Would you date ...


Well-Known Member
A 26 year old guy who lives with his mother ,has an unstable job and parties every weekend (fri-sat-sun) and wake up at 1 pm ? Lol
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Is he in school?
Does God know who he is?

I giggled a little :lol: You've got a point though :yep:

My answer is no. 26 years old, no relationship with God, doesn't have a place of his own (rent/own), LIVES WITH HIS MAMA, and NO STEADY JOB?

This man can afford to go out and party every week, but can't afford a roof over his own head? No ma'am.
In order to even be asking, he must be VERY good looking. He has few redeeming qualities. Give him a huge hug and if you feel anything substantial jump, he may be good for a thunderstorm or two but that's about it.
It depends on how he made me feel, how he treated me and whether or not he had ambition. My husband lived with his mom when we met. He had just moved here from Montana. We had a lot in common (music, movies, religious beliefs) and we could talk for hours about anything.

No I didn't jump into a relationship with him. I took my time and got to know him. If you don't know, love and accept a person for who he/she is everything else is irrelevant. I also lived with my mom at the time...I was going through a divorce so maybe that's why I wasn't so quick to judge. You never know what someone has been through until you ask...
Lol ,this is not about me . My BFF is hanging out with this guy and pondering wether to date him in the future . I honestly don't think he s a great catch even if he seems nice enough .