"You need to get a weave" (convo with a friend)

Hey Loca, just wanted to give you a :bighug:. From following your posts, I know you've had your share of hair struggles, but it seems as though your hair is getter better now, so focus on that! Just stick to your routine and your hair will keep improving.

Hair progress is slooooow and there's always gonna be somebody with something negative to say, unfortunately. :ohwell:

I agree with the posters who said you could do a wig or some other ps just to give yourself a morale boost & forget about your hair for a while. A watched pot doesn't boil. ;)
Awww I'm sorry you feel that way hun. :hug3: Don't pay her any attention. You have to do what you feel is best for you. It'll get better.
I feel you. I do believe people can get great growth from weaves. I've seen it here and IRL. :yep:

But to be honest, I rarely see a weave that I cant tell. That doesnt mean they look bad, some of the styles are fly but I can tell.

Yes I do believe she was trying to help. Its just that I was trying to forget about my hair struggles and then she tells me this. I'm not mad at her just upset that my hair looks so bad I need a weave:sad: Its like my own hair is not good enough.

Same here. I can always tell even if it's a good weave.
There is a way to tell people stuff without being downright rude. If you have a regimen and working towards your goals then fug her. You may have to put her in her place or just ignore her if she tries to bring it up again. Q
Don't allow these negative thoughts to stop you from achieving your hair goals. You don't wanna give up now; you're not that far away from where you are trying to get ;)

Have you tried stretching out your relaxers at any point?

At least you know you have support here...I'm sorry she made you feel that way. Try to brush it off and keep it movin...one day she just might be the one coming to you for advice on hair stuff.
Honey....you go ahead and do you. From what I read the tone of that whole conversation was just hateful. Reminds me why I deal with very few females in real life. They call themselves your friend but try to tear you down and break your confidence.
I had a "friend" who called herself my best friend who never had a good thing to say about me..hair or otherwise. My pants didn't fit right. I figured my 8's were fitting a lot better than her 22's. My lip color wasn't right and she wouldn't wear it..uuuuuuuuuhhhhh me neither if I was your tone...two different ends of the spectrum...my hair wasn't styled right..it was always a little past shoulder length and hers was always cut at neck length or above...It was always something...got tired of it...and no longer deal with her..Sometimes you gotta know when to cut folks loose..folks can be so hateful...Bottom line is...you do you and don't let her make you feel bad...Keep on pushing forward and you'll get where you want to be in no time!!
P.S. I started not to comment at all...but I couldn't stand it....
Edited to say...no offense meant to anyone...just sayin....pet peave of mine..and a true friend would know how to make suggestions without being so hateful...
IMHO you are relaxing too often. also if your hair is shorter than nl than cutting it may be a good idea. cutting the hair does not make it grow but if the ends are damaged and they are sitting on your shoulders then it will constantly break no matter how much you moisturize.