"Yeah, your hair looked JACKED!" pics


New Member
I've been natural for a long time. Since right out of high school, but I've just begun to take care of my hair since finding LHCF. I LOVE my new found curls and I love even more that my bf is so supportive of my natural "do". So I'm growing it out, right? And I'm wearing all kinds of protective styles. Well wiggin it is right up my alley! Plus I get to care for my hair underneath and see all the different changes.

On 12/20/08, I'd been really showing my hair care for about a month. I'd introduced ayurvedic powders and oils and my hair was just so pretty to me one day that I decided to take pics! (see below) And on top of that, I was just so PROUD of my beautiful curls that I'd even downloaded the pics to a public computer at work so that I could share them with a couple of my girlfriends. I left them on the desktop so that I'd have easy access to them. I saw other pics up there, so didn't think anyone would notice them or care.

Well today, this girl that sits near me at work says, "Did you know there are pictures of you on this computer?!" I'd deleted them by that time so I said, "There were." And she says, "Yeah, you were all smiling and stuff and your hair looked jacked!" :sad: She, of course, thought what she'd said was hillarious. My immediate response was, "It did not!" I was outraged. And then she kept talking as if she hadn't just said something so offensive. What really gets me is that she's always looking at my wigs and complimenting me on how "pretty" my hair is. But my natural hair looks jacked? What the H E double hockey sticks?! And then she had the nerve to say it in such a cavalier manner, as if I was going to say something like, "Yeah, my natural hair does look pretty crazy! Ha ha ha..." Right....

I mean, I know she's a fool. And I KNOW my hair is beautiful. And she isn't anybody special. But she still ticked me off.

Below are the pics she saw.


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There's nothing wrong with those pics. That chick is just ignorant! You and your hair look beautiful!
haha wow! Your hair is gorgeous in those pics. I would like to see what her natural hair looks like!?! People have some nerve making those kind of stupid uneducated comments...
She's obviously mentally ill. You and your hair are fabulous.

Some ppl really need to be quarantined.(and tranq'd)
I wish I had your curls, they are so pretty. Imagine how pretty they will look as your hair gets longer. She is just ignorant, a lot of BW think that natural= jacked hair, whatever!
uhm she's crazy. your hair is gorgeous. how long did it take to style it like that? what products did you use. Your hair is so shiny and beautiful.
Your hair looks nice, so ignore her.

Unfortunately, a lot of Black people think that natural hair...ESPECIALLY if it's in the 4's is "jacked/ugly/bad", and you'll never be able to convince them otherwise.
Is she used to seeing you with your natural hair? If not, then maybe she was just surprised at the contrast. If any of my co-workers saw my Fotki they'd probably think I was insane. Maybe she's just an insensitive person by nature. I can't imagine saying those things to a friend. Maybe I'll think it but I sure as heck wouldn't say it. Oh by the way the way you typed it was so funny I laughed out loud while watching Deal or no Deal LOL

You and your hair are lovely! You know this and don't ever let anybody steal your joy. Next year when you are WSL put those pictures up so she can cry instead of laugh LOL
Girl please! Your hair is very pretty in those pics. But to some people all natural hair is "jacked up." But remember, you're not wearing your hair to please those people. Keeping rocking your hair with pride. I'm sure for every person who tells you they don't like your hair natural, there are five people who are secretly inspired by it. People don't always give you the compliments they are thinking in their head. I love to give compliments (and I'm always genuine with them) and especially love to encourage people rocking their natural hair. Keep doing you. ;)
what!?!?!?! she is crazy as heck!!
I mean really?! Your hair looks gorgeous! It had got to be jealousy or pure hate..

Yo allow me to vent, but your situation occurs to much with me...I wear my hair in twists or a puff 95% of the time. And I remember one day, my first time pressing my hair, everyone was all like OMG it looks so nice, like I felt complimented but some made it seem like my hair in twists or a puff or cornrows etc, was not cute? What is wrong with people??
You and your hair are so pretty! I can't believe she had the nerve to say that! All I can say is hater! People are always saying something negative, please don't pay her any mind, she is not even worth it!
uhm she's crazy. your hair is gorgeous. how long did it take to style it like that? what products did you use. Your hair is so shiny and beautiful.

Oh my goodness, I'm blushing. Thank you so much. It hadn't taken me long, at all. It was an accidental twist out. A week prior when I'd washed and DC'd I'd put my hair in medium twists after. I'd DC'd with Mango Cholesterol with Shea mixed with some amla and vatika oils. I'd used some shea butter mixed with amla to oil my hair as I put it in twists. I would mist it every day with a glycerine/aloe/avocado mist spray. At the end of the week when I took my twists out to get ready to wash, this is how it looked! I was so inspired, I decided to take pictures.

My next twist out was small twists that I wore over the holiday. That twist out came out even better. I'm gonna get really good at this hair thing. I can feel it! :yep: