Would You Date Someone With A Mood Disorder

Does dating a Taurus count LOL JK

You know I honestly do not know. I know a few vets with some serious trauma most of them are really good guys but they kind of lost their mind both in war - loosing people then coming back to find the world was different and people moved on.

The thing about it to me is how well are you managing it? If you are just learning how to deal with it then being a relationship is going to make it more difficult.

Like everything else the real question is what are you willing to deal with.
Bipolar or schizophrenic...no. The emotional rollercoaster that comes when they refuse to take the meds...smh...and at so point they will refuse to take the meds...I cannot deal with on a long term basis. With that being said, I think there are people who can cope I'm those relationships better than someone like me. There is someone for everyone.
I have witnessed schizo and bipolar episodes first hand (female relative) and it is no joke. As for a relationship, uhh No. I would be a supportive friend, but I would not knowingly enter into a relationship with someone with the illness. I would think about the potential of having children and having them deal with a suicidal parent, or with bipolar episodes. I just couldn't do that. The female person in my family has no children ( now age 50) but I would always tell her 'you don't need to have any children'. I know I was 'out of line' but I was being brutally honest.
I have witnessed schizo and bipolar episodes first hand (female relative) and it is no joke. As for a relationship, uhh No. I would be a supportive friend, but I would not knowingly enter into a relationship with someone with the illness. I would think about the potential of having children and having them deal with a suicidal parent, or with bipolar episodes. I just couldn't do that. The female person in my family has no children ( now age 50) but I would always tell her 'you don't need to have any children'. I know I was 'out of line' but I was being brutally honest.

Honestly, that was good advice. I have a bipolar parent who I love dearly but, they couldn't raise me.
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Note to self: continue to hide your anxiety and depression untill a man is hooked.
I hate to say it but yeah. This is why I wouldn't rule out someone with depression too because I don't want to hide who I am. Especially my anxiety-depression because it informs a lot of my flaws. I couldn't be with someone who didn't understand that or saw it as a barrier.
Note to self: continue to hide your anxiety and depression untill a man is hooked.
I hate to say it but yeah. This is why I wouldn't rule out someone with depression too because I don't want to hide who I am. Especially my anxiety-depression because it informs a lot of my flaws. I couldn't be with someone who didn't understand that or saw it as a barrier.
I dont hide my anxiety. I say it up front first or 2nd date, "I am anxious and high-strung and got the papers to prove it!" I aint had a one bail yet. Usually they get all protective and paternal and reassuring that with THEM my life will be easier, they'll handle stuff so I wont have to be that way which, of course, makes me anxious :rolleyes::lol:

Idk how a dude would react to depression or bp though.
Note to self: continue to hide your anxiety and depression untill a man is hooked.
Girl, I was thinking the same thing. I plan to start hiding the fact that I'm bipolar down to stashing my meds in an odd place in case he gets inclined to snoop. Disappearing during depressive episodes and moodiness will be blamed on work/school. I'm already 35. I don't want to be 40, dried up, with no parter or spouse to speak of. :nono: I hate to resort to this, but this thread just supports something I already knew and I seriously worry about dying alone.

I dont hide my anxiety. I say it up front first or 2nd date, "I am anxious and high-strung and got the papers to prove it!" I aint had a one bail yet. Usually they get all protective and paternal and reassuring that with THEM my life will be easier, they'll handle stuff so I wont have to be that way which, of course, makes me anxious:lol:

Where are these men because all the ones I attracted are out as soon as they realize what's really going on. Though, I think part of that is my strong personality attracts weak men who want me to do everything. When they realize sometimes I'm weak and need someone to lean on, they can't deal with it.
You know I wonder how many men would be forthcoming about this. I imagine they would wait quite a long time before they brought it up, if they brought it up.
For some reason Lee Thompson Young's been on my mind lately. I'm used to caring for a depressed loved one, in addition to keeping myself well. But bipolar disorder is whole other ball game. I can't do the extreme highs and lows.

Schizophrenia is a no too.
I might could roll with someone working on their depression.

Schizophrenia is another ballgame. Though it presents as such its neither a mood nor mental illness, imho. Its more a degenerative neurological disorder. Its fascinating to study. Horrible to witness. Definitely a no for me.
Personally, no. But in my experience, women who have mood disorders are still able to find guys. I think it taps into a guy's need to need to be protective. When I worked at a behavioral health center years ago, women (and men) stayed booed up, so I think it's less of a problem for women than men.
I think there is a misunderstanding.

Do people understand that depression is a mood disorder? It is a unipolar mood disorder.

I think people generally misunderstand these issues, again, because of stigma.

ETA: When you have a loved one go through these issues, it is hard to think of people as just flat out "crazy". I've seen more self-destructive people who were undiagnosed than not. At least the diagnosed people are trying to do something about it.
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I dont hide my anxiety. I say it up front first or 2nd date, "I am anxious and high-strung and got the papers to prove it!" I aint had a one bail yet. Usually they get all protective and paternal and reassuring that with THEM my life will be easier, they'll handle stuff so I wont have to be that way which, of course, makes me anxious :rolleyes::lol:

Idk how a dude would react to depression or bp though.

I tell ppl up front too..

and I aint had nary one turn me back...


be careful.. some of them are looking ppl to prey on, and those of us with anxiety / depression issues are easy targets
Last year, I was getting to know a gentleman who told me early on that he had a mood disorder. I didn't immediately cease contact. However, as we were making plans to get together, he became very overwhelmed and basically said he wasn't in a place to start a relationship. I completely understood that he had other priorities that he needed to attend to and was gracious about it. A couple days later, he came back, wanting another chance. At that point I said no. I didn't feel he was in a stable place mentally. I know people come with all sorts of issues and baggage, but I would prefer to not date/marry someone with a mood disorder. However, obviously if something develops during marriage, I wouldn't abandon the guy.

be careful.. some of them are looking ppl to prey on, and those of us with anxiety / depression issues are easy targets
Exactly, which is why I don't disclose my anxiety-depression so easily without vetting. It's not something I discuss outside of my family, probably because I don't need to. We all struggle with depression so I get all the support I need from them and my therapist. Only one of my close friends know I struggle with it and that was because we worked on a project together and it was affecting my productivity until I started medication. I'd never had to take medication until that point.
You know I wonder how many men would be forthcoming about this. I imagine they would wait quite a long time before they brought it up, if they brought it up.
I don't know but I think honesty is best. I don't think it is something to bring up until a Serious relationship where he wants monogamy. But after that I think if it is omitted it is super wrong. Your possible children have a 50 percent chance of receiving this don't they? Your partner has a right to decide if he is willing to take this on and vice versa.
I will add though upon broaching the subject to let them know everything is under control and you are managing it well. If not..maybe you should get it under control as much as possible first then seek a partnership.
No. I dated a guy for 3 months before I found his abilify (medication for bipolar disorder). I promptly ended things. Hiding a disorder, genetic defect, disease, etc imo is a horrible thing to do. I could never trust a person like that.