You know you have a hair obsession when

I am so obsessed with my hair that I check my ends about 20 times a day. Yes, it's that bad!
SUPERGIRL: lol!!!!
Your life's calendar is based on how many weeks it's been since you've had a re-touch and how long it will be before your next one.

You can remember different events in your life based on how long it had been since your retouch when it happened.

GREATNESS! lol!!!!
You can measure inches using your fingers instead of a ruler.

When you are on this hair board every single day...even when you have a task full of things to do!

When you examine strands that fell out or broke off and sadly ponder the reason as to why it didn't quite "make it."

When you're in the mirror all the time watching for an inch to grow.

You are so right! Whenever I find that 'one' strand that had to rebel I look at it's shiny-ness and thickness to examine its weakest spot then try to pull it to see if it'll break. Thanks to ALL of your advice I have a hard time breaking it = my hair is definately stronger and healthier.
kinikini2 said:
You can measure inches using your fingers instead of a ruler.

OMG -- yes!! It would be odd to walk around with a ruler, so I've measured one "onto" my fingers using the lines on the inside of my fingers..
hey, it's convenient!

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought I was the only one!
Too funny
You keep coming to LHCF.
When you take more than a "one a day multi" for your hair.
You keep telling people what they're doing wrong to their hair.
you're registered on every hair care board online.
you get mad when people view your post and have 0 replies
How about:
Scouting out the different "Sally's" in town, because you are too embarrassed to be seen in your "regular" Sally's, AGAIN.

Or doing a U-Turn when you see a new place that may have something you have only been able to get online...SURGE comes to mind. It works, too, 'cause I finally found a BSS that stocks it!!

Did I mention that I took a box of about 30 products to my local salon to give to those less encumbered by hair- product-junkism than I? These were things that didn't work well for me and I felt the less fortunate should have a shot at them...Lord, help me.
you check ur pillow evey morning to ensure you didnt lose any strands.

when a friend asks you "whats new" you feel the need to tell them about every new hair product youve tried in the last 48 hours.

the day isnt complete unless youve checked lhcf one last time before bed to make sure you didnt miss any new post.

you begin using lhcf code words like, LUST and WGO in everyday language.
When your speaking to a MAC make-up consultant about hair instead of make-up.
LOL, to be fair he did ask me first.
1. When you start telling people who call you that you are busy studying when you really just wanting to finish reading an LHCF thread/wash & condition your hair

2. When you stay up until the small hours of the night reading hair boards and watching YouTube videos on how to manage natural hair, even though you've been complaining all week that you need an early night

3. When you have read every thread on the first five pages of the forum and have to start rereading old threads you have already read to see if anyone has added a comment- Why aren't people posting enough?!

4. When you're having anxiety attacks about failing your exam, but still log on to read just one last thread

5. When you can't look at a woman on the tube/subway without checking out what their hair length is

Lol - I can only hope the obsession ends when you reach your goal length!!
buffalosoldier said:

6. Everytime you tell your Bf a nice juicy piece of celebrity gossip he replies sarcasticly 'did you read that on the hair board?'

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooh that is SO true!! Everytime my boyfriend calls me on my cell phone ( While Im actually at home) he immediately asks before even saying hello, " Youre on your hair board huh?"
He's obviously been calling my home number for hours unable to get through due to the fact Ive been online for 3-4 hours!

LOL I read this and was like ummm...who's still using dial up?! Then I realized this was started in 2004! I was 14...I'm getting old :look:
Wow! I love old threads. This one is 8 years old and still so relevant.

- When your kid forbids you from going into the hair care aisle at CVS

- When a stranger regrets asking you for your regimen not knowing it would require 3 hours of yapping

- Your kid gets all excited cuz mommy is mixing something that smells delicious... only to find out it's for your hair LOL

- A trip to Whole Foods just cost ya your whole paycheck but you didn't buy anything edible

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
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When your two and a half year old son cries because there's no dc cap for him too.

This is too cute!

You go down the haircare aisle each time even though you have all your staples.

Your BFF can tell you about her hair problems and you know exactly how to fix it, down to regimen and products ... even ingredients. :look:

You feel like a natural hair outsider when you straighten your hair.
When seeing a great head of hair makes you smile like your DH surprised you with roses.

When you check out every head of hair to evaluate health, shine, and whether it's a weave
When your every thought is hair, you look at people's hair and can tell them what they can use to help their hair, you looking online line for new products and fantasize what results you can get or buy products faster than your using them and when you can spend hours in a beauty supply store :)