Would you say yes?


Well-Known Member
So I went to see Aziz Ansari on monday and he was talking about marriage (and how he's not a fan) and he asked this couple there about their engagement story.

And apperently during the dinner that the man proposed to his now wife she told him 'I think it would be better if we were just friends.' But at the end of dinner he still asked her to be his wife. And she said yes.

Aziz asked futher bc wow really. And she said that she just wasn't trying to put any pressure on him. :perplexed

Anyway, if you told your bf that maybe you were better off as friends but then he pulled out an engagement ring like 15 minutes later would you say yes? Or vice versa. Would you propose to someone if they'd just told you we should be friends.
It's hard to say. Maybe she said it because he was not committing. Maybe he knew what's up.
I would need more history of their relationship. Maybe he has proposed before and never followed through with a ring...and she was disappointed. So she thought that was just another one of his usual proposals that went nowhere...until she saw the ring and knew it was true.

There's no "cookie cutter" answers to things like this.
I would need more history of their relationship. Maybe he has proposed before and never followed through with a ring...and she was disappointed. So she thought that was just another one of his usual proposals that went nowhere...until she saw the ring and knew it was true.

There's no "cookie cutter" answers to things like this.
No that was the night he proposed. She just thought it was regular dinner but that was the night he planned to propose. When they were served dessert. But you're right we don't know the whole story. Maybe she said things like lets stay friends all the time or something.

I was just so shocked. I don't know if I'd have been able to go through with the proposal by the way the two of them were retelling the story. Well it all worked out in the end anyway.