You cause your own setbacks.


New Member
Do you ever stop and think, Wow my hair was growing good until i jumped on this or that bandwagon. If your hair is growing nicly. Why do we mess it up by jumping on the newest bandwagon. We all know what work for one doesn't always wok for the other. if you found what work for you why do you jump on bandwagons and try something new that breaks your hair off?
You are so correct SQ:yep:. All for the sake of the latest and greatest I have nabbed a seat on some wagons I should have waved to while they rode on by:spinning: Thank goodness I haven't lost any hair but that money would have been put to better use.
Good thread. :up:
This has not been my situation since this hair journey but I've experienced it in the past. I believe it has to do with deeper issues.

For example, someone who may not feel they deserve to have long, healthy hair may sabotage their efforts unconsciously, by jumping on a bandwagon that will cause a setback or trying a new hair product when their intuition says no.

Or someone may have been told over and over again by family and friends that they can never reach their hair goal and unconsciously begins to sabotage their own efforts, making those people correct.

Or (and this happens pretty often), one ignores their intuition (that small voice that is always correct) and chooses a stylist who cuts off all of their hair progress in a matter of minutes.

There can be a number of examples but I agree, you cause your own setbacks.
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Do you ever stop and think, Wow my hair was growing good until i jumped on this or that bandwagon. If your hair is growing nicly. Why do we mess it up by jumping on the newest bandwagon. We all know what work for one doesn't always wok for the other. if you found what work for you why do you jump on bandwagons and try something new that breaks your hair off?
I totally agree with you, i spent years trying to find that miracle product only to find there is no such thing.... if u find something thats reasonably priced that works well stick with it and your hair will grow just fine,, conditioners dont make the hair grow any faster and even some of the cheapest cons can be used for deep conditioning,, ive stopped blowing my money on hair prods and have a basic stash and my hair is growing consistently...
the problem is that we're never satisfied. we're impatient. so if your hair is growing nicely you may think, hey it can be even BETTER than this! the humility is gone and you suffer for it- breakage.

You have to follow your own mind..and keep positive...if you like the sound of a "bandwagon" and it doesnt work, you gotta know when to stop and move on.
the problem is that we're never satisfied. we're impatient. so if your hair is growing nicely you may think, hey it can be even BETTER than this! the humility is gone and you suffer for it- breakage.

Yes..this was soo me. No one to blame but myself. You live and you learn :yep:
Perfect timing with this thread...I was just thinking this the other day. So I'm back to basics and my hair is loving it. Back to just washing and dcing twice a week like my mom used to do, nothing extra. Also I'm using only Elasta QP Products great products at a great price can't believe it took me this long to try them.
Your right.

I do it because I am a pj and like to try to new things. I am always curious how some products work , especially if it is chepaer than my current product.

I am still searching for a few staples, so this is how I rationalize all these purchases I make.
This is very true. It's really heartbreaking to see so much progress gone in a matter of seconds. When I first started my journey over a year ago, there was so much information. I applied what I needed and filed away the rest. I keep it very simple and only use products and techniques that I am sure about. I don't need anything else. I'm not one to experiment with my progress. I am no longer a PJ because I've heard the horror stories and seen the pics. I've found out my hair likes simple. The more I leave it alone, the more it thrives:yep:. I don't want any setbacks that could have been avoided just by being a little more patient and having a little more faith.
3 strikes and I was first mishap was with Mizani Lye that was wayyyy too harsh for my hair!!! Next was Co-washing while new growth plus combing plus wet hair equals all hell. Last but not least henna sucks for my hair. I loved the shiny raven blue black color the indigo gave me but the henna made my super soft hair really course and resistant to relaxers. I could leave the relaxer on for days and it wouldn't take. So now I'm cool on taking chances with my hair...nooooo sir:nono:
Yes I did cause my own setback :perplexed

I am still mad about it... sooo mad that I am now in kinky twists for my winter protective style! and also so that I don't have to look at my hair for a few months:ohwell:
So very true. For me it was color and direct heat on relaxed hair. They just are incompatible for me. I know I am not the only one. but I empathize with those that have yet to realize that certain things will only result in setbacks. I am so glad that I am older and am satisfied with my natural color. It really makes life so much easier.
Do you ever stop and think, Wow my hair was growing good until i jumped on this or that bandwagon. If your hair is growing nicly. Why do we mess it up by jumping on the newest bandwagon. We all know what work for one doesn't always wok for the other. if you found what work for you why do you jump on bandwagons and try something new that breaks your hair off?

Preach honey! It took me a while too see that keeping it simple is the best ting for my hair and not testing a zillion products.
the problem is that we're never satisfied. we're impatient. so if your hair is growing nicely you may think, hey it can be even BETTER than this! the humility is gone and you suffer for it- breakage.

That's what happened to me. :blush: I know better now! :yep:
That's why I keep it simple. I dont' try a lot of new products because for the last 3 years I've used many products that doesn't work on my hair. Now I've narrowed it down the a few and it seems to work. The only product I change is anything I put on my edges. I tried a lot of products, at least once, to see if it works, but away from that I stick to
Phyto Relaxer Index II
CON Shampoo
Profectiv Healthy Ends
Infusion 23
any conditioner that gives my hair slip, but normally I use Silicon Mix and that's it.
I am a newbie. Since joining LHCF a few months back I have gone overboard with trying different methods. I have 4a/b fine hair. I tried the baggie method which did not work for my fine hair........I persevered with it a few weeks until I realised my ends were starting to look raggedy. I had a trim and then decided on the low manipluation challenge. I have been doing it for a month. No manipulation for 1 week. the first 2 weeks were ok. but the 3rd and last week I lost so much of my ends that I need a good trim. My hair has thickened a lot. It was extremely thin and see through before LHCF. and now it is thick but with thin ends.:wallbash: I am at a loss as to how to progress.
Do you ever stop and think, Wow my hair was growing good until i jumped on this or that bandwagon. If your hair is growing nicly. Why do we mess it up by jumping on the newest bandwagon. We all know what work for one doesn't always wok for the other. if you found what work for you why do you jump on bandwagons and try something new that breaks your hair off?

I agree, but then I also don't agree! :perplexed On one hand, it's hard for someone to know whether or not something will work for them if they don't try it. I haven't jumped on many bandwagons since I've joined LHCF, but the ones that I have jumped on have been for a particular reason. They all seem to work for me. So, if I hadn't tried them I would never have known that they would work. What other way is there to know what works for your hair if you don't try something out? Like you said, what works for some may not work for others, so you can't just take the word of someone else.

On the other hand, those that just jump on any and every bandwagon regardless of whether they need that particular intervention is just asking for trouble.
Do you ever stop and think, Wow my hair was growing good until i jumped on this or that bandwagon. If your hair is growing nicly. Why do we mess it up by jumping on the newest bandwagon. We all know what work for one doesn't always wok for the other. if you found what work for you why do you jump on bandwagons and try something new that breaks your hair off?

It is natural for people to want a quick fix, to speed up the process so we are hopeful that we will find something to speed this hair journey along. Mircowave Society they say. Maybe we should learn to just enjoy to ride.
You don't know what works for you till you try it!

I'm talking about the women who did find what works for them. Their hair start growing nicely but then a new bandwagon comes out. They jump right on it, the next thing you know all their progress is gone. I have seen it time and time again here. The crazy part is you knew better in the first place not to do it. Then when you have to start over you don't go back to what was working for you, no that would be to hair smart instead you jump on the next bandwagon and now your hair won't grow like it did before. Keep doing what work and leave all the bandwagons alone. To me bandwagons are for women who still haven't found what works for them. If you found what works for your hair, wish everyone on the bandwagon HHG and let it ride on by you.
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I'm talking about the women who did find what works for them. Their hair start growing nicely but then a new bandwagon comes out. They jump right on it, the next thing you know all their progress is gone. I have seen it time and time again here. The crazy part is you knew better in the first place not to do it. Then when you have to start over you don't go back to what was working for you, no that would be to hair smart instead you jump on the next bandwagon and now our hair won't grow like it did before. Keep doing what work and leave all the bandwagons alone. To me bandwagons are for women who still haven't found what works for them. If you found what works for your hair, wish everyone on the bandwagon HHG and let it ride on by you.

Hear, Hear!!! That's right...
I'm talking about the women who did find what works for them. Their hair start growing nicely but then a new bandwagon comes out. They jump right on it, the next thing you know all their progress is gone. I have seen it time and time again here. The crazy part is you knew better in the first place not to do it. Then when you have to start over you don't go back to what was working for you, no that would be to hair smart instead you jump on the next bandwagon and now your hair won't grow like it did before. Keep doing what work and leave all the bandwagons alone. To me bandwagons are for women who still haven't found what works for them. If you found what works for your hair, wish everyone on the bandwagon HHG and let it ride on by you.

Yep, you are right. If I had stayed away from bandwagons, I really could have already been where I was trying to go. I am a major impulse shopper so buying a ton of products is something that I really enjoy doing but it sometimes causes more grief than it is worth.
I'm talking about the women who did find what works for them. Their hair start growing nicely but then a new bandwagon comes out. They jump right on it, the next thing you know all their progress is gone. I have seen it time and time again here. The crazy part is you knew better in the first place not to do it. Then when you have to start over you don't go back to what was working for you, no that would be to hair smart instead you jump on the next bandwagon and now your hair won't grow like it did before. Keep doing what work and leave all the bandwagons alone. To me bandwagons are for women who still haven't found what works for them. If you found what works for your hair, wish everyone on the bandwagon HHG and let it ride on by you.

Yep, jumping on every bandwagon when you already know what works for you is just asking for trouble. That's why it's so important to think and research before trying something instead of doing it just b/c everyone else is.

Besides setbacks, bandwagon jumping is hard on your wallet too. :wallbash:
Yes I couldn't agree more. I could only be mad at myself. I jumped on the sew-in bandwagon and stretched for 5 1/2 months instead of my usual three to four and messed everything up. Now I am starting over. I get caught up in the hype and instead of just sticking to my routine, I fall. Well it was an extremely hard lesson learned and I am beating myself up for it everyday, just thinking about where I was, two to three inches from brastrap with thickness and healthy hair, to where I am now. My hair is so much thinner from all the breakage and of course shorter. So here I am starting from scratch, doing all the things I learned in the beginning. I loved the sew-in, but it was really hard on my edges and now my nape is short, and I don't want to have to wear weave, b/c my real hair is jacked up. So now I know that just because the masses love it, doesn't mean it is for me. I hope this helps others out there.
yes you do cause your own setbacks. that's exactly why i don't jump on every single bandwagon. i investigate them thoroughly before i try it. Shoot i worked too hard to lose my progress that quickly.
the problem is that we're never satisfied. we're impatient. so if your hair is growing nicely you may think, hey it can be even BETTER than this! the humility is gone and you suffer for it- breakage.

Good thread. :up:
This has not been my situation since this hair journey but I've experienced it in the past. I believe it has to do with deeper issues.

For example, someone who may not feel they deserve to have long, healthy hair may sabotage their efforts unconsciously, by jumping on a bandwagon that will cause a setback or trying a new hair product when their intuition says no.

There can be a number of examples but I agree, you cause your own setbacks.

I agree with both of these ideas. I have been so blessed that most of the bandwagons that I have jumped on have helped me to grow my hair to lengths that I've never imagined. However, my hair is very fine and I LOVE the idea that I can color and thicken with henna. But the stories of tangling, matting, and breakage, especially since Im a natural are terrifying. I dont want all my hard work to go down the drain, but I really wanna try henna. Its a catch 22
i regret jumpin gon the henna bandwagon, my hair didn't like it at all after the first few tries:nono:. Now when there is a bandwagon, I wait until a long time passes to see the negative reactions if there are any so I know what could potentially happen. I really like the avocado butter bandwagon and oil rinsing, I had great results with that.:yep: