You All Need To Stop!!!

New Year, New President, New BEAUTIFUL, CURLY, KINKY, UNIQUE, WILD, FREE, YES YOU CAN, NATURAL HAIR. Please join us, we've been waiting for you!

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I HATE ALL OF YOU!!!! CANT YOU GUYS JUST HELP A SISTA OUT!! SHOOT!!
Whimsy, I need for my butt to look like that..

and...almost forgot...SMIIIIIILE
Whimsy how much newgrowth do you have? I see that your last chemical was August 2007.

I'm just gonna be real with you, it takes a lot of will power to hold out on the BC until your planned BC date. A lot of ladies BC way before then (I know I did, lol).
Whimsy how much newgrowth do you have? I see that your last chemical was August 2007.

I'm just gonna be real with you, it takes a lot of will power to hold out on the BC until your planned BC date. A lot of ladies BC way before then (I know I did, lol).

I really don't know. Next wash I'll measure where the natural part ends and try to update on my hairblog.

It really does take a lot of will power (and these beyotches here aint helpin things!) I BCed in 05 after about 6 months when I was hoping to transition for a year.

How long did u transition for before you BC'd?
I really don't know. Next wash I'll measure where the natural part ends and try to update on my hairblog.

It really does take a lot of will power (and these beyotches here aint helpin things!) I BCed in 05 after about 6 months when I was hoping to transition for a year.

How long did u transition for before you BC'd?

I transitioned for about 8 months before I BC'd. I was hoping to make it at least a whole year+ more, but it didn't happen. I didn't plan it. It all started one night when I just wanted to see what the back would look like if I cut off the relaxed ends. Well, once I started, I just couldn't stop.....
I transitioned for about 8 months before I BC'd. I was hoping to make it at least a whole year+ more, but it didn't happen. I didn't plan it. It all started one night when I just wanted to see what the back would look like if I cut off the relaxed ends. Well, once I started, I just couldn't stop.....

HAHA Well it looks fab so I know you're happy with your decision.
Dang MissNorway:spank:...Ya cut me deep with that one, and I'm supposed to be the voice of reason, the exemplary Long Termer....Oooch I say!...Oooch!

:bat:Whimsy, we need a posse!
Dang MissNorway:spank:...Ya cut me deep with that one, and I'm supposed to be the voice of reason, the exemplary Long Termer....Oooch I say!...Oooch!

:bat:Whimsy, we need a posse!

Mook You're RIGHT!!!
I'm very fragile right now....
I'm stayin back here till someone gets rid of these BC-happy-Natural Bullies!!! :lachen:
Whimsy how much newgrowth do you have? I see that your last chemical was August 2007.

I'm just gonna be real with you, it takes a lot of will power to hold out on the BC until your planned BC date. A lot of ladies BC way before then (I know I did, lol).

yeah I was supposed to transition for a year and I bc'd 1 week into my transition :lachen: 11 months 3 weeks early. :spinning:
I am only a month in and I really had to just force myself to walk out of the bathroom. It's like the scissors were calling. I want to transition for a year, but now I am, hoping I can make it at least 6 months.

Reading the posts above... I cant believe LHCF women can be this cruel...take your time girl!
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I'm on your side Whimsy! I love looking at your beautiful hair and reading your blog! I won't be able to relate as well if you completely natural. Just wait it out!
I never did do the BC....I transitioned for several years in braids clipping a teeny tiny bit every time I redid my braids.

My length retention didn't start til after I joined LHCF. :look: :rolleyes:
:hardslap:SNAP OUT OF IT Whimsy!!!!!
Follow me...I'm in Month 21 or my Long Term. I'll show you the way!:yep:

:yep::yep::yep:YES WE CAN!!!
Whimsy.........back awaaaayyyyy from the scissors. Follow us!!! I'm going on month 25 of a verrrrrry long transition and you need to be there (transitioning) when I'm done......ya hear????
:yep::yep::yep:YES WE CAN!!!
Whimsy.........back awaaaayyyyy from the scissors. Follow us!!! I'm going on month 25 of a verrrrrry long transition and you need to be there (transitioning) when I'm done......ya hear????

::taking slooow and deliberate breaths::






Thank you black barbie, you're so strong!!!
