Wow, the ignorance of some people!


New Member
So I was showing my boyfriend pics of Jada and Will's son's and daughter's hair. I was telling him how ridiculous it is that they did that to their daughter's hair. Then I was showing him how much hair their son has. One of the pics was showing his hair curly and I was telling him it looks like he took his mother's hair type. He tried to say that they put something in his hair to make it curly. He said that Jada's hair was real short. I told him yeah it was until she started growing it out. But her hair was curly when it was short. I told him there is nothing that you can put in your hair to make it look like that. I said what ever curl pattern or texture you have, that's what it will look like with a chemical just elongated. I said maybe you could get it to look like that with a curly perm and they set it on rods but I'm not sure. I said if they did have something like that you wouldn't have people on hair boards asking how can they get their hair to look like that.

Then he tried to say Rachel True had a curly perm. I told him that is her natural hair. He said when she was on hanging with Mr. Cooper it was always straight. I said she probably blowdried it and flat ironed it. I didn't know Holly Robison Peete had curly hair until I seen her years later. I told him I could flat iron my hair and make it look like it's relaxed. Then he tried to say that I manipulate my hair to get it to form spiral curls. I told him that is the way my hair grows out of my head. I said I can show you my hair when it's wet with no product and it wil look the same. The only difference is the products make my hair even shinier than what it is. I said if I didn't manipulate my hair it would hang. I told him my hair only hangs when wet and then when it dries, it shrinks. I said those are properties of natural hair. He tried to say that when I had first did the big chop my hair was just curly and now it
is spiral curls.

So he thinks it's something I'm putting in my hair or manipulation that makes my hair that way. The reason my hair looked different was because the relaxed hair had stretched my curls. So after a month my curls formed to how they should be. Plus I also use to use the denman to brush my hair, and that just removes my curls. Then he said well if you was natural you would be like the people in Africa that get up and don't do anything to their hair. I said when did natural mean not doing anything to your hair. I said just becuase you're natural doesn't mean you don't take care of you hair. I said natural means that your hair isn't chemically altered.

Then he said well I use conditioner and that's a chemical. I said yes their are chemicals in conditioners. But those condition your hair they do nothing to alter your texture. I said the only thing that does that are chemicals like relaxers. Natural hair has to be taken care of just like relaxed hair. I said africans do their hair also. I said so now you're trying to say that they're not civilized and just run around looking any kind of way. He's ignorant just like alot of these other black people when it comes to our hair. I think he believes that all black folks hair look alike and that if it's curly they've done something to it. That's just very sad how black people think. Black people have various hair textures just like we have various shades of color.
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So I was showing my boyfriend pics of Jada and Will's son's and daughter's hair. I was telling him how ridiculous it is that they did that to their daughter's hair. Then I was showing him how much hair their son has. One of the pics was showing his hair curly and I was telling him it looks like he took his mother's hair type. He tried to say that they put something in his hair to make it curly. He said that Jada's hair was real short. I told him yeah it was until she started growing it out. But her hair was curly when it was short. I told him there is nothing that you can put in your hair to make it look like that. I said what ever curl pattern or texture you have, that's what it will look like with a chemical just elongated. I said maybe you could get it to look like that with a curly perm and they set it on rods but I'm not sure. I said if they did have something like that you wouldn't have people on hair boards asking how can they get their hair to look like that. Then it tried to say Rachel True had a curly perm. I told him that is her natural hair. He said when she was on hanging with Mr. Cooper it was always straight. I said she probably blowdried it and flat ironed it. I didn't know Holly Robison Peete had curly hair until I seen her years later. I told him I could flat iron my hair and make it look like it's relaxed. Then he tried to say that I manipulate my hair to get it to form spiral curls. I told him that is the way my hair grows out of my hair. I said I can show you my hair when it's wet with no product and it wil look the same. The only difference is the products make my hair even shinier than what it is. I said if I didn't manipulate my hair it would hang. I told him my hair only hangs when wet and then when it dries, it shrinks. I said those are properties of natural hair. He tried to say that when I had first did the big chop my hair was just curly and now it
is spiral curls. So he thinks it's something I'm putting in my hair or manipulation that makes my hair that way. The reason my hair looked different was because the relaxed hair had stretched my curls. So after a month my curls formed to how they should be. Plus I also use to use the denman to brush my hair, and that just removes my curls. Then he said well if you was natural you would be like the people in Africa that get up and don't do anything to their hair. I said when did natural mean not doing anything to your hair. I said just becuase you're natural doesn't mean you don't take care of you hair. I said natural means that your hair isn't chemically altered. Then he said well I use conditioner and that's a chemical. I said yes their are chemicals in conditioners. But those condition your hair they do nothing to alter your texture. I said the only thing that does that are chemicals like relaxers. Natural hair has to be taken care of just like relaxed hair. I said africans do their hair also. I said so now you're trying to say that they're not civilized and just run around looking any kind of way. He's ignorant just like alot of these other black people when it comes to our hair. I think he believes that all black folks hair look alike and that if it's curly they've done something to it. That's just very sad how black people think. Black people have various hair textures just like we have various shades of color.

Do you think you can break this up into paragraphs/sections. It's hard for me to read, and I would like to. Thanks.
He's a man, he doesn't know any better. What do men know about hair? :lol: And yes, we have come to conclusion that the rest of the world, hell even the majority of black people, are ignorant about black hair. We here on LHCF are the not the norm in society so you might as well get used to the ignorance.
I would have been a little frustrated trying to have that type os conversation. So he didn't learn anything new based on what you and him were discussing?
Well I am sure that you will educate him and turn him into a honorary LHCF member! My SO didn't even know women wore weaves and wigs and didn't get black hair.
I would have been a little frustrated trying to have that type os conversation. So he didn't learn anything new based on what you and him were discussing?

Lol not at all, he said no matter how much I yell he wasn't listening. So I won't even bother discussing anything else hair related with him.
There's not point in yelling it at him. Just show him.
Believe me. Most people don't realize that we have different hair textures. They're amazed to know that one person's hair texture isn't going to be exactly like the next persons.
Don't let it get to you.
I am starting to learn that some people just llike to stay ignorant and in the dark, and look at you like you're crazy when you try to enlighten them. I'm over it.:nono:
i have had the same exact convo with a guy at my job. he swears i have a jrrri curl lol. everytime we see someone with 4b type hair(usually in an afro) he will say "why your hair dont look like that? i bet she dont put nothing in her hair". and im just thinking how many times will we have this conversation. why do men think all black people have the same texture?
I have never come across a black person who thought all blacks have the same hair texture. I think your boyfriend is in the minority and only very few blacks think the way he does.

If most blacks thought the way he does then there wouldn't be good hair/bad hair issuses in the black community that has been going on for centuries.

I believe alot of people doubt the hair textures they see on celebrities because you never know if it is their hair, a wig, a weave, or chemically treated.

And as far as what he thought about your hair, he has probably seen you put products in your hair and he assumed you were using products to make your hair look curly.

Yes, plenty of blacks are ignorant about how to properly care for afro textured hair. Due to ignorance on how to care for the hair there are certain textures that don't really pop unless they are cared for in a certain way. Thus making it seem that certain textures are not common. But it is well known in the black community that our hair textures vary.
If people don't know that black people have different hair textures, where did the whole
"good hair" saying or mind set come from.......
I don't talk hair with my SO....what does he know? If I am not talking Giants or Yankees, I may as well be speaking in another language.
Talking to a man about hair is like talking to a person who doesn't like sports about baseball. Why waste your breath?

Oh and what is wrong with Will Smith's daughter's hair?
Here are som pics of Willow's hair:


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He's a man, he doesn't know any better. What do men know about hair? :lol: And yes, we have come to conclusion that the rest of the world, hell even the majority of black people, are ignorant about black hair. We here on LHCF are the not the norm in society so you might as well get used to the ignorance.

So true :lachen:. My BF knows nothing of hair, poor darling. To him, it's just something on top of people's heads, no more consideration given.
Here are som pics of Willow's hair:



Can't see anything but question marks
Then he tried to say Rachel True had a curly perm. I told him that is her natural hair. He said when she was on hanging with Mr. Cooper it was always straight. I said she probably blowdried it and flat ironed it. I didn't know Holly Robison Peete had curly hair until I seen her years later. I told him I could flat iron my hair and make it look like it's relaxed. Then he tried to say that I manipulate my hair to get it to form spiral curls. I told him that is the way my hair grows out of my head. I said I can show you my hair when it's wet with no product and it wil look the same. The only difference is the products make my hair even shinier than what it is. I said if I didn't manipulate my hair it would hang. I told him my hair only hangs when wet and then when it dries, it shrinks. I said those are properties of natural hair. He tried to say that when I had first did the big chop my hair was just curly and now it
is spiral curls.

So he thinks it's something I'm putting in my hair or manipulation that makes my hair that way. The reason my hair looked different was because the relaxed hair had stretched my curls. So after a month my curls formed to how they should be. Plus I also use to use the denman to brush my hair, and that just removes my curls. Then he said well if you was natural you would be like the people in Africa that get up and don't do anything to their hair. I said when did natural mean not doing anything to your hair. I said just becuase you're natural doesn't mean you don't take care of you hair. I said natural means that your hair isn't chemically altered.

Then he said well I use conditioner and that's a chemical. I said yes their are chemicals in conditioners. But those condition your hair they do nothing to alter your texture. I said the only thing that does that are chemicals like relaxers. Natural hair has to be taken care of just like relaxed hair. I said africans do their hair also. I said so now you're trying to say that they're not civilized and just run around looking any kind of way. He's ignorant just like alot of these other black people when it comes to our hair. I think he believes that all black folks hair look alike and that if it's curly they've done something to it. That's just very sad how black people think. Black people have various hair textures just like we have various shades of color.

Maybe I'm just quick to snip snip at this time in my life, but I'd be re-evaluating our relationship, on the real. Not at all saying that's what you should be doing, but it's what I know my reaction would be.

Now I know the menz iz preshush and we need to hold onto them reaaaaaaal tight, but really...

How are you going to try to tell me about my own daggone hair and what I do and don't do to it? And pretty much tell me I'm a liar and I try to front my beautiful texture? Uh uh, sucka.

You can't understand basic laws of physics like gravity? You can't understnad concepts like heat and pressure? (Straightening?) You ever iron clothes?

Africa is a monolithic continent with just a giant huge group of people who allllll do the same things, namely not doing a THING to their hair? You don't know much of anything about Africa? You haven't gone to the bookstore or library and at least looked through a photo book?

And sure, there are chemicals in hair conditioner. There are chemicals in soap wash and lotion. So, is using them equivalent to my making a decision to alter my skin's true nature?

Yes, a lot of black people are ignorant about black hair textures, baaasic physics, Africa and Africans, and a lot of other things that, in an ideal world, would be common, basic knowledge once you graduate from high school.
Then he said well if you was natural you would be like the people in Africa that get up and don't do anything to their hair.


This is a very stupid statement!! As stupid as stating that Africans live on trees.

Ignorance is not bliss people!!