YAY BT!! PICS! (Boundless Tresses ROCKS!)


Well-Known Member
It's been approximately 28 days since I've gotten my sew in. Just three days shy of a month and I had to post here and show you guys what I'm workin' with. I can literally grab these puppies and roll them around. I sooooo love BT!

This is how it began....


This is how it looks now. :look: (I know it's a HAM but I don't have to leave the house. Soooooooo there. :lol:) Pardon the blue denim polish... I do bead work so from time to time my nails get a wee bit jacked. :p


Wow!!! That is a lot of growth. How often were you applying it? Did you follow the direction on the bottle? I need start really being diligent about using my bottle of BT. Great job.
Glad you're liking your BT and glad to see it's working for ya. Keep us updated with the progress. I just ordered my BT, so I can't wait for it to get here.
I followed the directions. I've been using a little bit once a day to once every three days depending on when I remember. It's really soft too! I think that's what I love. Not only am I getting growth, my NG is sooooo soft and healthy. I love heat it a little because it feels really good on my scalp. I will definitely be buying some more. :D
sunshinelady said:
Is this different than your normal growth?

Yes ma'am it sure is. There have been many months where I got a whopping 1/8 inch with the most (during a good month) being about 1/2 an inch.

I can literally slip a finger underneath the tracks in the back. I'm not one to jump on every bandwagon but this is definitely working for me. (It really helps control the itchiness and dryness issues that I have from time to time....) :) YAY! :D
BT really is the truth and I'm not one to jump on every bandwagon (anymore:p ) but I followed the reviews on BT for months and decided WTH. I needed to grow my left side back in. I also apply it to my scalp. This stuff is no joke. This is some good stuff!;) You have excellent progress!
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Damn gurl, u iz growing fast. U got dat good hur.:lachen:

Doesn't it smell devine too!!! Love my BT!!!:)
Okay....that is it!

I'm getting my rows and I'm applying daily.

Naturallady get ready for me because I'm getting enough for the next 3-6 months!!!!

I will definitly be BS by the end of the year!!!

*going to apply my scented BT to my scalp NOW!!!
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
It's been approximately 28 days since I've gotten my sew in. Just three days shy of a month and I had to post here and show you guys what I'm workin' with. I can literally grab these puppies and roll them around. I sooooo love BT!

This is how it began....


This is how it looks now. :look: (I know it's a HAM but I don't have to leave the house. Soooooooo there. :lol:) Pardon the blue denim polish... I do bead work so from time to time my nails get a wee bit jacked. :p



That growth would take me three months to get...seriously. I can keep a braided hairstyle looking nice for a long time because it grows so slow.

Thanks for the update!!
FeelinIt said:
*going to apply my scented BT to my scalp NOW!!!
me too! ~about to dash off and grab bottle of BT~

Seriously Iluvsmahgrass, that is some AWESOME growth!!! :eek:

I just put in some cornrows 2 days ago and I have been BTing like 3 times a day since. I have been slacking on my own haircare for the last few months but I'm getting back on it now. I havent even DC'd in like 2 or 3 months. :eek:

These pis are inspiring me to get back on it! BSL, here I come!!
naturallady said:
me too! ~about to dash off and grab bottle of BT~

Seriously Iluvsmahgrass, that is some AWESOME growth!!! :eek:

I just put in some cornrows 2 days ago and I have been BTing like 3 times a day since. I have been slacking on my own haircare for the last few months but I'm getting back on it now. I havent even DC'd in like 2 or 3 months. :eek:

These pis are inspiring me to get back on it! BSL, here I come!!

3 times a day? I didn't even know that you could apply it that often!:eek:

I've only been using it once a day.
lol I'm tellin yall this stuff WORKS! I'm sooo trying to buy up some more before I run out. Then I'm gonna hit up hair2heaven! :D

I love this site!