Wwyd? He'll Only Spend $25 On You.

With knowing all this are you two still friends? :lol:
Lol I know right but I don't want him so I don't care. I've tried to help him out in this area on more than one occasion. Once he showed me a pic of a girl he had a date with and I told him he better not ask her to go dutch because she looked like she wasn't having that nonsense. He listened and they dated for 3 months. She was way out of his league and ended it because he refused to move out of his mother's house. Then he went back to being a cheap broke arse and couldn't understand why he didn't have a girl. Just dumb but entertaining for me.
Ummmmmmm. She was with him for years?! How does one even get aroused when dealing with a broke man???? He's totally out of order :laugh:

Girl I don't know. One of best friends' friend is now sleeping with him and she complains to her that he doesn't take her anywhere. I just shake my head when she tells me. Dude makes good money.
Nah son. It's not about the amount, it is about a man starting a date with a limition. Huge turn off. You don't get to look at my pretty face and sniff up all my expensive perfume but set a limit on how much you think my time is worth. Been there, done that. I wasted too much pretty on broke jokers. I'd get up and dine at the bar solo or take my behind home. I have more Uber Eats credits than that.

I used to work with a guy who made an excellent salary but would complain about having to pay for dates. After date three, he felt like they should go dutch. But this same guy would blow $500+ at a rinky dink strip club at least once a month. Men spend money on the things they value.
Dinner? Where are you eating where that amount covers dinner and drinks? $25 is really only enough money for drinks. It costs more than $25 to get ready. I would hate to think that a guy that opens doors and pulls out chairs would be that unchivalrous; are these are the same dudes at the end of the date who want to smash. :nono:
Dinner? Where are you eating where that amount covers dinner and drinks? $25 is really only enough money for drinks. It costs more than $25 to get ready. I would hate to think that a guy that opens doors and pulls out chairs would be that unchivalrous; are these are the same dudes at the end of the date who want to smash. :nono:
Right? $25 wouldn't even cover drinks at the most casual chain restaurant.
Sounds like my prom date...took me to the nicest restaurant in town, took one look at the menu and said we can't eat here. We had to sneak out. We ended up at the Pancake House...lesson learned. I can be broke all by myself. I'd let him pay, tell him to have a good life and call a taxi.
Maybe I don't eat a whole lot, but I could definitely get something nice on a $25 budget, depending on the restaurant, so i would enjoy my free meal, and then never talk to him again, because it's the principle. I've dated broke men in the past, but at 30, Im too old for that type of foolishness. Will never do that again. I can't believe i put up with that type of foolishness in my 20s. Sigh. The things you do when ur young.
Yep. The first date they got breakfast at Cracker Barrel but he wanted her to take him to Bonefish Grill. We all know breakfast is cheap. I'm not trying to be petty or anything but it makes me think he took her to breakfast on purpose.

Yikes...it's really bad out here :spinning: