"Yea I haven't had a perm since september, so im kinda natural right now"

I'm only one minute into it and :lachen:It's not natural to use shea butter?

The girl's got confidence, though. Gotta give that. :giggle:
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While I love the looks the natural girl is giving her BUT I wish they would have chosen someone else who could REALLY make the relax girl realize how silly she sounds smh
:woohoo2: Hell, I want you to say it too; IT NEEDS TO BE SAID!! :woohoo2::woohoo2:

Hi TDRC, I will speak my peace on the subject matter. But I don't want I do it in the middle of this thread. I will start my own thread and cut loose. And give my brutally honest opinion on the state of affairs with the average black woman and her disdain for her natural born hair.
Me too. It kind of sounded like the natural girl has a unique idea of what was considered natural as well. I mean she only uses shea butter, olive oil and black soap on her hair.
ha! she is the WORST posible representative for the relaxed heads....Im thankful I know LHCF and know not all ladies think like that.

Also, did they have to find semi militant "natural" lol

they definitely found ladies on both sides of the extreme! I dont think my hair would like me if all I used was black soap and shea buttter....my hair gives shea butter the side eye like the natural chick did the relaxed one @ the 2:38 mark hahahahaha!
Have you all seen the other videos in this series?



Her teeth aren't natural, why does she use toothpaste? She needs to just use water, nothing with chemicals.

Her skin is not natural. Why does she lotion in the morning. She needs to just use water.

NOBODY is natural. We all need to throw away everything that comes in a bottle, and use water.


Haa, no no...don't even use water.
Because water is a chemical. Like everything in the world is a damn chemical, because everything is made up of atoms and can be broken down into a chemical composition.
So to really be natural...you gotta do nothing. Do nothing to your hair, skin, teeth, nails....do nothing. Don't even breathe the air, because that pesky chemical element called oxygen might get into your lungs and ruin their naturalness.

God, that lady was dumb. How the hell are you that grown and you be that dumb? I'm actually mad at how dumb she was. Bragging on how she has "six inches" of natural roots, with no conditioner or moisturizer on it. But she knows that when she takes out that weave, every bit of hair she does have is gonna break off from being bone dry. Girl, bye.
I gave her 60 solid seconds and from that I gleaned:

A) you're not natural if you put conditioner in but she is natural although she has a relaxer

B) wearing a weave and being late on a "touch up" = kinda natural

Basically, she felt indicted and had to pull the biggest piece of BS she could grab out of her a$$hole to relieve herself.
Hi TDRC, I will speak my peace on the subject matter. But I don't want I do it in the middle of this thread. I will start my own thread and cut loose. And give my brutally honest opinion on the state of affairs with the average black woman and her disdain for her natural born hair.

Please PM me when you start that thread :grin:
That lady wasn't that dang-gone stupid! Wait... well... :look:

Granted she said a lot of things that didn't make any sense and contradicted herself, but really I detected a confidence issue with her. I don't know if it just has to do with hair or not, but for some reason or another she clearly felt the need to discredit women who don't use relaxers, arguing that they remain dependent on chemicals in the form of conditioners, leave-ins and shea butter. :spinning:

I mean REALLY?! She HAD to realize that was a complete load of bull crap, right? Deep down inside, she HAD to know that, right?!
Dudes are SO BORING! Man...if I ever get a weave I'm going all out and getting it to my waist! And you won't be able to tell me NOTHIN'! Run tell dat!
&i quote the natural stylist from part 4:"women want to be versatile, and natural hair dont have as much versatility as chemical processed hair...chemical is most versatile...but they're migrating back to press and curls which gives them that chemical look"
natural hair is the most versatile out there!!!! pressed, curly, wash n go, roller set, fro, twists, twistouts, braidouts, etc...thats not versatility?...ok... & fyi, i didnt give up the relaxers for the press and curl...
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I like how she said she had 6 inches of new growth under her weave yet also said she perms her hair whenever she takes her weave out. So basically she takes her weave out once a year??? Yeah right. And if true, gross.
There is nothing worse than a person who is ignorant on the subject they are speaking about, and swear they are right.

I COULD NOT have been sitting next to her. She would have seen a whole "natural ATTITUDE! "
Have you all seen the other videos in this series?
I actually think these two videos are better. I like what the guys said - if you're gonna weave, do it so as to not overwhelm or look fake. I've seen good examples of this here on LHCF - believable weaves that don't overwhelm.

The girls from the second and third video are both natural (no relaxer) but came at it from different perspectives. I'm not a big fan of the weave she has on but I get her points.
I popped into this thread earlier but could't see the viseo because I was using my phone. HYSTERICAL
Natural is shampooed hair that has been blown dry. She schoooooled me LMAO
I've seen people use that argument about using conditioners and stylers making the hair not really natural....even on this board I've seen it.

I am so tired of hearing that! I mean, the term "natural" is something that AA use to describe someone who does not have relaxed hair on their head. You are just nitpicking if you say otherwise. And I have to wonder why she even felt the need to claim any of hair as "natural".
I was gonna come in here an act a fool...but I can't.. this chick right here... I mean THIS CHICK RIGHT HERE... :fistshake:... So let me get this right...to be natural... is to only use water... no form of product which is chemicals... So I guess if this chick decided to go natural... she would only use water... no chemcial..wait she said u can shampoo and condition..but that has chemcial as well so she will just be using water...(good luck)..then she will take her freshly shrunken wet coils and blow it out..(GOOD LUCK) and wear her fro..and by all means.. Heat is not drying to the hair, the elements such as sun and wind, cold air,warm air will not dry your hair out so she will be growing long illustrious natural hair with water...and a blow dryer...

IS THIS CHICK SERIOUS????????????? shea butter and olive oils are chemcials??? so cantu is the only thing u know with shea butter?!?!?! you can't just get pure shea butter huh??? Who is this chick fooling.. she kinda natural.. cause she got new growth...REALLY?!?!?!? I bet she don't use just water to detangle that new growth she calls "natural" either...but she kinda natural right?!?! more she like kinda dumb... smh
Oh my diddy kong racing! I can't I just can't! Oh lordy I wish I could slap some sense into everybody. This much ignorance can make a girl weak. Oh my diddy, why Yemoja why?!

I don't understand what is so hard about understanding the definition of natural afro textured hair? It's really simple hair that has not been ALTERED through a chemical process meaning if you wash your hair and it goes back to it's curl pattern then you are natural if not then you are not. I don't mean poofy relaxed hair becasue I had that too back in the day I mean you can see/feel you coil/curl pattern
Have you all seen the other videos in this series?
I actually think these two videos are better. I like what the guys said - if you're gonna weave, do it so as to not overwhelm or look fake. I've seen good examples of this here on LHCF - believable weaves that don't overwhelm.

The girls from the second and third video are both natural (no relaxer) but came at it from different perspectives. I'm not a big fan of the weave she has on but I get her points.

Yea the guys made some valid points. I really agreed with them on how the felt about hair b.c some women take weaves n just make it ridicoulus..

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