Would you get a divorce/Separation...

aloof one

New Member
To help your kids get into a good school?:lachen:

This is too funny!

Spanish Parents Faking Divorce For School Spots

Fri, 04/11/2008 - 6:00am by LibertySugar
285,331 Views - 43 comments

Competition for spots in acceptable state schools is so fierce in Spain, that parents are getting divorces in order to give their children an advantage. Under Spanish law, children living with a single parent get extra points on their applications.
Family courts have noticed that the numbers of official separation rose by 50 percent right before the deadline for school registration. In Spain, spouses can secure a divorce in only five weeks. After school placement is over, officials claim that many couples are back in court seeking reconciliation.
Competition for placement in the few good schools is also causing neighborhood paranoia. To see how, read more.
The BBC reports that private investigators are seeing a flood of business, as snoopy parents want to make sure others are not lying about earnings, addresses, or marital status as a way to get ahead.
Since feigning divorce isn't a crime, can you blame these concerned parents? Should students get extra points towards their selection in a school on the basis of factors like their parent's marital status, where they live, a disability, or economic disadvantage? Spain isn't the only country with educational disparity among state schools. How can government funded schools become more universally attractive?
YES. I would do whatever it takes for my child to get into a school, including using a false address. My parents did that for us. After we moved I had to change schools. My orginal school was better so we used a friends address until I graduated :yep:
YES. I would do whatever it takes for my child to get into a school, including using a false address. My parents did that for us. After we moved I had to change schools. My orginal school was better so we used a friends address until I graduated :yep:

Wow that is pretty slick... I woulda got us in trouble.

When my family lived abroad my mom hustled (not in a dirty way, just bent the law a little) to keep food on the table. My friends were bragging about what their parents did and I chimed in saying "My mom sells cigarettes!"... I got beat so bad I will never forget it:lachen::lachen:
I know of someone whose parents signed her and her siblings over to their grandparents when she was 5, just so the parents wouldn't have to pay for school.

She's rich, and she gets a free ride to Emory. Apparently, her parents keep their money in offshore accounts.

^^^^A lesson in how white people stay rich.
No. But that's Spain and Europe (that's Spain too, yes?) there's a clearer picture of what privileged education looks like.

Versus the U.S., where children of color are (voluntarily or involuntarily) segregated from whites, give them old books and tell them to be grateful for those BLATANT, CRUEL INEQUITIES.
No. But that's Spain and Europe (that's Spain too, yes?) there's a clearer picture of what privileged education looks like.

Versus the U.S., where children of color are (voluntarily or involuntarily) segregated from whites, give them old books and tell them to be grateful for those BLATANT, CRUEL INEQUITIES.

:ohwell: interesting...
Hello no!!!! I went through one divorce (my parents) and I am not going through that mess again.

I don't know if that's a boy/girl but that's a cute kid.
Wow that is pretty slick... I woulda got us in trouble.

When my family lived abroad my mom hustled (not in a dirty way, just bent the law a little) to keep food on the table. My friends were bragging about what their parents did and I chimed in saying "My mom sells cigarettes!"... I got beat so bad I will never forget it:lachen::lachen:

Yeah I almost got us caught too! I got in sooo much trouble. :lachen:I'm thankful that my teacher didn't tell on us!
I don't know if that's a boy/girl but that's a cute kid.

I think she is just adorable too! She is Princess Leonor, the older daughter of Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia of Spain.

ITA I don't suppose she'll have any trouble getting into the school of her choice:lachen:
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