You cause your own setbacks.

I think the problem is that search for the holy grail. I regret jumping on the "relaxed" bandwagon..AGAIN. I should know better and most times I do (especially when in braids) but once your hair is out and it's looking good and somebody writes about some "wonder" product you can't help but wonder..."hmmm..maybe...", yeah it looks good but it could always look better :)
I've been doing this hair thing for years and I tell myself to do better but once in a while you fail prey to that "hmmm...maybe..."
My goal since I decided to go natural again is to quit setting myself length now has been all been my doing. I went from natural to relaxed (most broke off...self inflicted setbacks). Now, I'm back to natural again and aim to do better.

:look:I'm one of the ones that REALLY set myself back by jumping on bandwagons. My issue was impatience. I would look at someone who grew hair really quickly and think "That would work for me!" and try whatever they did.

At the time, I was still not fully educated on my hair type and the do's and don'ts associated with it. Now that I know that I have FINE hair, I treat my hair a lot differently. So, I kinda knew and I kinda didn't. It took me three major setbacks with OPH (Other People's Hair) to realize that though protective styling with braids and weaves may work for sisters with hair a little stronger than mine, it was a big mistake for my hair type.

Finally, I had to learn to say NO to stylists. I used to be so shy about speaking up when a stylist was mistreating my hair. After a few "setbacks", I now let them know.

Setbacks are learning experiences. It hurts to have to start over, but it is hair. It will grow back.
I realised I almost caused a setback on my hair!
I tried the shikakai powder to wash my hair once in January when I'd heard raves about it and growth :lol: Well, my hair acted a fool! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: The nape area (which was the softest and most strong) got all TANGLY!
I will NEVER touch that (or any other powder) again! Now I'm trying out different conditioners for co-washing because my hair is settled again but I have my staples (Herbal Essence's hello hydration).
I make sure not too much product changing now!
I need to fight the urge to buy more products though.
I broke off the front of my hair with wigs. I will still wear them but only for a day or two at the max in between styles or if I am in a hair rut. I think from now on I am going to jump off that bandwagon.
I agree completely. I jumped on the henna bandwagon, and the no comb method (with out using styles that lasted longer than a day). Wash n go's also do not work for me. Finger combing is a no go. But these mishaps, allowed me to find what works, and what does not work for my hair. But many other bandwagons have helped me out

I loved the bakingsoda shampoo, the apple cider vinegar rinse, the egg and molassas hair treatment, co-washingon, rinsing, Hot oil treatments. :drunk: The list goes on with bandwagons that I have bennifited from.
The no heat bandwagon cause me a minor setback. I lost a lot hair even though I was carefully detangling also I had a lot of ssks even though I was trimming them. It is better for me to blowdry my hair (lightly) b/c it reduces knots & tangles.
Do you ever stop and think, Wow my hair was growing good until i jumped on this or that bandwagon. If your hair is growing nicly. Why do we mess it up by jumping on the newest bandwagon. We all know what work for one doesn't always wok for the other. if you found what work for you why do you jump on bandwagons and try something new that breaks your hair off?

Because we are always trying to find something that works better than what we are currently doing. :rolleyes:
I never jump on bangwagons that I think if my hair doesn't like it could cause serious damage like baggying overnight every night resulting in mushy hair etc

The bandwagons I have joined, I loved, like henna but was too lazy to be consistant, I still use it once in a while. I always make sure to research on and off the board before I decide if it could be beneficial.

But I do agree with this thread it is safer to stick with what works and keep it moving.
I dont know about anyone else but no matter how happy I am with a product I always feel like there is a better one out there somewhere and make it my mission to find it! LOL
i too caused my own setback...jumping on the growth aide bandwagon.

i was doing just fine until i added megatek to my thing i know i had thin ends. tangling. breakage.

my hair hates that stuff. i gave the bottle away to someone who could benefit from it. and her hair is growing fine with it! :nono:

so now i just do what works for ME. i give advice based on what i know. and i leave the rest to "oooh and ahhhh" over when i see what works for other people.

also, the setback taught me to look for hair twins and not to try anything unless the person i am listening to has hair EXACTLY like mine:grin:
You know what...while I think the OP has a point I have to disagree. I think 'jumping on the bandwagon' isn't necessarilly a bad thing. The reality is that we're all in this to try and have healthy beautiful hair that grows long, if we simply wanted to look cute we'd be repping weaves and wigs for the rest of our lives and never care about our own real world.

But we jump on bandwagons or get interested in different products and practices because we want to try to maximize the most potential good we can do for our hair. Hair is such a personal thing and for many of us we're realizing more than any other part of our body (atleast that's how it seems for me) our hair is so unique. If someone recommends a certain food, exercise routine, or body wash to you you're GONNA try it! lol, it's natural.

Even when you've got a good thing going on you can't help but think 'well maybe this is something new that will only build even more positively on what I've already done'. And lord knows if not for a few dilligent bandwagons and pj's a lot of us wouldn't even know some products exist or have reaped the benefit from them. I know I'm not out there picking up horse shampoos on weekends :lachen:!

And let's remember...setbacks while they suck teach us something we wouldn't know otherwise. Whether our hair is to thin for baggying, too dry for excessive protein, too thick for simple twists or what. You will not know till you take the plunge. The damage is a b_____ but lord knows you'd prefer to find out in your own home by mistake than never have a clue what happened from a hairdresser.
I jumped on a few bandwagons that did not work for me. It was not until I started working in December and set my self on a Deep Condition Wash and roller set every Saturday in preparation for the next work week did my hair begin to grow. Unfortunately (although I have not changed my profile pic) bunning did not work, sulfur applied directly to hair or scalp pulls my hair out, my hair actually loves cones, and adding water to my hair more than once a week is a no-no.

I have realized that you have to seriously look at every option and decided will it REALLY aid you in your goal. Since I have started working I have learned to wash and set my hair early in the day because sleeping in rollers pulls my hair out. Roller setting does not take long at all once you find your method. Most of all find what works for you and if it's not broke don't fix it. I have not added anything to my routin since Christmas and my hair is doing really well. Hubby and I took this picture last week, when I started late last August I was neck length and jumped on every bandwagon and barely got any growth until I just STOPPED.


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I try alot of different things from this website, but I really don't get major set backs because I always watch what it is doing to me hair and if it does not work I stop it immediately. I have never had my hair fall out from anything I have tried from this website. I just either experience a little breakage or have to do a small trim.
I needed this thread because I've been jumping on and off challenges and routines since February and my hair's done nothing but suffer from them :ohwell:. I know what my hair likes. And everytime I try a new routine, I end up going back to what I know.

My hair likes to be cowashed and left alone. I need to detangle with my paddle brush at least once a week, but that's it. No styling, no gels, no braids or twists, nothing but a plain ole wash n'go is what my hair loves. When I try to get all fancy with it (ie. actually styling), that's when problems start to arise. I have the easiest head of hair and I don't even appreciate it :rolleyes:.
So true! Once you're lucky enough to find what "works" for you you should stick to it! I don't see why you'd want to change other than maybe getting tired of repetition, but even gotta think about the health of your hair first and foremost!

BTW, shynessqueen, your hair looks absolutely gorgeous and healthy in your av pic. :)