Wow, I became the girls I looked down on, who am I?

You've already gotten great advice so I'll just say this do not be jealous of an 18 year old girl. Your ex-dude is the dude she will regret by junior year if it lasts that long. If she's serious about being a doctor one bad semester after messing around with him will get her head straight.

I don't know what happened with school but you CAN go back and finish. Make a goal that you can turn 30 with a degree or without. So now you have 5 years (give or take) to finish up your classes part time or if you can bite the bullet transfer to a Local school and knock it out full time (depends on how many credits you have left). I don't say this lightly my grad degree was my present to myself after years of regret and allowing other obligations to push my desires down the priority pile.

Just because someone says they love you doesn't mean they do. He had good talk but his actions didn't match his words. You're mourning the relationship you wanted not the one that you had. Leave him behind and look forward to YOUR bright future, finishing your BA, pursuing your PhD (if that's still your goal) and being whole so that you can recognize a potential SO that is ready for a true relationship (one that nutures you and not drain you).

Life isn't over because you didn't go through school straight the first time around.
Thank you ladies, and all of this reasoning made sense over a year ago, but something went terribly wrong in my thinking. I had to leave college for financial reasons and I beat myself up over it, especially since I wasn't able to attend full-time to finish in 4 years. I just always knew I'd have a Ph.D someday, and here I am with not even a 4-year degree to my name. From that point on I just felt like I didn't deserve better. I made okay money, but nothing like what I would have made with a degree. I settled for less because I figured no educated man would want me. Now here I am, and I see this girl with youth and a bright future (Doctor) with the guy I once loved. Of course I dodged a bullet, thank goodness, but it hurts.

If it makes you feel better, I can almost guarantee you that she will not become a doctor. If she can be so blindsided by love, that she is allowing this cancer to live off her school loan, this early in the game... Dont get me wrong, she may wake up and get rid of him and keep moving forward, but with him by her side, she's destined for failure.

Now stop worrying about her, and get up and rejoice. Be thankful you are done with his trifling backside.
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Oh God where do I begin?
He is the true definition of a Kang-a-Lang. Don't run, take the express bus outta there!

He is a loser and will jump from girl to girl in order to avoid being a man. What kind of man gets with an 18 year old child because she can take care of him financially? Feel sorry for that girl. When she dumps him, cuz I have no doubt she will, he will probably find another woman to be his "man."

You dodged a bullet girl. You will look back at this situation in a few months and laugh. Enjoy your life and stay clear of this man-girl.

sent thru my iPhone
Yeah, I think you dodged a bullet too. I don't think he loves you or the 18 year old girl he just met. He's just seeing which woman he can use for money. He's a user. Becoming a provider? That's far out of the picture for his future, that's for sure.
You've already gotten great advice so I'll just say this do not be jealous of an 18 year old girl. Your ex-dude is the dude she will regret by junior year if it lasts that long. If she's serious about being a doctor one bad semester after messing around with him will get her head straight.

I don't know what happened with school but you CAN go back and finish. Make a goal that you can turn 30 with a degree or without. So now you have 5 years (give or take) to finish up your classes part time or if you can bite the bullet transfer to a Local school and knock it out full time (depends on how many credits you have left). I don't say this lightly my grad degree was my present to myself after years of regret and allowing other obligations to push my desires down the priority pile.

Just because someone says they love you doesn't mean they do. He had good talk but his actions didn't match his words. You're mourning the relationship you wanted not the one that you had. Leave him behind and look forward to YOUR bright future, finishing your BA, pursuing your PhD (if that's still your goal) and being whole so that you can recognize a potential SO that is ready for a true relationship (one that nutures you and not drain you).

Life isn't over because you didn't go through school straight the first time around.

Thank you ladies for all of the wise advice and tough love! I went out last night for the first time since the breakup and I had a blast! It was so nice to just let loose and have fun for once! Back then I couldn't really go out or do anything because I was taking care of two people. I'm just ready to actually enjoy single life--something I was never able to do because I always longed for a relationship. This last year has taught me that there is nothing with holding out for the RIGHT one, not just SOME one.
Don't beat yourself up too much, hun.

Yeah, there were red flags that you ignored, but you also made some right decisions as well. Be proud of that. :yep: It's natural to feel some way about seeing someone you love with someone else, but trust me, it will pass.
Ditto. You dodged a bullet. He is a Kang for sure and his pipe dream to date a would-be 18 year old "doctor" demonstrates just how much he needs to go back and get his GED because that is a childish fantasy.
Dude is a Kang, Gigolo, Con artist......... He's very manipulative which is why you're feeling so bad. Check out the Baggage Reclaim website. Great site for putting things in perspective after dealing with a such a guy. Focus on the positive of the situation. You used poor judgement, but you learn from it. Now you are free to move forward with the expectation of a better outcome.
Dude is a Kang, Gigolo, Con artist......... He's very manipulative which is why you're feeling so bad. Check out the Baggage Reclaim website. Great site for putting things in perspective after dealing with a such a guy. Focus on the positive of the situation. You used poor judgement, but you learn from it. Now you are free to move forward with the expectation of a better outcome.

That site is the truth. :yep:
No tough love here. Just a *hug*

I'm sorry this happened to you. You were in love. Allow yourself to feel the pain but don't wallow in it. Be glad that you dodged a bullet because that's exactly what happened. Learn from this.
Yay!!!!!!! Girl u coulda got knocked up by this kneegrow.

You dodged that bullet. Amen.

How is he obsessed with money if he doesn't have none???
He's an opportunist.

Glad ur working on yourself.

This is one of those accepting some guy for who he is and it comes back and.slaps u in the face.

I was there before. I was about 17-18.ish.

I'm here for u mamas.

The feeling when u become something and u see he is still a bum *****... Lol

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Dude is a Kang, Gigolo, Con artist......... He's very manipulative which is why you're feeling so bad. Check out the Baggage Reclaim website. Great site for putting things in perspective after dealing with a such a guy. Focus on the positive of the situation. You used poor judgement, but you learn from it. Now you are free to move forward with the expectation of a better outcome.

That site is the truth. :yep:

Checking it out now, thanks ladies!

I feel a sense of freedom I have not felt in the last few days. I really put some things into perspective for myself and it feels great! I will not read his text messages or answer his calls because whenever I do he manages to transfer negative energy onto me and I'll be messed up for a few more days. MOVING ON and it feels great! :yep:
Okay ladies I have a confession to make. We've been talking a little bit here and there for the last few days and I talked to him for a bit today. Basically he said that he wants to be with me and would drop her in a second. I asked him if he has developed feelings for her and he said that he really didn't like her that much, but he liked that she had plans for the future to make money. He said that it wasn't important to him now if he could be with me. This statement turned me off so much but I'm so conflicted when I shouldn't be. It just pains me that I didn't become what I wanted, and honestly I feel like I don't have a chance with a better man because I don't have my stuff together.

I do work full-time to save to finish my last year of school, but men of substance these days want a woman of substance, right? Should I swear off men until I finish school and enter a career? What man talks like this anyway? He claims to be so traditional yet he's waiting on her to become a doctor. He said that with her wealth it would make it easier for him to get his plans off of the ground. My goodness that sounds kang-ish but why am I still so conflicted? I honestly don't feel like I deserve better. In any case, this makes me more determined than ever to become what I envisioned I would be. Not for him, but for me so I don't have to feel this way ever again.
EdgyGirl said:
Okay ladies I have a confession to make. We've been talking a little bit here and there for the last few days and I talked to him for a bit today. Basically he said that he wants to be with me and would drop her in a second. I asked him if he has developed feelings for her and he said that he really didn't like her that much, but he liked that she had plans for the future to make money. He said that it wasn't important to him now if he could be with me. This statement turned me off so much but I'm so conflicted when I shouldn't be. It just pains me that I didn't become what I wanted, and honestly I feel like I don't have a chance with a better man because I don't have my stuff together.

I do work full-time to save to finish my last year of school, but men of substance these days want a woman of substance, right? Should I swear off men until I finish school and enter a career? What man talks like this anyway? He claims to be so traditional yet he's waiting on her to become a doctor. He said that with her wealth it would make it easier for him to get his plans off of the ground. My goodness that sounds kang-ish but why am I still so conflicted? I honestly don't feel like I deserve better. In any case, this makes me more determined than ever to become what I envisioned I would be. Not for him, but for me so I don't have to feel this way ever again.

You are a woman of substance just as you are. Doesn't matter if you are working full time, finishing school or both. A man of substance knows that. You are conflicted because he is your source of self love and not yourself.

You will not find the answer you want here, you won't find it in him. You will have to go through this until you reach your end of this path and you start turning inward to loving you unconditionally. If you are a believer start praying. The good news is we've all been through something that makes us doubt ourselves, we are all probably still going through this on some level.

There are so many flags in this situation it reminds me of choreographed color guard show.
^^^^This!! You are worthy as you are!! A man of substance will see that you have goals and aspirations that you are actively working towards. But you are right, you should leave men alone right now until you get your heart and mind working together instead of against each other.

And that convo was the most kangish thing I ever heard! He is telling you he is a user. Whether he's telling you the truth or trying to string you along, he's basically saying he's only with her for the promise of money. That is not a man you want.

Please stop talking to him. He will continue to play with your emotions to keep you as a back up plan in case Dr Wannabe kicks him to the curb. Been there, done that, burnt the tshirt.
why are you still talking to him? why hasnt his # been blocked? why are you asking questions about his new relationship?

I dont understand what you wanna hear

How do you know what men of substance want if you haven't tested the waters?

I think men of substance are looking for a woman who believes in herself- regardless of external accomplishments.

Love yourself as you are today and appreciate what you have accomplished in your life. Obtaining x,y,z degrees is not going to magically grant you self esteem.

Lastly, allow yourself some distance from this man to get your thoughts together. Consider a therapist to help you mentally transition out of this relationship.
Okay ladies I have a confession to make. We've been talking a little bit here and there for the last few days and I talked to him for a bit today. Basically he said that he wants to be with me and would drop her in a second. I asked him if he has developed feelings for her and he said that he really didn't like her that much, but he liked that she had plans for the future to make money. He said that it wasn't important to him now if he could be with me. This statement turned me off so much but I'm so conflicted when I shouldn't be. It just pains me that I didn't become what I wanted, and honestly I feel like I don't have a chance with a better man because I don't have my stuff together.

I do work full-time to save to finish my last year of school, but men of substance these days want a woman of substance, right? Should I swear off men until I finish school and enter a career? What man talks like this anyway? He claims to be so traditional yet he's waiting on her to become a doctor. He said that with her wealth it would make it easier for him to get his plans off of the ground. My goodness that sounds kang-ish but why am I still so conflicted? I honestly don't feel like I deserve better. In any case, this makes me more determined than ever to become what I envisioned I would be. Not for him, but for me so I don't have to feel this way ever again.

You are conflicted because you don't genuinely believe you deserve better than this fool. You need to know that you do. You are 1 year from a degree. this idiot does not have a high school diploma or a GED. He is telling you that he wants to use a woman for her money and you are still hanging on to the foolishness. He is using a young teenager for her student loan money. How much worse can he get for you to leave this fool alone and go on with the rest of your life babe? :nono:
Bless your heart. You need to listen to some Alexis K.Taylor. You have let him hit the bottom and been dyckmatized. I know you really don't think you deserve a man who would use an 18yo girl to get on. I hope you free your self from the hold this man has over you. I really do. This is so sad.
Ditto to all of this. You grew up watching your mom take care of men so that is probably the reason that you are still trying to win back this Kang. You may want to seek out some counseling sessions in your area before you try to get back into the dating market.

You are conflicted because you don't genuinely believe you deserve better than this fool. You need to know that you do. You are 1 year from a degree. this idiot does not have a high school diploma or a GED. He is telling you that he wants to use a woman for her money and you are still hanging on to the foolishness. He is using a young teenager for her student loan money. How much worse can he get for you to leave this fool alone and go on with the rest of your life babe? :nono:

I definitely agree. This was my mother and it was very hard on us growing up and watching her take care of men and never have anything for herself. I always told myself that I would NEVER do that, but the high aspirations that I had for my life didn't come through when I expected. I lowered my standards because I didn't believe I was worthy of someone who could and would support me. Now I am working on myself and trying once again to get where I want to be. I felt so threatened by this girl because at that age, I had all of my plans laid out and just KNEW I would be successful at this age, and I'm not.

Thank you ladies, and all of this reasoning made sense over a year ago, but something went terribly wrong in my thinking. I had to leave college for financial reasons and I beat myself up over it, especially since I wasn't able to attend full-time to finish in 4 years. I just always knew I'd have a Ph.D someday, and here I am with not even a 4-year degree to my name. From that point on I just felt like I didn't deserve better. I made okay money, but nothing like what I would have made with a degree. I settled for less because I figured no educated man would want me. Now here I am, and I see this girl with youth and a bright future (Doctor) with the guy I once loved. Of course I dodged a bullet, thank goodness, but it hurts.

I've already done that and it felt good, but it's hard. You can't fully get over someone if you are still talking to them so I am no longer going to speak with him. What made me keep doubting myself is that he kept telling me he loved me and wanted us to be together again. It borders on emotional abuse by drawing me in and then letting me down. I know God is watching after me and protecting me from him, I just need to trust Him.

Okay ladies I have a confession to make. We've been talking a little bit here and there for the last few days and I talked to him for a bit today. Basically he said that he wants to be with me and would drop her in a second. I asked him if he has developed feelings for her and he said that he really didn't like her that much, but he liked that she had plans for the future to make money. He said that it wasn't important to him now if he could be with me. This statement turned me off so much but I'm so conflicted when I shouldn't be. It just pains me that I didn't become what I wanted, and honestly I feel like I don't have a chance with a better man because I don't have my stuff together.

I do work full-time to save to finish my last year of school, but men of substance these days want a woman of substance, right? Should I swear off men until I finish school and enter a career? What man talks like this anyway? He claims to be so traditional yet he's waiting on her to become a doctor. He said that with her wealth it would make it easier for him to get his plans off of the ground. My goodness that sounds kang-ish but why am I still so conflicted? I honestly don't feel like I deserve better. In any case, this makes me more determined than ever to become what I envisioned I would be. Not for him, but for me so I don't have to feel this way ever again.
Okay ladies I have a confession to make. We've been talking a little bit here and there for the last few days and I talked to him for a bit today. Basically he said that he wants to be with me and would drop her in a second. I asked him if he has developed feelings for her and he said that he really didn't like her that much, but he liked that she had plans for the future to make money. He said that it wasn't important to him now if he could be with me. This statement turned me off so much but I'm so conflicted when I shouldn't be. It just pains me that I didn't become what I wanted, and honestly I feel like I don't have a chance with a better man because I don't have my stuff together.

I do work full-time to save to finish my last year of school, but men of substance these days want a woman of substance, right? Should I swear off men until I finish school and enter a career? What man talks like this anyway? He claims to be so traditional yet he's waiting on her to become a doctor. He said that with her wealth it would make it easier for him to get his plans off of the ground. My goodness that sounds kang-ish but why am I still so conflicted? I honestly don't feel like I deserve better. In any case, this makes me more determined than ever to become what I envisioned I would be. Not for him, but for me so I don't have to feel this way ever again.

Red flags girl red flags.....and yes I'm yelling because you are ignoring the pebbles falling on your head and it seems that only a boulder will get you to wake up.

"he liked that she had plans for the future to make money" WHAT ABOUT HIS PLANS?

This statement turned me off so much THAT'S YOUR GUT TELLING YOU TO RUN

It just pains me that I didn't become what I wanted, and honestly I feel like I don't have a chance with a better man because I don't have my stuff together. YOU MAY NOT BE WHERE YOU WANT TO BE YET BUT YOU'RE NOT WHERE YOU WERE LAST YEAR THIS TIME. EVEN IF YOU STOPPED COLD YOU ARE LIGHT YEARS AHEAD OF HIM. DO YOU WANT TO SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE HOLDING THIS BOY UP? WHAT MAN SAYS THIS WITH A STRAIGHT FACE? He sounds like those fools on the Titanic jumping on the lifeboats with no regard for the women and children he's just knocked over. Why are you so down on yourself that you think the best you can do is keep holding on to a leech?

He claims to be so traditional yet he's waiting on her to become a doctor. What in his statements sounds traditional to you? Tradition is a MAN provides FOR his family. Tradition is not depending on someone else's estimated income so that you can then start. What happens if after organic chemistry she says *** med school and decides to become a teacher? What wealth does he think she will have to finance his plans when she has school loans to pay off? What does he plan to do in the 10 years it will take before she is even practicing??????

Let's take it back to a young man in his 20's - a traditional man in the making would be hustling at his job (if he's already finished school) and making plans for the future. He may be in a beat up car but he knows that its more important right now to pay off his loan or work and go to business school part time for that MBA or partner with his boy that wants to open a barber shop or get the down payment for that fixer upper they want to flip or whatever. It doesn't include sitting on your behind mastering XBox while your girls gets her study on!!!

I honestly don't feel like I deserve better. You're only going to get in life what YOU feel you deserve. Know that if you settle for this BS its because you chose to. When you know better you do better. You know the words out of his mouth not only do not match his actions but they make no sense at all - yet you keep giving his words creedence and weight as if they warrant contemplation. They don't. The sad part is until YOU believe it you will continue to let this boy put doubt in your head and heart. I had my idiot in college - thought the world would end without him yet when I finally let go someone much better came along and the new relationship was something I could not even fathom was possible. Years later college idiot is barely a footnote in my lifestory. I only bring him up when I recognize that look or hear the same fear I once had.

A real man, traditional or not brings more to the table than his swinging peen. His words match his actions. His love is shown in deed and words. You do not have to prove you are better than the other girl. Please stop playing this game with yourself. In time you will see that BOTH OF YOU ARE TOO GOOD FOR THIS BOY. He is NOT the prize beloved YOU are.

He is NOT the prize beloved YOU are.

He is NOT the prize beloved YOU are.

Please watch Iyanla Fix My Life tonight with Evelyn Lozada. I don't always agree with Iyanla but she spoke some truths last night that you need to hear. Where is a man that can't control his "impulses" going to lead you?
Where is a man that pits you against a child going to lead you? What about any of his statements or actions makes you continue to be protective of him? Be better because you deserve and want better.

EdgyGirl - tagging so you will log on and see this.
I'm sorry OP I just cannot comprehend any of this.

Um fire? Yeah so I'm gone need you to give her the real real. The other thread you came with guns a'blazin when the fight was over NOW when it's needed you censor it.I must admit I'm a little disappointed Lmbo. You feeling alright? *checking your forehead for fever* Lmbo.