My biggest setback was back when I very first joined the board, I used to have bra strap to midback length hair for most of my life. I thought that since my hair was long and strong I could color it and it not be a big deal, I hadn't read up enough on the board to really know what I was doing plus I had just had my first relaxer, so you know trouble was just a- brewing...
Basically I ended up bleaching and dying my own hair, it was pretty damaged but probably still salvageable. Then I went to a new hairdresser, she saw my damaged hair, and you could guess what she did to my locks. I admit it needed probably an inch or two off, and maybe more trims at later dates, but she straight up chopped my hair off to a little above my shoulders claiming that it was still long and that it'd grow back in a year.
Some people look adoreable with mid length hair, but my heads kinda casaba melon-ish and my face is kinda square so it didn't look to hot.
Honestly, after all this time on the board, I can totally hook up someone elses hair if they listen to me but it's just been in recent months I've been sticking to what works instead of jumping on new products and bandwagonms too much. Last month I got my straight ends trimmed so luckilly the rest of my hair will be more manaegble since it's more on the side of texlaxed.
My advice to give to people to avoid setbacks is to try not to do to many things to it at first and if you're a newbie to soak up information for awhile, incorporating one thing into your regimen at a time so you know what's not working when something bad happens. For getting over setbacks, I'd say to first and foremost get a journal and come up with a list of things that work and don't work including products and techniques for your hair. And steadilly pace yourself for benefits, first health then length. Sorry for the essay, just trying to help those who've been in similar situations as me.