YAY...My First Successful Rollerset!!!!


Well-Known Member
I can't believe it, I just did my first successful rollerset. I did it using the ponytail rollerset method:D

I have tried to rollerset my hair over 20 times since I joined this board:perplexed ...but now I finally have it, I can't wait until my hair gets longer, it will look even better.

The ponytail method was great to smooth my 4B :eek: 11 weeks post newgrowth:D

For my 4B hair I used about 2 quarter size handfuls of Africa's Best Kid's Organics moisturizer and Shea Butter on my ends right before placing them on the rollers.

My hair feels light, moisturized and has a lot of bounce, I LOVE IT!!!!

My only question is how do I deal with the heat of the dryer? I had to turn it off several times because it was burning the mess out of me. The little metal clips also heat up and a couple of places on my scalp felt like the were about to burn if I didn't turn the dryer off. I have a blow dryer that doesn't have a cool setting...just warm and hot:look:

This is the only rollerset I know how to do successfully. Since I don't use heat (I airdry in my rollerset), I haven't had that problem of the clips getting hot. You may want to get a dryer that has a cool setting or a cooler one.
How long did it take you to dry your hair using your blow dryer?

If the heat was too much how about getting a new one? Thats the only thing I can think of right now since you dont have a cool setting on it.
Or maybe you could try air drying?
I did it off and on for about an hour, I could only stand 15 minutes at a time, I could have stayed under longer but I am very impatient...this is why it took me so long to get a successful rollerset:ohwell:

I was inspired by Sexyhairfetish's Fotki, she has photos of the ponytail rollerset:)

I may have to invest in another hair dryer, but I am hiding my hair till X-Mas, this was just a little experiment for when I wear my hair out.

Thanks for all of your advice, I don't know if I am patient enough to airdry, and sleeping in rollers is horrible;)
Yay for you! I failed miserably several times with the normal rollersets. A few months back, I discovered the ponytail rollersets, and now my sets look fabulous!! Thanks Isis and Lonei!!!:D
In looking at some rollersets, I think I make my parts too wide ...

I think if I try the ponytail set I need to make smaller pony's..

I found the Africa's Best at a BSS, I visited while traveling for work. I love this stuff. The next time I am traveling I will pick up more.:D
Congratulations!!!! They are much better than blow drying and hor curling your hair. You will see continued health and growth. Everytime I rollerset my hair, I get TONS of compliments.