Would you take a pill to convert your relaxed hair into natural hair?

Country gal said:
I think the pill is a bad idea. There are women who want natural hair but have a relaxed mind. I like transitioning and learning my natural hair. If women with relaxed hair could easily get natural hair from a pill than I am afraid they would get frustrated with their hair. Having bra strap relaxed hair is very easy compared to bra strap natural.

ITA. As much as I would have loved having arm pit length natural hair immediately, I have to say that I would have never known the joy and ease of short natural hair. I have never had hair care so easy, and I know as my hair gets longer, the more difficult it will become. As my hair grows, I learn with it. If I'd immediately gone from relaxed to natural, I would have missed a lot of the necessarily learning curve. I probably would have relaxed it again after the first week due to frustration. :)
I Sure Would!! I Cut My Hair Off From 2000-2002.Back Then I Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now About Natural Hair And Never Put A Relaxer Back In*sigh*
Don't laugh, but I have nightmares about putting a relaxer in my hair. I wake-up made a myself. One time I cried in my sleep(I woke-up with tears on my face). It's just that I wanted my relaxer out for so long that I wouldn't ever put another one in. Relaxers gave me too many problems.

I know that it's silly...but it's true.

I'm still reading this thread so I may be repeating someone's comment.

Many years ago, I've learned there is a natural way to make straight hair kinky. I don't know how or if this would work on relaxed hair, as this thread is talking about, but it's supposed to work on straight hair. It's a recipe with the persimmon seed and bark of the persimmon tree.
tru_mind said:
Don't laugh, but I have nightmares about putting a relaxer in my hair. I wake-up made a myself. One time I cried in my sleep(I woke-up with tears on my face). It's just that I wanted my relaxer out for so long that I wouldn't ever put another one in. Relaxers gave me too many problems.

I know that it's silly...but it's true.


Giiiiirl, I have them!!! I've had nightmares where it's "accidently" put in my hair by a hairdresser (or snuck in by one), nightmares that I grabbed the wrong thing in the shower, or someone replaced my tub of conditioner with relaxer... in my dreams I'm devistated thinking of the time I spent transitioning to natural, and then growing it out. All GONE in just a few minutes. The thought is giving me chills now, lol. I've dropped some tears too before. Oh boy, I hope I don't have one tonight.
I would most definitely take a pill to convert to natural hair. Last year this time I wanted to go natural and cut my shoulder length relaxed hair, from which I grew from taking the advice from you all on this forum. I looked a hot mess.:crying3: I don't think short hair fits me. Since I had grown out my hair I wanted it to be long, thick, and healthy so I wanted to try natural hair. Next time I'll just let it grow out on its own.:p
so1913 said:
Giiiiirl, I have them!!! I've had nightmares where it's "accidently" put in my hair by a hairdresser (or snuck in by one), nightmares that I grabbed the wrong thing in the shower, or someone replaced my tub of conditioner with relaxer... in my dreams I'm devistated thinking of the time I spent transitioning to natural, and then growing it out. All GONE in just a few minutes. The thought is giving me chills now, lol. I've dropped some tears too before. Oh boy, I hope I don't have one tonight.


Yep, sounds sooo familiar. A hairdresser accidently put a relaxer in my hair too...and so did I. I'm glad that I'm not alone though.:lol: I remember saying to myself (in my dreams) "OMG...I have to start all over...oh well I know what to do now....ok it's going to take about six months." I wake-up upset, and then realize that is was just a dream and become happy that I don't have to start over. WHEW! :lol:

Isis said:
I'm still reading this thread so I may be repeating someone's comment.

Many years ago, I've learned there is a natural way to make straight hair kinky. I don't know how or if this would work on relaxed hair, as this thread is talking about, but it's supposed to work on straight hair. It's a recipe with the persimmon seed and bark of the persimmon tree.

Isis, what kind of straight hair does it make kinky, if not relaxed? Do you mean folks who naturally have 1 or 2 type hair?

Do you still know the recipe, by chance? That sounds really interesting. :)
Sistaslick said:
My first thought was yes, yes YES! :clap:

But this is really a deep question. Its kind of like taking a pill to become the parent of a 3 year old while skipping the pregnancy part and the first 3 years of life. :lol: Like with the kid, you are starting from scratch with a head of hair that you more than likely know absolutely nothing about. You haven't learned its ways, likes/dislikes, or grown accustomed to it-- and thats what the transition (the pregnancy :lol: ) and first few years of nappy life would have given you. To me, you really can't replace that. Like CG said, that same relaxed mindset is still going to be there without the help of the transition and growing out processes. You can't just translate your relaxed brastrap length regimen on over to your brastrap length natural hair with no adjustments made at all. Just like you can't really go from being childless to having a 3 year old and expect it to be a-okay. You have the prize, but you haven't really earned it I guess. The processes, both physical and mental, and time all matter in some way.

If there were a pill that took all of that into consideration, without the crazy side effects most pills have (nausea, vomitting, blindness, heart failure, coma, death :lol: ) I'd definitely see what its about! :yep:
I agree 100% with everything said.I wouldn`t take a pill but if a fairy would grant me 3 wishes the first one would be to convert my relaxed hair in it`s natural state(minus the shrinkage) and the second one would give me all the knowledge and experience I would need to take care for it.
KiniKakes said:
Isis, what kind of straight hair does it make kinky, if not relaxed? Do you mean folks who naturally have 1 or 2 type hair?

Do you still know the recipe, by chance? That sounds really interesting. :)

I've heard of white people using something to make there hair kinky...but I know nothing about what is used or how it is done.

My family members know someone that probably did this. This man always felt that he was black, so he did things to himself to look black. It's a rumor that changing his hair texture was one thing that he did, besides going to all black schools when it was not ok with his parents.

Anyway, when he was about 40 yrs old on her death bed his mama told him that she was black and was able to pass for white. He is sooooooo happy now. He told every body that he was/is black. This is a true story. He gets upset when someone mistakes him for a white man...which happens often. His mama looked like a white women and his dad was white.

He keeps his hair short, so I can't tell you what type of curl he has. His hair waves to his head...well kinda...it's not shiny...it's kinda freezy...it's a redish blonde...I don't know it's wierd. I sat a stared at his head after hearing the rumor.:lol:

I don't even know if it permantely grows that way, or if he has to keep putting whatever it is on his head to change the texture.

mscounselor said:
I'd have to say no. I know people who have gone natural and didn't learn how to manage their hair. Now they are struggling.
I'd rather struggle and learn then to have hair that I have no idea what to do with it.

Good Point!
I agree that it's important to learn how to manage your natural hair as it grows. When I had a TWA, it was all good. As it started to grow it became harder and harder to manage. I can only imagine if I had almost APL natural hair overnight.

That being said, yes, I would still take the pill. Having to lose all my length is my main reason for not being natural right now.
Ya'll are romanticizing the hell out of transitioning!

It ain't romantic. It's like being hazed. Your hair thinks up ways to F' with you every day until you finally graduate to natural - THEN you find that some or maybe all of your old products don't work anymore. And ya'll all know how easy and economical it is to find a new regimen.....

I dig my hair. I love playing in it. That's what's going to keep me natural. The only thing I learned from transitioning is that I don't ever want to have to do it again.

Knowing what I know now, I woulda took TWO nappy pills.
Country gal said:
I think the pill is a bad idea. There are women who want natural hair but have a relaxed mind. I like transitioning and learning my natural hair. If women with relaxed hair could easily get natural hair from a pill than I am afraid they would get frustrated with their hair. Having bra strap relaxed hair is very easy compared to bra strap natural.

This statement sums it up best.

I've also had the relaxer dreams, it was very scary, and I had the same thoughts of damn now I have to start all over from scratch.
JCoily said:
Ya'll are romanticizing the hell out of transitioning!

It ain't romantic. It's like being hazed. Your hair thinks up ways to F' with you every day until you finally graduate to natural - THEN you find that some or maybe all of your old products don't work anymore. And ya'll all know how easy and economical it is to find a new regimen.....

I dig my hair. I love playing in it. That's what's going to keep me natural. The only thing I learned from transitioning is that I don't ever want to have to do it again.

Knowing what I know now, I woulda took TWO nappy pills.

Dang, it was that bad for you??? LOL
JCoily said:
Ya'll are romanticizing the hell out of transitioning!

It ain't romantic. It's like being hazed. Your hair thinks up ways to F' with you every day until you finally graduate to natural - THEN you find that some or maybe all of your old products don't work anymore. And ya'll all know how easy and economical it is to find a new regimen.....

I dig my hair. I love playing in it. That's what's going to keep me natural. The only thing I learned from transitioning is that I don't ever want to have to do it again.

Knowing what I know now, I woulda took TWO nappy pills.

:lol: I always enjoy Jcoily's posts. :)
JCoily said:
Ya'll are romanticizing the hell out of transitioning!

It ain't romantic. It's like being hazed. Your hair thinks up ways to F' with you every day until you finally graduate to natural - THEN you find that some or maybe all of your old products don't work anymore. And ya'll all know how easy and economical it is to find a new regimen.....

I dig my hair. I love playing in it. That's what's going to keep me natural. The only thing I learned from transitioning is that I don't ever want to have to do it again.

Knowing what I know now, I woulda took TWO nappy pills.

this woman is a MESS! :lachen: :lol: :lachen: :lol: :lachen:
JCoily said:
Ya'll are romanticizing the hell out of transitioning!

It ain't romantic. It's like being hazed. Your hair thinks up ways to F' with you every day until you finally graduate to natural - THEN you find that some or maybe all of your old products don't work anymore. And ya'll all know how easy and economical it is to find a new regimen.....

I dig my hair. I love playing in it. That's what's going to keep me natural. The only thing I learned from transitioning is that I don't ever want to have to do it again. Ladies I have nightmares! I wouldn't have nightmares if I knew that I could quickly get my natural hair back.

Knowing what I know now, I woulda took TWO nappy pills.

I love it! So true! I can't even use most of the products that I used on my relaxed hair.

...and what about when products works well on your new growth but horribly on your relaxed hair vesa versa.

I didn't really read through this thread yet, but I wonder if it's only transitioners or ladies that are relaxing that want to go through the process. I would think that if you have been through the transitioning process you will not want to do again...and you will take a pill...magic, or whatever. Ladies I have nightmares!:lol:

Shoot...if I had to give advice...ya'll better take that darn pill!:lol: If you want healthy hair you will do anything to get it...and keep it. I believe that the best way to go natural is to shave it all off anyway. That's almost like taking a pill...you now? It's a quick fix...no transitioning. You can learn from that point on.

I think having to take a pill is scaring some ladies...but I think the poster is really asking if there was a quick fix would we take it? :lol:

Hell yes!!! Hopefully that pill can fix my scalp too.

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JCoily said:
Ya'll are romanticizing the hell out of transitioning!

It ain't romantic. It's like being hazed. Your hair thinks up ways to F' with you every day until you finally graduate to natural - THEN you find that some or maybe all of your old products don't work anymore. And ya'll all know how easy and economical it is to find a new regimen.....

I dig my hair. I love playing in it. That's what's going to keep me natural. The only thing I learned from transitioning is that I don't ever want to have to do it again.

Knowing what I know now, I woulda took TWO nappy pills.
:yep: ITA..it was pretty rough for me too. That is the reason I don't think I will ever go back to a relaxer. Transitioning isn't a joke.(IMO)
I'm all in favor of transitioning. It gives you time to learn your natural hair. And my hair is sooo much healthier after transitioning.
JCoily said:
Ya'll are romanticizing the hell out of transitioning!

It ain't romantic. It's like being hazed. Your hair thinks up ways to F' with you every day until you finally graduate to natural - THEN you find that some or maybe all of your old products don't work anymore. And ya'll all know how easy and economical it is to find a new regimen.....

I totally agree..the transitioning process is no joke!

On the other hand, I would have never learned to manage my hair had I just taken a magic pill. It surely would have broken off before I could figure it out.:ohwell:
I am in no way romanticizing the transition process. At 8 months, there are days I want to curse my hair out. Im more worried about having bsl natural hair and wake with no idea how to deal with it, what products work, HOW TO DETANGLE- a lesson I didn't really learn until 6 weeks ago,etc. I can't imagine what it would look like.
Give me the pill with the knowledge in my head to deal with it, then I'll take it.
Ok, I need clarification: If this imaginary pill comes out - do hair boards go away? Cuz I'm figuring that if I had brastrap length natural hair overnight, LHCF could help me keep it.
I wouldn't take the pill (if I were relaxed) simply because going natural is not an overnight process. Many women are unfamiliar with their natural hair after stopping relaxing and it takes time to get to know, understand and appreciate natural hair.
Just think, if there was a pill to go natural, an instant relaxer pill wouldn't be too far from that. After about 2-3 days of instant natural hair and it not 'looking' or 'acting' the way that was desired, what would be the next step....
SilkyandSmooth said:
No. Believe it or not, I enjoyed my transition to natural. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

I did,too. Highly enjoyed it and would do it over! :)
caligirl said:
I'm all in favor of transitioning. It gives you time to learn your natural hair. And my hair is sooo much healthier after transitioning.

I agree with this and I wouldn't wanna take something like that. I would be wondering what are the side effects and what is it doing to my body.