Would you have a problem with your mom or dad marrying someone your age?

I have to admit that it would creep me out big time. Especially since I have a brother that is 8 years older than me. That would mean that Mom or Dad would be dating someone younger than their child.

But if the youngster really made them happy, I would learn to live with it.

I guess.:ohwell:
I have to admit that it would creep me out big time. Especially since I have a brother that is 8 years older than me. That would mean that Mom or Dad would be dating someone younger than their child.

But if the youngster really made them happy, I would learn to live with it.

I guess.:ohwell:

I agree, it would be VERY awkward at first but if mom/dad is happy, then I'm happy for them.
I agree with Blasian...if they are happy shoot why not. Age aint nuttin but a number...should not let it get in the way of your happiness.
I agree. I would act like Jamie Foxx in that episode where Gerald Levert (sp? and RIP!!!) played his moms (Gladys Knight) new DH. I would act so silly and be like mom/dad what am I going to do with him/her...play nintendo?! I wouldnt be happy at first but in the end I would accept it.

I think I would, at least at first. It would definitely take some getting used to.:look:
Yeah, I'd feel weird about it, but if the person's intentions were right and they ended up staying together for the long-haul, I'd get used to it.
Unfortunately, I am in this situation right now. Long story short, my dad was cheating on my mom with a much younger chick....she is not as young as me but is only about 6-7 years older than me. They have young children together(younger than my kids...his grandkids). My mom passed away earlier this year so know this chick is all in the forefront. I hate it...I dont like....I dont like her. She has secured her future by having these kids with my father..she is reaping the benefits of my moms pension and workers comp because the divorce was not yet final when my mom passed. I absolutely hate it but I keep my feelings to myself because that is my dad's life to live but I did have to go off when she wanted my kids to call her grandma.
Unfortunately, I am in this situation right now. Long story short, my dad was cheating on my mom with a much younger chick....she is not as young as me but is only about 6-7 years older than me. They have young children together(younger than my kids...his grandkids). My mom passed away earlier this year so know this chick is all in the forefront. I hate it...I dont like....I dont like her. She has secured her future by having these kids with my father..she is reaping the benefits of my moms pension and workers comp because the divorce was not yet final when my mom passed. I absolutely hate it but I keep my feelings to myself because that is my dad's life to live but I did have to go off when she wanted my kids to call her grandma.

I'm sorry you're having to go through that.:sad:
Unfortunately, I am in this situation right now. Long story short, my dad was cheating on my mom with a much younger chick....she is not as young as me but is only about 6-7 years older than me. They have young children together(younger than my kids...his grandkids). My mom passed away earlier this year so know this chick is all in the forefront. I hate it...I dont like....I dont like her. She has secured her future by having these kids with my father..she is reaping the benefits of my moms pension and workers comp because the divorce was not yet final when my mom passed. I absolutely hate it but I keep my feelings to myself because that is my dad's life to live but I did have to go off when she wanted my kids to call her grandma.

Thats the stuff that would make a young broad come up missing...:look:
Unfortunately, I am in this situation right now. Long story short, my dad was cheating on my mom with a much younger chick....she is not as young as me but is only about 6-7 years older than me. They have young children together(younger than my kids...his grandkids). My mom passed away earlier this year so know this chick is all in the forefront. I hate it...I dont like....I dont like her. She has secured her future by having these kids with my father..she is reaping the benefits of my moms pension and workers comp because the divorce was not yet final when my mom passed. I absolutely hate it but I keep my feelings to myself because that is my dad's life to live but I did have to go off when she wanted my kids to call her grandma.

I don't care I'd be throwing temper tantrums like I'm 5. :mad:
Thats the stuff that would make a young broad come up missing...:look:

Dont think that I havent thought about it...just for my mothers sake
I have had all types of evil thoughts....thoughts that I wont even share but like I said I dont like it at all.....I have always been a daddy's girl and this has put a huge strain on our relationship. No doubt she found a man going through a midlife crisis, well off, and he was probably looking to cheat. But just as sure as my name is Tasha she saw a free ride and she got it. Girls let not even get me started on the particulars of this relationship. I even thought well what if they had waited until the divorce was final would I like her then? NO!!!!!!!!! My dad is at least 20 years older that her....has kids almost her age. Why would you choose to have 3 children with a man that old....and he is married?
Y’all, there’s a relationship forum now for this kind of subject matter:lol: But to answer your question, hell yeah, I would have a problem with it!
It depends on the age difference. I wouldn't look at age alone though. I'd be looking at their maturity level and their "intentions". Such as if you father/mother is well off - I'd want to keep them away from the Nicole Smith's of the world (RIP) - I don't mean to speak ill of the dead but she's the only example I could think of as a clear gold digger.

If they prove to be worthy though and sincere, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Don't expect me to tell you step mom/dad though...:look:

I have my own family and I'm not with mom/dad 24/7 so whatever makes them happy in the long run.

I am a bad person. I just had a thought that if your parent dies and their spouse who is young as me is still living...ummm...I may never see inheritance. Screw that!
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It would depend on the circumstances. If either parent had passed and the person they hooked up with was a ***** and a gold digger then yeah I'd have a problem with it. The thing with me is that the person I have a problem with would know it because I'm a ***** that way.

Age isn't as big as a factor as having common sense and being a decent human being.

I would wonder if all those times I brought my friends home my parents had been "checking them out" as prospective dates...:lachen:

It would definitely be awkward but if they were both adults what could I really do except suck it up?
UM Yeah. I'm 25/26. My mom is 58/59. But eventually, I'll get over it. I'm like that. . Mind you my family is African. They think a woman dating someone 1 year younger is an issue. I can just picture a situation at a family gathering where they meet him before marriage even takes place

Family Member: Hey so this is your new boyfriend. Finally, we were wondering when we would get to meet one
Me: Um...this isn't my boyfriend:look: .( stays mum trying to avoid further questions)
FM: so a college friend then. Nice to meet you, I'm so so ...
Me: Um...this is not my boyfriend. This is my mother's friend.
FM: Oh, is Hil8figer's mom and your mom friends. It's nice for you to join our gathering.

This conversation could go on and on. But you know what, I'd be a punk about it and not spill the truth. That's up to my mother. Knowing my family, this would be spreadt through the grapevine within 1 hour. Everyone talking

This reminds me of the show "Age of love" where one of the finalists is 48 and has a son who is 25. The bachelor, a tennis player is around his mid-20s. Next episode, they're meeting his parents in Australia. I wondering how her son is taking this.
I wouldn't (and don't) have a problem with it at all. But I'm not in my twenties, either. My dad is currently dating someone younger than me and I'm very happy for him. I hope it works out. :)
It wouldn't be the age that'd bother me...it would be the motives. I would be cognizant of any undercover motives that this guy would have. If his intentions were proved to be pure, I'd be happy that my mom met someone that made her happy
That is definitely grounds for my siblings and I kicking our mum out of the house. There's no way in heck we would let her live in our family home with some young buck. :nono:
This reminds me of the show "Age of love" where one of the finalists is 48 and has a son who is 25. The bachelor, a tennis player is around his mid-20s. Next episode, they're meeting his parents in Australia. I wondering how her son is taking this.

That show is a trip:spinning: I thought the tennis player was in his thirties:ohwell:

To answer the OP's Q.

I had a problem with it when I was in my twenties, but as I've aged I've mellowed and grown wiser...

As long as they are happy, then I'd be straight...:yep:
Kind of. My mom had me when she was 30 so the age difference is well....30 years (and I'm 21) so I think it would be kind of ridiculous at this point. Then I think of all the things I've done during my life, and technically the 21 year old guy could be pretty far along (already a college graduate, good job, etc). And my dad's a bastard, so I just want her to be happy. I've made no sense I know, but I'm undecided....