WOW!........ DSD's Hair!


New Member
WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

I don't know if I missed an update on this but Wow! DSD your hair has grown so much in just a short period of time. It's amazing
how the left side did it's own catch up thing! You go girl!
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

whoa dsd it has grown a lot!!!!!!!!!!! those braids must be really helping, and that constant moisture from the conditioner washes. Im getting braids soon so ill pm you if i have any questions (if thats okay with you)!!! Again congrats!!!!!
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

Spagirl, this is the last thing I expected to see this evening. Thank you!

I was afraid to post pics with my hair being so uneven. I didn't know what kind of reaction I would get. But I remember one of the members telling me that my hair will eventually catch up. So I am trying to keep the scissors out of my hair.

It is growing at an excellent rate so I expect to be comfortably shoulder length in 2-3 months. I can't wait. Meanwhile I will continue to do my usual braid routine until I get comfortable enough to wear my own hair or until I get enough to put in a bun.

My pics: My Hair Journey
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

Thanks ladies!

Ayeshia, pm me anytime!

DahomeyAhosi, keep taking that biotin. The results are amazing!
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

Girl, inquiring minds want to know what do you feel is contributing to this increasing hair growth?
Yeah, I've been out of the loop for awhile now.
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

I think it is the combination of a consistant regemin, the co washes and supplements. Also I keep my hair always in protective styles so I don't have any problems with breaking and splitting. When I am not in braids I use the baggie technique to keep my ends supple and moist.
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

congrats, DSD!! i'm glad you've found a simple regime that works for you. to me that's really the key... keep it simple!!!
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

DSD ... your hair is coming along nicely. Congrats!!!!

Ballet Bun ...
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

Ladies, thanks for all the encouragement. This is exactly what I need because these in between stages are very discouraging.

Adrienne, I have learned a lot from you and keeping a simple regemin is truly the key. Thanks!

I am just hoping that it starts to even out a little more in the next few months. I would like to wear my hair down for my anniversary in June.
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

Yes, DSD your hair is GROWING like a weed. By the time your anniversary gets here, you r hair is gonna be swanging
. Congrats on your growth.
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

CONGRATULATIONS, GIRL!!! You're always such an inspiration!

You're making me want to get braids, because that's probably the only way I'll leave my hair alone!
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

I agree, DSD - you really did get a lot of growth in just a little bit of time!! Congrats!!
Now excuse me while I go order some more biotin!!
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

Jen, that is really sweet of you to say!

Lindy, girl you are too funny! Thanks!

Thanks Blaxalrose!

Thanks everyone!

This encouragement came just in time, you guys just don't realize how much I needed to hear all of this from my hair sistas. That ugly in between stage and trying to make up for breakage and set backs really can take its toll. But as you all know I try to keep a positive outlook and Don't speak defeat. I know I will get there. I know I can with all of the help and support of all of you wonder ladies here.

Thanks so much!

Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

Girl, did I not tell you you'll soon be catching up to you know who??? Told ya, told ya, told ya.
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

debyjay said:
Girl, did I not tell you you'll soon be catching up to you know who??? Told ya, told ya, told ya.

[/ QUOTE ]

Girl, I am speechless and laughing really hard!

You are not supposed to say I told you so
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

I was also thinking about how fast your hair has grown when I visited your album. Good job! I thought that kinky twist would work wonders for me, but keeping them it too long makes my hair knot and I end up having to get a major trim any other time. I used to take PP Biotin, but maybe Freeda would give me more noticeable results. Where did you purchase Freeda's Biotin? Is it the high dosage? What other supps do you take? I live in the ATL subs, too, so if you got it in town, I'll know where to go
And thanks for always being so inspirational to everyone else! I plan to make the next ATL meeting, hope to see your even shoulder-length hair by April I'm sure
Re: WOW!........ DSD\'s Hair!

I agree with everyone else, your hair is growing in nicely. Keep up the good work!