"you have to stop using suave...and VO5"

Personally, I actually do like Beauty 4 Ashes products and was drawn to them because they are 100% natural products. However, I would never have the audacity to say or believe that there are only two product lines that work for all AA hair.
Since that ***** doesn't like it, that should mean more to me. Tell me why I have to drive all over town for my V05 Silk and Champagne and Tea Therapy? She's not doing a good job of trying to feed AA that crappy advice. :naughty:
Y'all are hilarious!
I went to the salon last Friday,and i left with a trim(a small one,but a trim nonetheless)that i didn't need,and poofy,sticky hair,done by a stylist that previously impressed me,but couldn't handle me(my hair) with one inch of newgrowth:nono:

I washed that ish out and fixed it myself.If i want salon,hair,i'll practice at home until i get it right:yep:
This is what me and my girlfriends say to people who we are putting on total ignore when they say something so totally ridiculous.

I say this to the folks who wrote the article.


Now here is what we think when we say it.

That is a lie from the pit of h e double hockey sticks and you are in confusement (this is a word that came from the motherboard at church about a chile that was totally acting ignorant!)

If it ain't broke don't fix it! Going to do my cowashing for today as we speak with my Suave or VO5.

We need to start our own articles and tell folks what works and doesn't work. We have the talent, smarts, and hair growth to prove our findings.

Hmmmmmm, something to think about.
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:rolleyes: They need to take a trip into the cowashing challenge thread, because I've been cowashing it up this summer with VO5 and Suave exclusively, because they tame my new growth like few others.
That beautiful hair is monetarily out of the reach of the average person. Because those products are expensive as all h3ll. C'mon now, all the hair care products in the world, including different ones used at different salons, and somehow those are the only 2 that will give you salon results? Makes you wonder if they're getting kick backs? Shoot, if I want salon results, all I have to do is comb my hair real rough til it rips out of my head and I want to cry from the pain, slap some mineral oil-based product on it, and turn some heat appliance on extra hot and burn my ear. Bam, salon results.

:lachen:Aahahahahahahaha.....YES GIRL!! U SAID IT!!! So funny yet TRUE!!!
That beautiful hair is monetarily out of the reach of the average person. Because those products are expensive as all h3ll. C'mon now, all the hair care products in the world, including different ones used at different salons, and somehow those are the only 2 that will give you salon results? Makes you wonder if they're getting kick backs? Shoot, if I want salon results, all I have to do is comb my hair real rough til it rips out of my head and I want to cry from the pain, slap some mineral oil-based product on it, and turn some heat appliance on extra hot and burn my ear. Bam, salon results.

i love vo5 conditioners and hate the shampoos with a passion.
i can see why she made this comment because most african american hair needs deep conditioner and suave and vo5 are not. most AA women dont co wash so she probaly think we dont need these cheap non deep conditioning conditioners.
on the other hand i think its a little ignorant to say that only 2 products will work. come on now, out of all the products in the world only two will work :rolleyes:. with that said i do LOVE me some ojon.
That sounds like an advertisement fo Ojon and that other line. :nono: I don't like Suave or V05 but I wouldn't stop using it if I did based on this article. Everything is not for everybody.
That beautiful hair is monetarily out of the reach of the average person. Because those products are expensive as all h3ll. C'mon now, all the hair care products in the world, including different ones used at different salons, and somehow those are the only 2 that will give you salon results? Makes you wonder if they're getting kick backs? Shoot, if I want salon results, all I have to do is comb my hair real rough til it rips out of my head and I want to cry from the pain, slap some mineral oil-based product on it, and turn some heat appliance on extra hot and burn my ear. Bam, salon results.
most quoted response EVER. lol
Ojon Hair Products or Beauty 4 Ashes’s GodHead™ Hair care Products I have tried Ojon and I loved the smell :lick:, but I did not feel that they did a whole lot for my hair, I was transistioning; maybe I need to revisit it, but the price tag is what detered(sp) me. :nono:
this is what i was wondering; never tried em but i have heard good things, the price kills me though.
Beauty 4 Ashes’s was HORRIBLE!!! The intent and purpose of the company is wonderful but the product itself isn't well formulated. :nono: All natural but smelled like MOLD! That article was an obvious advertisement.
right...i have heard about the purpose...which honestly is the only reason i was ever interested.
OT: those shoes in your sig...girllllll what?
I'm using the Ojon products now pretty expensive and I have researched Beauty 4 ashes pretty expensive. Our hair is an investment but for those who are on a budget if it ain't broke don't fix it and you don't need to re-create the wheel. What works for some may not work for others.
I'm using the Ojon products now pretty expensive and I have researched Beauty 4 ashes pretty expensive. Our hair is an investment but for those who are on a budget if it ain't broke don't fix it and you don't need to re-create the wheel. What works for some may not work for others.
yeahhhh i'm still trippin off the "if you use anything else your hair will fall out" comments in the article. lol
Humm, I'm in trouble then 'cause since joining here I have purchased , shoot, what . . about 5-6 bottles of the stuff . . .:lachen:oh in addition to an$18/bottle of Devacurl One . . WILL NOT BE DOING THAT AGAIN. :nono:
Well all I can say is that Beauty4ashes is ridiculously and I do mean ridiculously expensive for me and Ojon has sulfates in them and I love love love my Suave and V05 conditioners. I'm usin' them, I don't care.
So her products are the best and V05 and Suave are worthless ummm okay….she’s trippin’ hard. :lachen: I love my VO5 conditioners as well as Suave, whatever chick.
Just came back to say baby needs to get a clue and ********* :spank:Really just wanted an excuse to use that acronym:lachen:
take that comment with a grain of salt; i stan for suave tropical coconut and VO5 S&C. that is an excerpt from an article about black hair care i just read while making the blog rounds. click here to read the article, but here is more of that paragraph, the things that made me laugh in italics:

"When it comes to managing African American and Bi-racial hair there are only two hair care companies on the market that will leave your hair in salon quality condition and not greasy or dull. You have to stop using Suave, Salon Selectives, Motions, and Alberto VO5, because although affordable, hey will leave your hair type dry and brittle. If you want professional looking hair,without making a salon visit each week,then try Ojon Hair Products or Beauty 4 Ashes’s GodHead™ Hair care Products."

wow i just italicized half the paragraph. i see another blog entry coming out of this.

anyhoo...THOUGHTS? what are blogs and beauty websites teaching the masses...smh.
That blog is a bunch of manure
IMO........... the Vo5's, etc....don't work for me.....I cannot and won't use those for various personla reasons....


I have the same issue with OJON ( overpriced Palm Oil) Treatments and conditioners.

They were and AWFUL waste of 80 bucks.....With the same ingredients as other stuff out there - that I am keeping away from my hair....

Beauty 4 Ashes? HAAAA:lachen::lachen::lachen:Where is the ingredient listing?????????

Right - you cannot find it.
I don't know about anyone else, but to me this is all a ploy. They know that AA women spend a lot of money on hair-care products, but we usually invest in more economical ones. They want us to believe that these products are actually detrimental to our hair so that we can start purchasing their expensive products. And believe me, Ojon and Beauty 4 Ashes is expensive.