You know you're too into your hair when...

-when you complain of shedding and your dh reminds you that a year ago you mentioned your hair sheds more in the winter :giggle:
-when you complain of shedding and your dh reminds you that a year ago you mentioned your hair sheds more in the winter :giggle:

How about when DH tells people they need to talk to his wife about their hair problems because she can help them and tell them what they need. DH comes home and tells me to recommend products for people. I'm like :look:
And, when you buy an extra full-sized refrigerator to store your hair products...and it's jam packed


Wish I'd thought of that when we remodeled the kitchen. I coulda had a "hair fridge" in the garage!

BTW, does your Username stand for "Product Junkie"???
-When you are at the club and thinking the guy you are talking to is mighty fine...until he starts trying to run his fingers down my hair. Almost thunder punched this throat...the rudeness
I love this thread! I'm dying laughing and nodding in agreeance and my SO keeps staring at me like I'm crazy! He doesn't get it yet. Lol!
...when you look at the ingredients in the hair product aisle like they're food.
...when you are in the hair product aisle and pull out your phone to google or youtube something right quick.
...when you stalk the hair aisle waiting for your favorite online product to reach store shelves.
...when you psychoanalyze everyone at work based on their hair
...when you keep a calendar with the dates you presume you will reach certain lengths.

^^^Somebody that I know mentioned these to me. I have no actual experience with above craziness. :sekret:
I want a refrigerator for my hair products. I am thinking of getting a safe. Is that sick or what?
...when you look at the ingredients in the hair product aisle like they're food.
...when you are in the hair product aisle and pull out your phone to google or youtube something right quick.
...when you stalk the hair aisle waiting for your favorite online product to reach store shelves.
...when you psychoanalyze everyone at work based on their hair
...when you keep a calendar with the dates you presume you will reach certain lengths.

^^^Somebody that I know mentioned these to me. I have no actual experience with above craziness. :sekret:

Guilty! I'll pull up this forum and youtube looking for reviews in the middle of the aisle. For makeup too lol
Noooo. Where do you keep the extra full size fridge?

In the basement. Once, a friend saw it and remarked how nice it must be to have an overflow fridge. I laughingly thought to myself, "Yeah, there's plenty of food in there - coconuts, avocados, bananas, those containers of hair product."


Wish I'd thought of that when we remodeled the kitchen. I coulda had a "hair fridge" in the garage!

BTW, does your Username stand for "Product Junkie"???

@sipp: No, although it's somewhat apropos.:lol: It's my nickname and initials.
When the most hits on my ShopSavvy app are all hair products....

I have a full rolling cart of unused hair products. Plus a closet, several shelves and an entire bathroom of products. :look:
How about when DH tells people they need to talk to his wife about their hair problems because she can help them and tell them what they need. DH comes home and tells me to recommend products for people. I'm like :look:

When a lady is talking to me about hair, he's in the background whispering --go 'head and give it to her. Translation: spit that knowledge to her. :lol: Saludable84
When most of your sentences start out with 'i just read on the forum..'

When you're in a crappy mood and SO suggests you check out what's new on the forum to cheer you up.

My YT boss says one day how beautiful my hair is and looks so soft she could touch it. I say its ok to touch it, she looks at my fair then holds her hands close to her and says oh no, you don't like your hair touched that's ok. I got everybody shook lol.
**When your heart breaks a little bit when you look down at your hand to see a short hair... With. No. Bulb.
..after seeing one broken hair, you quickly try to wash any evidence of it down the drain while you go into a mild panic over breakage.

**When you spread the mass hysteria of sleeping with your hair covered to people that would probably be the last to care (SO, guy friends, etc.).

**When your fro or bun touches the top of the inside of your car and you try to put the seat down super low to negate that.
..when that doesn't work, you grab a scarf (yeah, there's one in the car), plastic bag, whatever, and temporarily cover your hair until you reach your destination.

**When you have extremely unsettling dreams of someone putting relaxer (if natural and happy) or blue gel in your hair and the only way to go back to sleep is to go moisturize your hair or otherwise prove to yourself that your hair is fine and still on your head.
**When your heart breaks a little bit when you look down at your hand to see a short hair... With. No. Bulb.
..after seeing one broken hair, you quickly try to wash any evidence of it down the drain while you go into a mild panic over breakage.

**When you spread the mass hysteria of sleeping with your hair covered to people that would probably be the last to care (SO, guy friends, etc.).

**When your fro or bun touches the top of the inside of your car and you try to put the seat down super low to negate that.
..when that doesn't work, you grab a scarf (yeah, there's one in the car), plastic bag, whatever, and temporarily cover your hair until you reach your destination.

**When you have extremely unsettling dreams of someone putting relaxer (if natural and happy) or blue gel in your hair and the only way to go back to sleep is to go moisturize your hair or otherwise prove to yourself that your hair is fine and still on your head.

Yes, if I break one hair I have a panic attack. When broken hairs happen here and there but I can't accept that
- you text a LHCF friend for product discussion :look:

Um, my LHCF sister and I text every day or PM each other about what we did to our hair last night/yesterday/on wash day. And if it gets too late in the day we get a text that says Where You At? :look:

My SO knows my LHCF friend by first name :look:
Um, my LHCF sister and I text every day or PM each other about what we did to our hair last night/yesterday/on wash day. And if it gets too late in the day we get a text that says Where You At? :look:

My SO knows my LHCF friend by first name :look:

:lol: sounds quite familiar faithVA
**When your heart breaks a little bit when you look down at your hand to see a short hair... With. No. Bulb.
..after seeing one broken hair, you quickly try to wash any evidence of it down the drain while you go into a mild panic over breakage.


How about when you are trying to detangle your hair gently and all of a sudden you hear that sudden snap and then you're like


Okay, how about constantly having daydreams about your hair being long?
I knew I was getting bad when I once accidentally got so caught up in a daydream that while I was talking to my sister I did a motion as if I was flipping tbl hair off my neck. Meanwhile, I have a twa... (Don't judge me plz. I was scared to even admit this.)

Good thing she ain't notice. :lachen::lachen: