Would you wear a satin bonnet out in public?


Well-Known Member
I went to pay my phone bill the other day and saw a lady (about my age) going in there to pay hers with a black granny style satin bonnet on her head. :look:

But I was like, ok, maybe she's just running in here to pay her bill and then go home. I've gone inside the drug store before with a scarf on when I had to pick up prescription for a sick child/hubby.

So I then went to meet a friend for lunch after this at Applebee's and saw the same lady with that bonnet on, getting seated with a friend. Ok, so I dont know what's going on in that lady's life or anything, but I do know that I would not be caught dead outside with "the granny bonnet" on unless I was going to the mailbox.

Am I wrong? Set me straight if I am!
NO, NEVA EVA EVA!! I see them on chickenheads here in Philly all the time- well not as much as I used to. Can you believe they actually would get a bonnet that matched whatever they were wearing that day like it's part of their outfit?? It's such a mess to see it and I just want to run up to them and rip it off of their heads :nono:
LMAOO.. :lachen:!!!!

Maybe she was going somewhere later that night and had her hair wrapped or in rollers?? Just a thought!
How was the weather outside when you saw her?

You never know, maybe she had a special event she had to attend later on and wanted to preserve her hair.

No matter what, if that was me I would not be caught outside with that thing on my head.
No! :lol: I went outside with a plastic cap on my head to put change in the meter when I was getting my hair done one time and that was embarassing as all get out. No bonnets, rollers, or anymore plastic caps for me out in public ever again! Lol
NO, NEVA EVA EVA!! I see them on chickenheads here in Philly all the time- well not as much as I used to. Can you believe they actually would get a bonnet that matched whatever they were wearing that day like it's part of their outfit?? It's such a mess to see it and I just want to run up to them and rip it off of their heads :nono:

That is just trifling... :ohwell:

How was the weather outside when you saw her?

You never know, maybe she had a special event she had to attend later on and wanted to preserve her hair.

No matter what, if that was me I would not be caught outside with that thing on my head.

It's ALWAYS humid here, so if that's her excuse she must wear it everyday.
lol. I've worn my bonnet to go pick up my brother form work and take him to the bank. I WAS NOT planning on getting out of the car! But he wanted to go to the 99 cent only store and it was too hot for me to stay in the car, so I went in. It wasn't a bad experience but I wouldn't do it again!
Yep, I do!!

When my hair is pressed straight, I keep a black satin bonnet in my bag. If its raining, I put it on AND use my umbrella. I think because the umbrella is so close to my head people cant really tell...but if they do oh well.....its worth it when I get to my destination with hair that is still swangin' :grin:

ETA: I dont wear it as an accessory though or inside any establishment. Its for temporary humidity blocking purposes ONLY.
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:sekret:Maybe she's NIKO's cousin and had a baggie underneath


My mother wears on when we go walking in the mornings and I hate it!
I don't and I wouldn't wear a satin bonnet out in public solo. However, I would wear a it if I had a hat or cap to cover it.
Yep, I do!!

When my hair is pressed straight, I keep a black satin bonnet in my bag. If its raining, I put it on AND use my umbrella. I think because the umbrella is so close to my head people cant really tell...but if they do oh well.....its worth it when I get to my destination with hair that is still swangin' :grin:

ETA: I dont wear it as an accessory though or inside any establishment. Its for temporary humidity blocking purposes ONLY.
:lol: That doesn't count. Chile, that's called being prepared.:grin: I'm thinking when you walk out of the house with it on talking about going places, mall, market, restaurant, shopping, etc with that thing on. I keep a plastic cap in my glove compartment and an umbrella in my back seat... ya never know :drunk:
I don't and I wouldn't wear a satin bonnet out in public solo. However, I would wear a it if I had a hat or cap to cover it.
Now I have done that. I've had my hair wrapped and under a scarf- but I had a hat on top of that scarf, so you couldn't tell I had a scarf on. I see nothing wrong with doing that.
Hellz no! That's what hats are for! Just last week on 34th street I saw this woman tippin' down the block with some short-shorts, spiked heels and a whole head of rollers. And she was with her man, just walking like it was nothing.
absolutely not!
wrapping my hair up is one of the last things i do before bed, so if I end up needing to run somewhere, my hair will normally still be done. & in the morning, the scarf is one of the first things that comes off!
Wearing a satin bonnet out in public is a pretty tacky look. But then again, it's no more tackier than when I wear my satin du-rag out in the front yard to do some yard work, and want to keep the hot sun off my head.!! I don't feel so bad about doing this, because I am in my own yard, and not out on the public streets.
I went to pay my phone bill the other day and saw a lady (about my age) going in there to pay hers with a black granny style satin bonnet on her head. :look:

But I was like, ok, maybe she's just running in here to pay her bill and then go home. I've gone inside the drug store before with a scarf on when I had to pick up prescription for a sick child/hubby.

So I then went to meet a friend for lunch after this at Applebee's and saw the same lady with that bonnet on, getting seated with a friend. Ok, so I dont know what's going on in that lady's life or anything, but I do know that I would not be caught dead outside with "the granny bonnet" on unless I was going to the mailbox.

Am I wrong? Set me straight if I am!

Are you in MS? If so, get use to it. I've seen women wear rollers to the store, restaurant, etc. I've seen people in house shoes. I will wear a scarf, but it will look part of the outfit. That's it. I just can't wear a bonnet out.
Unacceptable! HAHAHAHA

It's like walkin out the house with slippers on while you're brushin your teeth WITH a nighty and no bra on. The message is: "clearly, i am NOT ready to be out of my house!" OK, that's extreme but yall get my point.

That's a no-no to me. Why couldn't she have just worn a headwrap?
NO, NEVA EVA EVA!! I see them on chickenheads here in Philly all the time- well not as much as I used to. Can you believe they actually would get a bonnet that matched whatever they were wearing that day like it's part of their outfit?? It's such a mess to see it and I just want to run up to them and rip it off of their heads :nono:

Sure do. On the El, in the gallery .. 69 .. at the store.

Philly has no shame sometimes:nono:
Apparently this has become a "fashion trend." I saw a few people when I went home to visit in Miami walking around the mall like it was nothing with bonnets that matched their outfits on their heads. My friend had warned me about it, but I guess I wasn't prepared to actually see it. It's just plain tacky to me and just plain silly looking.
Only in my dorm because its like a big house and on Sunday mornings we all come down to the Cafe lookin crazy.
It really is .. I always felt like the weird one cuz I'll stay in if my hair isn't right
Chile that's you. If my hair ain't acting right, you can never to wrong with a spray bottle full of water, a brush and a ponytail holder :yep: or a ponytail and a hat.
Chile that's you. If my hair ain't acting right, you can never to wrong with a spray bottle full of water, a brush and a ponytail holder :yep: or a ponytail and a hat.

I know this now .. but preLHCF days ..:nono: And I never was one to wear hats alot ..
No way.:nono:

If my hair is busted and I don't feel like being bothered, I will throw on a hat. But a satin bonnet, like the kind you wear to bed? Un-uh.:nono: