poor woman has no hairline, it starts way back (farther than Essence's Susan Taylor) and it looks weird. I am pondering suggesting some MN. I did suggest she come on here but she said she is not a computer sort of gal- too busy.

I have other doubters to prove wrong but that will be in a couple years from now when I show them that black women can grow their hair long- stay tuned:grin:

This is a great story, Evsbaby. :yep: I hope to do the same for my mother and sisters. Fortunately, they're well aware of the fact that they don't know much about hair care, so I don't have to convince them that I'm right!

I don't have any stories to share because I have no hateration/holleration in this dancerine, at least when it comes to my hair. Thank goodness for that! :D
Serious yall she is a one upper. You know the person. If you stubbed your toe, then theirs was cut off in an accident and miraculously grew back without medical intervention. So since she didn't have hair to show off, all of a sudden she is sick and needs EVERYBODIES help. :rolleyes: I later asked her aunt what was wrong with her. She said, "girl who knows, your guess is as good as mine." Q


Your hair is an inspiration to me, Q, especially since I'm also 4B. :grin:

Your hair is an inspiration to me, Q, especially since I'm also 4B. :grin:

Thank you. You know I even tried to give her some tips and she told me that's okay because what she was doing was working fine. I just said, "um, yeah, okay" and left it alone. Her hair is still a short, funky fried, breaking off, hot mess. She still has not even made it to SL in almost 3 years since I cut mine off. Q
Yes, I proved them wrong. When my doubters say that I will NEVER grow my hair past SL well I am APL Full lenght! When they see my hair they compliment it how goregous it is!:rolleyes:! So I just :lachen:! I keep it moving!:grin:
Last week this same lady came to work without wig/weave (first time in years anyone at work saw her real hair. I was shocked. She said she is so impressed by the health and look of my hair that she is trying my regimen on herslf - I guess that is the nicest compliment :grin: Unfortunately this poor woman has no hairline, it starts way back (farther than Essence's Susan Taylor) and it looks weird. I am pondering suggesting some MN. I did suggest she come on here but she said she is not a computer sort of gal- too busy.

I have other doubters to prove wrong but that will be in a couple years from now when I show them that black women can grow their hair long- stay tuned:grin:

I bet she is already on here, I bet those products for her and not her daughter... I mean I could be wrong but just in case I am not... Welcome EvsBaby Co-Worker!

I will never understand why women in general but esp. us cannot be more supportive and encouraging...

I have no stories I mean my hair is relaxed and bleached( I know, I know). It is almost bsl about a inch away.. pretty thick to be relaxed. So, I get Is that real? all the time. Actually, I think it is pretty tactless.. I mean people do not go around asking if your teeth are real.

Great Stories Ladies.... Great Motivation and Inspiration.. I am scooting over to the co-wash board.
When I first found the hair boards (July 06) and the Wanakee hair site, there was a lady with full, thick WL hair that was just beautiful. Well after lurking on the hair boards for a week or so I decided it was possible to grow my APL hair to WL so I went and I told my Mom and sisters.

*dead silence*

I got a lot of :rolleyes: :nono: :ohwell: :perplexed looks from them for the next month or so with all the products and washing and baggying and using "food" in my hair, and 2 hour long shampoo days (I jumped on almost every bandwagon and I was a PJ too lol) Then my APL hair became BSL and MB, and I finally made WL.

In May I chopped back to BSL and am at Midback now. My new goal is HL and when I tell my family, there is no doubt at all that I will reach my goal.

I let my results take care of the doubters!! :grin:
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I bet she is already on here, I bet those products for her and not her daughter... I mean I could be wrong but just in case I am not... Welcome EvsBaby Co-Worker!

I will never understand why women in general but esp. us cannot be more supportive and encouraging...

I have no stories I mean my hair is relaxed and bleached( I know, I know). It is almost bsl about a inch away.. pretty thick to be relaxed. So, I get Is that real? all the time. Actually, I think it is pretty tactless.. I mean people do not go around asking if your teeth are real.

Great Stories Ladies.... Great Motivation and Inspiration.. I am scooting over to the co-wash board.

Not to hijack the thread.........but I almost spit on the screen when I read the bolded. Only because I was ask if my TEETH where real earlier this week!! A 50'ish white lady ask me that I looked at her like she was crazy.....
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No to hijack the thread.........but I almost spit on the screen when I read the bold. Only because I was ask if my TEETH where real earlier this week!! A 50'ish white lady ask me that shyt. I looked at her like she was crazy.....


I would have looked at her like:look: right before giving her one big :slap:.

(But maybe that's just because my tolerance for stupidity is really low)
There is this one girl who is a freaking know it all, one upper that works my nerves. She always has something to say. Plus she likes my dh so she is really on my list. Here's how it went down.
Stupid chick: Why did you cut all of your hair off?
Me: Because it's mine. Why do you care?
Stupid chick: You know it's going to take forever to grow it back right?
Me: Blink, blink, blink

Fast forward she sees me at an event and my back is to her. She doesn't know it's me and was even asking who the girl was with the long hair. They were like that's Q isn't her hair beautifu? :blah:

This is how she looked :thud:
Stupid chick: Wow Q your hair has really grown. What are you doing?
Me: You know the usual stuff that's all.
Stupid chick: It's longer than mine now.
Me: I know, crazy huh?!!!

Oh and I was getting so much attention from people that she suddenly had something wrong with her :rolleyes: So everyone was with her trying to make sure she was okay. All of a sudden she couldn't breathe and had to leave although she was fine just a frew minutes before she saw me. Yeah, RIGHT!!! Q

:lachen::lachen::lachen: Classic!