You Know You are a Happily Nappy

Country gal

Well-Known Member
Someone sent this to me. It appears to be from Nappurality's site. Just plug in LHCF whenever you can. I have trully arrived because I see me in so many of the examples. :lachen:

You might be a nappy if you run home on lunch break to see if your
orders for your hair has arrived....

You might be a nappy if you have to watch your back at work because
you are on and you don't want your boss to catch

You might me a nappy if you want to loc but everytime you think you
are ready you see a BAA and change your mind....

You might be a nappy if people with relaxers wish they had the guts
to get off the crack......

You might be a nappy if you bought a digital camera just to take
picture of your hair......

You might me a nappy if you have tried all kind of products and food
items on your hair......

You might be a nappy if you spend your whole paycheck on stuff for
your hair....

You know you are nappy:

If you prefer to get a giftcard to a natura l store vs. a giftcard to
ninewest, yes I am a shoe addict...LOL

If you keep your hair products in the refrigerator

You find yourself trying to keep from buying every single product
mentioned here

You do not know what to do with yourself if is down

You feel the need to talk to a woman that's natural and share
products and this site with her and anything else you have learned
since going natural

You smile and encourage other nappys, I gave this girl in the
elevator at my job who is transitioning the thumbs up.

If you read every label of every product you put in your hair or
before you purchase it.

You care more about your hair now than when you were a permie and you
will not let any and anybody touch it or put any ole product in it.

You are open to trying make any and every concoction you read about
on here..LOL

Your kitchen is like a science lab

You don't want to get exten sions in your hair anymore b/c you are
going to miss your hair

You make an order from Oyin or Asha and you start checking the
mailbox and start pacing the floor like a husband waiting on his wife
to deliver...LOL

I could go on forever but I will leave space for others

How could I forget the best one, you can't keep your darn
hands/fingers out of your own hair...can someone please share with
me, why we do this??

- you love the wind in your hair, like my taxi ride from Newark to
Manhattan. The taxi drivee didn't like it but tough!

-you can make last minute plans without thinking about your hair,
like swimming, water slides, staying overnight at a friend's hourse
(cos you can borrow a comb from her)
- you are considering giving up shampoo and acutally looking forward
to it.

- you know how to decipher product labels, and know what to avoid.

- you know which products claim to be n atural but are in fact full of

If you have been to a napptural gathering or have even heard of them,
you might be a nappy.

If you have ever participated in or know what a "protective hair
challenge is", you might be a nappy.

If you have ordered from Oyin, Asha's, Carol's Daughter, etc. or even
heard of them, you might be a nappy.

If you plan a hairstyle and it doesn't quite work out and you don't
sweat it because you throw it in a puff and go, you might be a nappy.

If you have broken a comb or two or three trying to comb your hair,
you might be a nappy.

If you associate the name "Dee" to nappturality, you might be nappy.

If you have random pictures of other nappies' hair and they don't
know, you might be nappy.

If you know what gollum fire cream is, then you might be nappy.

If you laugh every time you see Gollum, then you might be nappy.

If you've ever used the words "happ y" and "nappy" in the same
sentence, you might be nappy (and happy ).

If you recognize someone because of their hair, you might be nappy.

If you're vegetarian/ vegan, then you might be nappy.

You blame all your friends problems on the fact that they still get
perms. (Q: Girl... why can't I find a MAN?!... A: Because you keep
getting them perms. *shrug*)

Your co-workers, phones, etc. at work "Bug" you, cause you are trying
to read the latest on Nappturality. (B 4 the site goes down! ) {It
took me 1 hour just to read this whole thread! co-workers/phone keep
interrupting me every 5-10 mintues <_< Irritating! }

Your friends/family members talk about your hair, then it starts to
rain, and they ask "You" to get something out the car for "them"!
{<_< 'cause they gonna "melt" if rain hits them!}
:yep: :yep:

True, true, true.

Yes you know your a happy nappy when you have hair products in the 'fridge....

When your NOT OBSESSED with curl definition.......

When you RUN from Pressing Combs......

When you got your HUSBAND putting Organic Coconut oil in HIS head.....
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You might be a nappy if people with relaxers wish they had the guts
to get off the crack......

I dont really get this one and a few others, some of it was silly to me, some of it true, but some not only true for nappies but for those that relax too....but ah well *shrugs* wont be the first time I dont fully "get it" , prolly wont be the last.

Arent there people with relaxers here? callin it crack on this welll nevamind. taint my business really

*skippin out of this thread*