WOW!--What would you do in this situation?

What would you do?

  • A

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • B

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • C

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • D

    Votes: 38 62.3%
  • E

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
You've just grew you hair to collarbone length for the first time in your life--Its 17 inches long.

You want an even blunt trim, but leave in layers

1/2 of your hair on the top is now 9" long (cheekbone length), and the other half in the back is still 17" (CBL)

Would you

A. Cut all of your hair to 9" long, and wait a year or so for it to grow back CBL (When you could have been BSL at this time :nono:)

B. Cut your hair in more proportinate (SP) 9" (cheekbone), and 12" (About Chinlength) instead of 17" collarbone length

C. Keep your hair hidden (bunned, wig, braids) or even wear it out---But Wait a year or so untill you get 6-8 more inches, and cut your hair back to *around* even blunt shoulderlength or in some different layer lengths

D. Let the back layer of your hair reach your goal length, and let the top catch up to the bottom while your are trimming the bottom
So the next year March 2009 you'll be 15" (almost CBL) and 24" (BSL)
Next Year March 2010 you'll be 21" (bout APL), and 24"
And keep it that way or Sept. 2011 All blunt 24"
(and keep your hair hidden during this time or whatever)

E.---Other, what would you do?


This is a situation my friend is going through you guys---What would you do?
--Dont want to get into talking about the stylist or her, and it didnt happen to me and i dont think she comes on this site so kind words and ect. dont really matter (that felt really mean/rude typing, but its true :ohwell: lol) i've already talked to her about how dare this happen, im so sorry for you ect.---(now that felt like i didnt mean what i said :ohwell:) ANYWAY

I told her i would have did B
I'm growing my longest layers to my goal then letting the shorter layers catch up myself. This is the longest my hair has been since i was a kid and i don't wanna see it go.
This is interesting because...just 2 months ago I was 2 inches from APL. On New Years Eve I cut my hair to an even blunt SL. I absolutely love it. It is sooo even, bouncy and for some reason appears to be more healthy.

I wouldnt advise that you cut it to be even though. When I trimmed mine, it was because my hair was starting to get straggly I hadnt trimmed in almost a year.

The bottom line is as I chose D.
D During this time, I would be taking care of my hair hardcore so as not to suffer another setback. I would also be learning to do my own hair :drunk:.

Under no circumstances would I do A. Plus, let's say your friend does decide to cut, she risks going to someone who messes up hair for the second time in a row :nono:.

BTW, here are my pics of what I chose.
I picked D...........This is what I'm doing now..I'm just letting the front layers catch up with the back.....I thought it was going to look so bad....but as it grows it's in a V shape...I prefer blunt..but when I reach MBL I will start trimming it often till my front layers catch up to MBL...
Does the blunt cut have to be with your hair? I would say get a full weave and cut that in a blunt cut. you get a new style with out sacrificing your hard earned length.
I selected option B. I did that to my hair recently (end of December '07) and I think it was the best decision I ever made. When I stared my journey in Dec 2006, my hair was very uneven and layered but I decided to hold on and not cut. So I let my hair grow out last year and kept it hidden until my longest layer I hit APL. I attempted to trim the longest layer until the rest of my hair caught up but I became impatient. So I decided to cut to full shoulder. By the end of last year, my longest layer was slightly past apl but everywhere else was between shoulder and full shoulder. I hated the way it looked because my ends looked thin and I didn't feel comfortable wearing my hair down. If I had to do it again, I would've cut first and then begin my grow out challenge. Nonetheless, I still cut and I'm happy with my decision since my hair and my ends are much fuller now. I also feel confident wearing my hair out now.
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I chose C. I wouldn't cut it at all, hun. I would leave it alone.... let it grow out as long as it can get (unless there is significant breakage). I know I'm not cutting my hair until it reaches MBL, but that's just to even out layers.

Covering it up with braids/weaves is a great way to grow it out w/o cutting it off.... Out of sight, out of mind... works for me!
D definitely - I'm doing that now, myself.... it seems to be the only thing wise to do....
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D, just because that's what I'm currently doing to get rid of the couple of inches of bone straight hair I have from before I was texlaxing. I easily camouflage it with braidouts and my trusty buns. Just cut a little at a time and camouflage while practicing good hair health!
I would chose D. My hair grow in layers, the top of my hair grows extremely slow while the bottom and sides grow out fast, last year I kept cutting the sides and bottom to even it with the top, and after taking my braids out, the bottom and sides has still out grown the top. So now I'm just letting it do what it do, no more cut until i reach my goals, just dusting here and there.