Would you really love God if there were no Hell?


For me, my love of God has never been predicated upon if I don't love him I will go to hell.

As I understand it, heaven AND hell are Christian concepts. I don't think any other religion uses these terms as places you will go if you accept or reject the centerpiece of the religion, in the case of Christianity, that being Christ.

Other religions may have different ways of using these terms to perhaps "scare" its members, however.

The real question I asked several Christians years ago at a Christian message board was, "Are you only a Christian because you're afraid NOT to be?" To their credit, quite a few of them admitted that they were only Christians because the thought of going to hell eternally for not being one terrified them. If that's the only reason you're a Christian, you need to seriously rethink the whole thing.

One woman who I actually developed a close off-line relationship with is a devout Christian. She not only read and studied the Bible, she lived it. Quite impressive, actually. I had never met anyone like her. I asked her once that if when she dies and if she realizes that there was no heaven and there was no hell and that Christianity was just one big "hoax", how would she feel about having wasted so much time going to church? Praying? Spending money she and her husband really didn't have, etc.? She told me that she would feel that she hadn't wasted anything because her life was much more enriched in having her beliefs and she wouldn't change it even if the Bible; stories of Christ, etc, were man-made.


I hope all true Christians feel exactly this way because you SHOULD! :)

If your savior is real, you should worship and celebrate him out of reverence, love and appreciation. Not worship him because you're scared of what will happen to you if you don't.

Christ isn't a wife BATTERER! That's what a scared wife does. Stay with her husband and allow the beatings because if she doesn't, she knows he'll kill her! I don't think Christ wants members of his body to feel that way.

Heaven and hell are replete throughout the religions of the world. They may not all see it the same, but heaven and hell certainly exist for a variety of cultures...and I'm not talking about Judaic influences either.