Would You Say That You Met Online, Or Would You Make Something Up?


Well-Known Member
I was talking to my best friend about this. He said that if met his girlfriend online, he would conjure a story to sound like they met in person because of the stigma of being desperate attached to online dating. When I was talking to my other best friend, she said that's ridiculous. Denying how you meet is like denying your existence.

What say you?
I feel fine about telling people. SO not so much. IDK why. There's not as much stigma as back in the day.
I was talking to my best friend about this. He said that if met his girlfriend online, he would conjure a story to sound like they met in person because of the stigma of being desperate attached to online dating. When I was talking to my other best friend, she said that's ridiculous. Denying how you meet is like denying your existence.

What say you?

That's a bit much, no? Lol

I wouldn't and haven't lied about meeting people online. But I've been meeting people from online and pen pal situations since I was 13 :look: I don't think it phases people anymore. Especially not my parents. It shouldn't lol.

However, I think would want to lie if I met an SO at a club. Even a bar, really. "We met at this bar" ehhhhh lol.

Most people I know (millenials) met their SO/spouses online, unless they knew then from high school or college.
I would be honest and not embarrassed. If you make up a story, you have to keep up with the lie...

Now if you just need a small story to tell your dear old Aunt Betty because she doesn't get this internet thing...ok.
No shade but I wouldn't tell anyone I met someone online either. But to be honest, with so many apps that put you in constant contact with people, it shouldn't be shocking that two strangers who talk to each other on a regular basis decided to meet each other IRL.
I don't like to lie but would make an exception in this case. lol It would be our little secret.

This is one of the first questions couples are asked. Just make the story nice and romantic and everyone will be happy.
I have done both; made up a story and told the truth. I met one boyfriend whom I dated for nearly 3 years on eHarmony. We were going to make up a fake story to tell our families but I ended up spilling the beans because I had noticed my parents becoming increasingly more open about "non-traditional" ways of meeting people and relationships (actually, I think they were just happy I was dating someone...anyone lol). My mother still worried though that he was secretly a psycho or something. That relationship didn't work out because I wasn't really mature enough to handle it/didn't know what I wanted. Dated two other guys after that that I had met in person and those were horrendous FAILURES so my parents kind of understood after that that it doesn't really matter where or how you meet the guy, what matters is if he's a good person. After being single again for quite some time I met my now long-distance boyfriend on Xbox! We've been together for about a year and he's planning on moving with me in about another year's time. I told my parent's and friend's the truth about how we met. I was worried for a long time that it would seem weird but I've met dozens of couples that have met through gaming.

The fact is there are just so many ways of meeting people now from websites, to apps, to any other virtual outlet. It just makes it easier to connect with people of similar interests and goals. I don't think using dating websites is a sign of desperation, I think it's a very efficient way of finding someone that would be a good fit.
Really, the online dating stigma should not still exist in 2016 when social media, etc, is such a daily part of our lives. Hell, there are celebrities who have met their spouses on online dating sites.

@FelaShrine, I've definitely been more reluctant to say I met someone at a bar/club. And that's where I've met most of the guys I've dated in the 5, 6 years or so. :look:

Don't judge me, I'm trying to expand my horizons now. :lol:
I don't see the big deal. Now if it was Tender no. An acquaintance of mine did and put it in her NYT wedding announcement that they met on tender.

the daughter of Dr. xx and xx of Brookville, N.Y., was married July 23 to xxx, a son of xxr and xx, both of Manhattan. Rabbi Roberts officiated at the Pierre in Manhattan.

Mrs. xx, 32, is a senior manager in Manhattan on the travel and entertainment team in the global merchant services group for xx . She graduated cum laude from Penn and received an M.B.A. from Columbia.

Her father works in Roslyn Heights, N.Y., as a co-chief executive of, a travel company based in Wilmington, Mass. Her mother retired as a dentist in Flushing, Queens.

Mr. xx, 33, is a managing director responsible for investments in consumer products companies at xxx Capital Management, a hedge fund in Manhattan. He graduated magna cum laude from Tufts and received an M.B.A. from Columbia.

His mother is a partner in xxxl, a search firm in Manhattan that places lawyers in law firms and corporations. His father is a partner in xxx a law firm in Great Neck, N.Y., where he specializes in health-care law.

The couple were introduced in November 2013 through Tinder.
Really, the online dating stigma should not still exist in 2016 when social media, etc, is such a daily part of our lives. Hell, there are celebrities who have met their spouses on online dating sites.

@FelaShrine, I've definitely been more reluctant to say I met someone at a bar/club. And that's where I've met most of the guys I've dated in the 5, 6 years or so. :look:

Don't judge me, I'm trying to expand my horizons now. :lol:

Never :yep:
WHO CARES? Unless you met in a whore house lol. I love seeing people's faces when i tell them I met my husband on twitter. And I have met so many couples who have met via Match.com or social media. If you meet via formal online dating, it just shows me that the person was intentional about meeting a partner.
I don't see the big deal. Now if it was Tender no. An acquaintance of mine did and put it in her NYT wedding announcement that they met on tender.

the daughter of Dr. xx and xx of Brookville, N.Y., was married July 23 to xxx, a son of xxr and xx, both of Manhattan. Rabbi Roberts officiated at the Pierre in Manhattan.

Mrs. xx, 32, is a senior manager in Manhattan on the travel and entertainment team in the global merchant services group for xx . She graduated cum laude from Penn and received an M.B.A. from Columbia.

Her father works in Roslyn Heights, N.Y., as a co-chief executive of, a travel company based in Wilmington, Mass. Her mother retired as a dentist in Flushing, Queens.

Mr. xx, 33, is a managing director responsible for investments in consumer products companies at xxx Capital Management, a hedge fund in Manhattan. He graduated magna cum laude from Tufts and received an M.B.A. from Columbia.

His mother is a partner in xxxl, a search firm in Manhattan that places lawyers in law firms and corporations. His father is a partner in xxx a law firm in Great Neck, N.Y., where he specializes in health-care law.

The couple were introduced in November 2013 through Tinder.

Wow! They gave a lot of information about themselves :lol: I guess that's the custom with Jewish marriage announcements? But, see caucasians don't care about telling that they met online. As a matter of fact, I know several docs who will tell you in a heartbeat that they met their spouses online.
I never told my family the truth. Always made something up. My friends and Co workers I didn't care if they knew the truth. But my family...jeez....I don't wanna hear their mouths. They are very old school and judgemental. I just don't have the patience. I tell them a little white lie and be done with it

However, I think would want to lie if I met an SO at a club. Even a bar, really. "We met at this bar" ehhhhh lol.

No one would be surprised that I met someone at a bar. :lachen:I love a good chat at a chill bar and making new friends that way.