YA GIRL IS BACK! Sexy Sexy ::dancing around::

wow...ok I get it!!! I must say that you are really talented with the coloring!!! and your explanations!!! Thanks...and again and I love that color girl!!!

editted to say... you could really make a killin' if you did this (being the colorist extraordinaire) even part time IMHO
I know I'd be your client!
Hi Tracy
You should post a pic of the glorious gold rinse that u added to your hair. You know we all want too see it.
The only thing I can say about your color job is --- Over the Top Fabulousness! Really inspiring.

Just came away from an upset w/ a stylist who insisted she couldn't give me the chocolate base color w/ caramel highlights (like LaToya London's from American Idol) because I was relaxed. Frustrated, I came to the board knowing the info I got here would be sound. Now, after reading your story and seeing the gorgeous color job you did, I'm convinced I need to take the Textures & Tones route myself.

Thanks for detailing what you did!
You guys are SO welcome.

And thank you for all the amazing things you guys are saying...

Love y'all to pieces...
Tracy said:
Too red. :P You'll see it after the first six weeks of bootcamp are over...

[/ QUOTE ]

I've used the Glorious Gold Sebastian's rinse and that was my gripe with it as well... Too much red in it...
I'm kicking myself that I didn't go with the Honey Wheat like you recommended, Tracy!!!
Yeah - I shoulda gone with what I recommended too!

No actually - I knew it would come out to red, but some parts are a little uneven, so I was trying to blend the color out some and I needed a little more "tone" to do that...

I'll probably use Honey Wheat when I touch up the color after my next relaxer. MONTHS from now.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna break down and get that Honey Wheat soon myself... I think I'm gonna put the Glorious Gold on the exchange board and try & sell it for about $10
. Or even for trade...
Your hair looks amazing!!!

I didn't need to see that. I made a vow not to color at all for 2004. Lightest brown and lightest blonde, you say....